Chapter 449 Attack!

"The third plan is...!"

Liu Bao has more than [-] cavalry, and every family member of the cavalry accompanying the army is equipped with weapons. No matter men, women, old or young, as long as they are the Southern Huns who can hold weapons, they will draw their bows and arrows and raise their bows at critical moments. Swords, meet the enemy together!
Apart from infants and young children, these Southern Huns numbered more than [-]. In addition to raising horses and other logistics, they were also responsible for patrolling and night watch tasks.

Although Dongyuan City was captured by Liu Bao, Liu Bao was not in the city, and of course Liu Bao's army was not in the city, but outside the city, setting up camps along the hillside.

Except for a small number of people with Hun blood in the city who survived, the rest were either killed or fled.

According to Liu Qubei's guess, the reason why Dongyuan City can be breached must be that there are internal responses in the city, otherwise it would be a joke to use Liu Bao's Huns to attack the city!And to use infantry to attack the city, even if it is captured, Liu Bao will suffer extremely heavy losses.

The greatest power of cavalry archers is in the wild, while the Huns have the advantages of both cavalry archers and melee light cavalry. If they dismount and stand guard at the top of the city, it is a dead end.

"My lord, our scouts have suffered heavy losses! We can't break through Liu Bao's outer blockade!" Liu Shun said with a worried expression.

"Why is this happening? How many casualties did our army's scouts suffer?" Feng Yao asked in surprise.

"According to the report from the scouts who escaped, about ten enemy scouts were killed, and more than a hundred of our scouts have been killed now!" Liu Shun didn't dare to look Feng Yao in the eyes, but immediately explained: "The enemy The scouts on the outside are all light cavalry, every five people form a squad, once they meet, our scouts will have less manpower, and it will be difficult to escape the pursuit of the Huns cavalry!"

Feng Yao frowned, nodded, and asked again: "Is there any news about Liu Beijun?"

Liu Shun nodded and said: "Liu Bei's army is about to move, and has assembled [-] troops in the Shaoting area outside Jiguan. In addition, Liu Bei's army, like our army, keeps taking in refugees fleeing from refugees, and recruits troops from refugees to expand its troops!" Liu Shun said. .

"Well, I got it! Let's explore again!" Feng Yaoming said.

Liu Shun retreated accordingly.

Feng Yao has basically decided to use Liu Qubei's third strategy, but for the sake of safety, he sent a large number of scouts, wanting to further understand the enemy's situation, so as to know himself and the enemy, but he did not expect the result to be so not optimistic!

Liu Beijun in Shaoting to the north is less than twenty miles away from Feng Yao's current camp!
Liu Baojun in the west, according to the information he has already obtained, is only [-] miles away!
Now that Liu Bei's army is about to move, Feng Yao really wants to know whether Liu Bei is going to attack Liu Bao or himself, or sit back and watch the tigers fight, and finally reap the benefits!
"It would be great if Xu Shu was here. There must be a better strategy to defeat the enemy! It's just that time waits for no one. If Liu Bao is allowed to escape and miss this opportunity, the war against the Xiongnu will definitely pay a huge price in the future!  … , It seems that I have to find another counselor,..., Jia Xu?..., Guo Jia?..." Feng Yao pondered.

"My lord, Marquis Wen is here to see you!" A personal follower stepped forward and whispered in Feng Yao's ear.

Feng Yaoteng stood up suddenly, rushed out of the tent, and welcomed Lv Bu into the tent, everyone sat down after some courtesy.

Lu Bu also looked a little anxious, looked straight into Feng Yao's eyes, and asked, "Zimou, our army has been crossing the river for half a day, I believe Liu Bei and Liu Bao have got the news, if you don't act, I'm worried that Liu Bao will run away, and Liu Bei will also Quickly make adjustments, according to the danger, our army will have to return without success!"

Feng Yao nodded, looking at Lv Bu's tall and mighty figure, his eyes suddenly lit up, and thought: "Lv Bu is from Bingzhou. Although Hedong is in Sili Prefecture, it is close to Bingzhou. Whether it is Hedong or Bingzhou, if you see it with your own eyes Lü Bu appears on the battlefield, he will definitely retreat in fear! The Southern Huns live in Bingzhou, and they are also Lu Bu's fellow villagers, if..."

"Hahaha! I already have a plan!" Feng Yao laughed.

Lu Bu's expression brightened, and he said, "What's the plan?"

"I've been worrying about Liu Bei. I'm worried that if we attack Liu Bao, Liu Bei will attack our army's rear from one side. If we fight Liu Bei, Liu Bao may also attack from behind, and may even take the opportunity to escape to the Southern Huns! And Liu Bei He has fought with our army many times, and his subordinate Chen Deng is even more scheming. He must have laid out a plan for our army! If our army advances rashly, it will definitely fall into its trap! So, why don't we turn passive into active, Lure the enemy to attack!" Feng Yao said excitedly.

"Although our army has found out the details of the enemy's army in a short period of time, this is a good opportunity. The enemy will think that our army will not act now, so it can be a surprise!" Feng Yao said again.

"Father-in-law, this plan divides our army into three groups. The first route is led by me personally, and the second route is followed by my father-in-law. If I succeed in killing Liu Bao in the first route, it will be easy to talk about later. If we think our army camp is empty and lead troops to attack, ask father-in-law to lead troops to raid Liu Bei's empty rear camp and cut off Liu Bei's retreat! In the third route, Xu Chu and Dai Ling will each lead the tiger guards, and Xiong Wei will pretend to follow Our troops go out, and if the enemy comes to rob the camp, immediately return!"

Feng Yao's thinking was very clear, and he quickly expressed his plan.

The generals were overjoyed, Feng Yao quickly issued an order, and all the generals obeyed one by one. Although they all dissuaded Feng Yao, Feng Yao still insisted on taking only [-] Qingqi to attack Liu Bao's army!

Lu Bu was even more worried, but when he thought of him as the second way to respond, he reluctantly agreed with Feng Yao's decision.

until the end of the afternoon
There were more than two hours before dark, Feng Yao led Zhao Yun and Yang Wu as the left and right lieutenants, and brought more than a hundred of Xia Houbo's relatives to accompany Qingqi and Liu Qubei's more than a hundred Hunqi light cavalry!
Xiahoubo's subordinates are originally from the north, and they are somewhat similar in size and appearance to the Southern Huns. Most of them are also good at riding and archery. After the clothes and the same bow and arrow, it's really hard to tell them apart without looking closely!

For the sake of safety, Feng Yao, Zhao Yun, and Yang Wu all put on the rare and precious Mingguang armor, and then put on cloth armor on the outside, pretending to be Liu Qubei's followers, mixing with the crowd of horsemen, Xia Houbo surrounded him A cloak covered the throwing knife at the waist.

And Feng Yao's personal cavalry of Xia Houbo was led by one of Liu Qubei's men to conceal the enemy's eyes and ears!

After everything was arranged, Xu Chu led the Tiger Guards, Dai Ling led the Xiong Wei and set off westward with Feng Yao. After traveling less than five li, Xu Xuan and Dai Ling stopped according to the plan and lay down in the forest, waiting for Liu Bei to come to rob the camp. .

Lu Bu had more than [-] iron cavalry in his entourage before. After a year of hard fighting with Cao Cao, although some were damaged, a lot of new blood was added, and now it has reached more than [-] cavalry.

The more than [-] Feng Yao's personal cavalry led by Fan Neng, Han Shuang, and Xu Ding were temporarily handed over to Lu Bu's command, and together with Lu Bu's personal cavalry, the number reached about [-] cavalry, and these [-] cavalry belonged to Feng Yao Rely on it, if Feng Yao fails to kill Liu Bao, these [-] cavalry can forcefully rush into Liu Bao's Southern Huns camp immediately and rescue Feng Yao!

In addition, Lu Bu's second army also has a special army!

(End of this chapter)

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