Chapter 456

During this few breaths, Feng Yao's mind roared. If it was an ordinary person, he might be scared to death, but Feng Yao was more calm, and quickly analyzed every look he saw on the battlefield, every idea he could think of, and all possible endings.

"Yes! That's it! Since these Xiongnu soldiers are greedy, Liu Bao can take advantage of this, and I can also use this to defeat Liu Bao!" Feng's brain flashed, and he was happy, but he didn't show it. , but more majestic, with a confident face, giving people an invincible image.

"Whoever kills Liu Bao will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold! Make him a general!"

"Kill Liu Bao's iron cavalry, reward you with a hundred taels of gold, and be named the commander of a hundred cavalry!!"

"I am Feng Yao, General Anton of the Han Dynasty! To be an enemy to me is to be an enemy to the court of the Han Dynasty!"

"Liu Bao is a traitorous general! Everyone can be punished!"

Feng Yao shouted loudly, his tone was extremely majestic, as if he had an inviolable aura.

The enemy Hun cavalry with fierce eyes were shocked when they heard the words, gasped, their eyes shone brightly, and they suddenly turned their attention to the leading cavalry, Liu Bao and the hundred cavalry!
general! !
This is second only to the left and right virtuous king's important position in charge of soldiers, and it is unspeakably valuable, and everyone who wins this position is a member of the Shanyu royal family. Outsiders want to get this position, unless they have made great contributions!And mastering this position, even has the possibility of competing for Shanyu! !

No matter what, as long as you can really hold this position, as long as there are no accidents, from now on, generations of descendants will enjoy the glory and wealth!

In addition, there is that 1 taels of gold!

What are a hundred beauties, with this 1 taels of gold, even a thousand beauties can be bought!

If Liu Qubei said this, few people would believe it, but this is what Feng Yao, General Anton of the Han Dynasty said personally.

Feng Yao's name has long been heard by the Southern Huns, and they have admired it for a long time.

"Anyone who votes for me now, Liu Qubei, is my brother, and your parents and children are my parents and children!" Liu Qubei promised loudly.

Immediately, more than half of the Xiongnu booed and shouted loudly that they wanted to kill Liu Bao!

Liu Bao, who rushed to the front of the formation, was shocked, and immediately stopped the cavalry, and shouted angrily: "Those who dare to betray me will be killed without mercy!!"

With this loud shout, the Hun cavalry immediately became confused. Although more than half of the Hun soldiers thought that Feng Yao's words were good, considering the current situation, Feng Yao's chances of winning were almost zero, so it was better to save his life. Of course, it would be better to make a small contribution.

"Kill!!" A long cavalryman waved his hand, led his cronies, and suddenly turned his blade, beheading several cavalrymen around him who were shouting to vote for Feng Yao and Liu Qubei, holding up their heads and shouting: "Those who dare to rebel will end up like this!"

Although the decisiveness of Qianqichang frightened some Hun cavalry, many Hun cavalry did not think so.

Including the Baiqichang who wanted to betray before, he was even more shocked when he saw this, but strengthened his determination to vote for Feng Yao!
The Baiqichang swung his knife and shouted loudly: "Brother, Liu Bao is unfilial and unkind, and even wants to kill his own father, let alone an outsider like me!! Follow Liu Bao, if you don't die in battle, you will be killed in the future." His murder!! Please help me kill Liu Bao, all brothers, if you get meritorious service, you will never forget the friendship of all brothers!!"

With this cry, those Xiongnu cavalry who were afraid of being killed rushed out and gathered around it, numbering hundreds of them in an instant.

In the rear, Liu Bei's cavalry had already appeared from a distance, and the sound of horseshoes became louder.

We must not waste any more time, otherwise when Liu Bei's reinforcements arrive, the situation will be even more critical, and at this time Liu Bao is close at hand, if Liu Bao can be killed in one fell swoop, the whole war will end immediately, although there are many dangers, but this is absolutely What a godsend! !
Before Feng Yao was worried that Liu Bao would not show up, things would be more complicated, how could he miss this good opportunity now.

"Kill!! Use all means to kill Liu Bao!!" Feng Yao shouted.

The Hundred Cavalry Commander led hundreds of cavalrymen with a loud roar, and immediately charged towards the Thousand Cavalry Commander. If he wanted to kill Liu Bao, he had to get rid of the Xiongnu soldiers standing in the middle!
Feng Yao put up his big shield and led the four generals Yang Wu, Zhao Yun, Xia Houbo and Liu Qubei to charge fiercely and kill them.

Liu Bao and his hundred cavalry were not far ahead, but after stopping, there were hundreds of loyal Hun cavalry guarding the periphery. To rush to Liu Bao, these Hun cavalry had to be dealt with first!

The battle was too sudden, and many Hun cavalry who hadn't reacted were killed before they even decided which side to choose.

The reason why Feng Yao rushed forward was because he was worried that the enemy would react and would open a distance to carry out a long-range attack. The distance between the two armies was only a few feet, and this charge rushed into the enemy's formation. In the battle of life and death, if you kill the enemy bravely, there is still a way to survive, so all of them burst out with all their strength, their eyes are blood red, and in just one round, they immediately cut down dozens of horses and cavalry.

"Kill!" Zhao Yun didn't retain any more strength, his spear danced like an angry dragon, but wherever he saw, the enemy cavalry fell off their horses one after another. Although Yang Wu was cautious, he became violent, holding the big knife in both hands, roaring again and again, every time With every roar, a human head flew up, and the enemy soldier's scimitar could not block Yang Wu's heavy weapon with all its strength!
Xia Houbo and Liu Qubei are both leather armored and have low defensive power, so they leaned back a little bit and followed behind Zhao Yun and Yang Wu, the fierce generals. Second, the enemy who is too late to parry will attack in the future.

Further back, like a sharp cone, there are cavalrymen with shields on both sides, supplemented by cavalrymen with long weapons, beheading all the way.

In the middle position are the wounded cavalrymen, but these wounded followers, as well as some of Liu Qubei's Huns, each took out their long-range weapons and released cold arrows from time to time to kill the enemy.

The cavalry who followed Feng Yao were each equipped with exquisite small repeating crossbows. At such a short distance, their power far surpassed that of the Hun cavalry who were good at cavalry.

The front end of this cone formation is Feng Yao!

Although the martial arts are not as good as Zhao Yun, and the strength is not as good as Yang Wu, but Feng Yao has an extra large shield of fine steel, and he also has the peerless magic sword in his hand. This large shield is the most solid defense of the entire team. This green sword It is the sharpest opener of the entire team!
It can be said that if Feng Yao's defense and lethality were insufficient, the hundred or so cavalry would have been wiped out by the fierce Hun cavalry long ago!
"Those who stand in my way will die!!" Feng Yao roared from time to time, and the green sword in his hand would never be soft in the slightest!
Before the black cloud rushed over, his eyes were like an eagle looking for the enemy's flaws, and then he suddenly stretched out his long arms, the length of which was beyond the enemy's expectation, and killed the enemy!Even if the enemy cavalry was on guard, under the charge of the horse, all weapons, arms, leather armor, and body were cut off by Feng Yao's sword.

In just a moment, the entire battlefield was miserable like a hell on earth!
More and more Xiongnu cavalry joined Feng Yao's camp. After Feng Yao killed dozens of people with his own hands, the front suddenly became clear. , and the fearful hundred Hun cavalry!

(End of this chapter)

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