Chapter 452

"Bastard! I didn't know that King Youxian had died, so why did King Youxian say it now! Go and ask Liu Bao to come out, I want him to give me an explanation in front of me!" Liu Qubei shouted angrily.

The hundred cavalry commander seemed a little scared, his eyes flickered, but he refused to let go.

At this time, the bearded corporal rushed forward, persuaded each other, and whispered a few words to the hundred cavalry chief, and the hundred cavalry chief nodded.

"General, please calm down. It's better to let the younger one go in first, and report the situation to the Youxian King in person, and let the Youxian King send someone to welcome him, wouldn't it be more beautiful!" The bearded corporal turned around and pointed at Liu Qubei cupped his fists and squeezed out a smile.

"Okay, go back quickly, if you dare to lie to me, you will regret it!" Liu Qu said in a low voice.

The nearby terrain was not conducive to a surprise attack. Not only did the horses block the way, but also the hundred cavalry guarded the gate of the village.

Liu Qubei saw the bearded corporal dismounted and went in safely, then retreated slowly. In the eyes of Baiqi, Liu Qubei wanted to hide in the entourage to prevent someone from backstabbing and hurting others. There was a look of disdain, and at the same time, his guard was relaxed.

"Master!" Liu Qubei retreated to Feng Yao's side, turned sideways, and called out.

"Yeah!" Feng Yao nodded, "Qubei, the situation seems to be bad!! Can you get in touch with your old department?"

"My lord, for some reason, up to now, my subordinates haven't even seen a part of a close friend..." Liu Qu seemed to suddenly think of a possibility in his eyes, his face changed suddenly, he was furious, and looked at it resentfully. The Youxian King's tent in the distance glanced, "If Liu Bao really dares to imprison my trilogy, I will definitely not let him go! My lord, what should we do now?"

Feng Yao's heart trembled violently. Originally, he was counting on Liu Qubei's trilogy. When Yu Fuluo was alive, Liu Qubei and Liu Bao were the left and right generals respectively, and each led half of the Huns cavalry. Even if Liu Qubei temporarily left After some time, it is impossible for these Hun cavalry to disappear out of thin air. Even if only half of them can fully support Liu Qubei, Liu Bao would not dare to use Liu Qubei!

But now, in the seemingly calm, Feng Yao smelled a dangerous atmosphere!

With Feng Yao and Liu Qubei's current [-] riders, if Liu Bao suddenly turned his back, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Zilong! Go to Zihu's side and get them ready to attack!" Feng Yao whispered to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun's eyes flashed brightly, he glanced around, and said in a low voice: "My lord, be careful, this subordinate will be right back!"

After saying that, he patted the horse's belly, the white horse was very human, it didn't make a sound, it didn't bump into it, and it quietly approached the cavalry led by Xia Houbo, even though there were a few of them blocking the way, they didn't make any noise. Get out of the way.

Xia Houbo had been paying attention to Feng Yao's safety all the time. Seeing Zhao Yun approaching, he leaned towards this side intentionally or unintentionally. When the two met, they didn't know what they said, but seeing Xia Houbo frowned, he turned towards him. From Feng Yao's point of view, Feng Yao nodded slightly.

Xia Houbo understood, pretending it was too hot, he took off the outer armor, revealing the leather armor full of throwing knives inside!
"Woo! Woo!..."

Suddenly, a loud horn sounded, and Liu Qubei began to be overjoyed, thinking it was a welcoming horn, but after hearing it again, his expression changed immediately, and he said anxiously: "My lord, this is a horn calling for reinforcements!! The situation has changed !!"

The sound of the horn was extremely loud and distant, and everyone who heard the sound of the horn was shocked, and all looked towards the direction of the camp of the Chinese army in amazement.

The Baiqi who stopped at the gate of the village had even more murderous looks in their eyes, looking at Liu Qubei!
"Youxian King has an order to kill Liu Qubei!!" Baiqi Chang raised his sword and shouted.

"Now, do it!!" Almost at the same time, Feng Yao fiercely raised his big shield, drew out his sword, and gave orders loudly!
"Kill them and rush into the camp, or we will all die!!" Liu Qubei also drew his sword and shouted loudly.

Yang Wu's eyes flashed coldly, he did not rush forward, but swept left and right, at this moment, he was more worried about whether Liu Qubei's subordinates would betray Liu Qubei, and suddenly attacked Feng Yao from behind, Then ran to Liu Bao to receive the reward!

Surprised by Yang Wu's stare, the surrounding cavalry backed away for a few steps, then bypassed Feng Yao's place, roared angrily, and charged towards the hundred cavalry in the camp!
Zhao Yun had been prepared for a long time. At the moment Feng Yao gave the order, he immediately drew his bow and arrows. Before everyone could react, he buckled three sharp arrows to prepare for the hundred cavalry enemy soldiers.

Zhao Yun is fast, but there are others who are faster than him, but seeing several flashes of cold light, including the enemy cavalry commander, several enemies widened their eyes and fell off the horse clutching their necks.

"Ah?!..." The enemy cavalry was startled suddenly, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Three consecutive sounds, Zhao Yun's arrow had been shot, and in the blink of an eye, the three enemy riders knocked their heads down and fell off their horses, dying from the arrows.

Before the two teams of cavalry came into contact, they met each other, and the enemy's cavalry lost ten cavalry. At this time, the enemy's cavalry was less than ninety cavalry, while Feng Yao's side had more than two hundred cavalry!

Those ninety cavalry were originally Hun cavalry, how dare they fight again, some of the ten cavalry commanders immediately whistled when they saw this, and the remaining ninety cavalry slammed their horses back, wanting to retreat to the camp!

At this time, Zhao Yun shot down three cavalry again with three arrows, then put away his bow and arrow, shook his spear, and the white horse rushed towards the enemy like lightning.

Seeing that the enemy cavalry retreated, the horses roared, and the several dead who had been hit by flying knives were all trampled under the hooves of the cavalry who rushed up, unable to take them back, so he stopped wasting the flying knives and shouted loudly: "Follow me!" Protect the lord!"

At this time Feng Yao did not rush forward to kill the enemy with all the riders, but observed the enemy situation around him.

But when he saw the enemy's situation at this time, Feng Yao was startled!
I saw three cavalry rush out on each side of the rear, and surrounded the camp with strange screams. There were a total of [-] cavalry, all with bows and arrows. When six hundred arrows were shot at once, Feng Yao and these two hundred light cavalry in leather armor would suffer heavy casualties in one round! !
Looking ahead, I saw flags dancing in the camps, and countless Xiongnu soldiers were jumping on their horses, ready to kill. In addition, women's cries of fear came from various camps.

Feng Yao felt a chill go straight to the back of his head, the feeling of death has never been so clear!
"Not good, we are about to be surrounded, rush into the camp and fight!" Feng Yaodeng immediately understood why Liu Qubei was clearly afraid, but he wanted to rush to the camp where there were more enemies. If he didn't rush immediately Go in, wait for the enemy's cavalry archers to rush into the range, they may all die under the arrows!
Although there are more enemy soldiers in the camp and there are bows and arrows, but relying on the shelter and cover of the camp, as well as fighting with the enemy cavalry, the enemy's long-range attack will be useless! !

This is the only way out right now! !

However, two hundred light cavalry will face three thousand Hun cavalry! !Can it survive?

Xia Houbo and other relatives who had just surrounded Feng Yao roared, followed Feng Yao, and rushed across the camp in the blink of an eye!
However, the gate of the camp is too narrow, and the few followers who fell behind had just rushed to the gate of the camp, and before they could come in, dozens of fast horses among the six hundred enemy riders behind had already entered the shooting range, rushing with their horses in their arms. Dozens of arrows roared towards him! !

(End of this chapter)

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