Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 458 Zhao Zilong vs. Zhang Yide

Chapter 458 Zhao Zilong vs. Zhang Yide
"My lord! What should we do? We are almost overwhelmed!" Liu Qubei was in a hurry.

"Fight!! Fight Zhang Fei!!" Feng Yao shouted.

"The situation is critical, please leave the battlefield quickly, my lord! I would like to stay and block the pursuers!" Yang Wu said loudly.

"No, as long as we delay for a while, the victory will be ours! Look over there!" Feng Yao smiled and pointed to the East!

In the east, the clouds in the sky were reflected blood-red by the gradually setting sun, and under the sky, a cloud of smoke and dust billowed in!Like a tornado, there is a whistling sound faintly. After listening carefully, the earth is approaching with rumbling and thunderous vibrations, and the invisible murderous aura is getting more and more trembling.

This cloud of smoke, Feng Yao concluded, must be caused by his father-in-law Lu Bu leading the iron cavalry galloping!
Yang Wu, Zhao Yun, Xia Houbo, and Liu Qubei looked excited, their eyes shone with hope, turning worry into joy, and Liu Qubei was even more excited beyond words.

Xia Houbo rode his horse back, fired several throwing knives in a row, killed several Xiongnu cavalry who wanted to seize the opportunity to bite Feng Yao's rear team, and restrained Liu Bao.

Zhao Yun's eyes lit up, he held his gun in a clasped fist, and pleaded loudly, "My lord, I've always heard that Zhang Feiyong was the champion of the three armies, and Yun would like to fight with him, or if he could get away with it, his army would be defeated. If he couldn't, at least he could delay it." In a short time, let Marquis Wen's reinforcements arrive in time!"

"Zilong! If you go out to fight, you will be able to defeat Zhang Fei!" Feng Yao was overjoyed. Among the generals, Zhao Yun was the most skilled in martial arts, and he had a long spear. When facing Zhang Fei's long spear, it was exactly like the tip of the needle facing the wheat awning. !
Zhao Yun took the lead, leading the cavalry, Feng Yao also led the cavalry to follow behind, and charged towards Zhang Fei!
"Come and sign up, your grandpa Zhang will not kill unknown people!" Zhang Fei shouted.

"Eunuch Zhang Fei, listen up. I am Zhao Zilong, the general under the command of General Mu Andong of Yuzhou! I heard that you are also a small general. You should be able to make three moves under my spear. After three moves, I will kill you!" If you are afraid, just stay in the army!" Zhao Yun cursed loudly.

Zhang Fei was furious, he was going to kill Feng Yao with his army, as long as these [-] riders surrounded Feng Yao, no one could escape alive!
But Zhang Fei didn't know that Feng Yao was also in the army at this time, he thought it was Zhao Yun who led the army to attack Liu Bao, and Liu Bao was defeated, so he had long looked down on Liu Bao in his heart.

Previously, when Liu Bei attacked Liu Bao, Zhang Fei relied on these cavalry to defeat Liu Bao. Now, in front of the defeated general, if it was true as Zhao Yun said, he would not dare to fight in person. I'm afraid that this face will be lost.

Moreover, Zhao Yun's "eunuch" is the root cause of Zhang Fei's anger. If Zhang Fei shrinks back and is not manly, it just fits the title of eunuch.

"No, general! This is the enemy's plan to slow down the troops!" Seeing that Zhang Fei's beard and hair were all stretched out, Zhang Fei's lieutenants glared angrily. Worried that Zhang Fei had fallen into the trap, Zhang Fei immediately clasped his fists to remind him.

"You are just a lieutenant general, what kind of strategy do you know? If you continue to speak nonsense, I will immediately behead you with military law!" Zhang Fei yelled angrily, and then scolded: "The enemy only has more than a hundred horsemen, so you are afraid of becoming like this! Our army Press it up, and you can destroy it in an instant! However, if you can kill the enemy's general in the meantime, wouldn't it make our army show off in front of Liu Bao? This will be more beneficial for the Southern Huns to submit to our lord in the future !"

The deputy general lowered his head and said: "What the general said is true, the last general is stupid!"

At this time, Zhao Yun had rushed to a distance of only [-] zhang from Zhang Fei. Seeing that Zhang Fei had delayed responding to the fight and the cavalry was still charging fiercely, he burst into laughter, "Could it be that the eunuch dare not fight!"

Zhang Fei jumped into a rage, ordered the army to stop, rode his horse forward, and cursed angrily: "If I don't kill you, I won't get rid of my anger! Look at the gun!"

Zhao Yun thought that the opponent had been tricked, and was overjoyed. He also let out a sigh of relief, and raised his gun to meet him.

At a distance of twenty feet, the two cavalry were facing each other, and they met each other while breathing, each fired a shot, dodged each other, and did not wait to stagger, it was also unexpected that each of the horses shot back and wanted to kill each other, but Zhang Fei is a tiger general, Zhao Yun Even more so, the marksmanship is like a god, the two of them come and go, and they kill indiscriminately, evenly.

Zhang Fei already understood the trick at this time. He didn't expect Zhao Yun to be so brave. He originally thought that this battle would be resolved in a few rounds. Became like this.

Zhang Fei grew up in a wealthy family, capable of literature and martial arts, and has been famous for a long time, so he doesn't look down on ordinary people from poor backgrounds. If the opponent is a famous general, Zhang Fei is willing to fight with him. If the opponent is a famous Confucian, Zhang Fei would talk to him. , If it is a powerful family, I would like to make friends with it, but if I hear it is an unknown person, I am not interested.

Zhao Yun, an unknown young general, dares to challenge his prestige? ? ?

It's no wonder Zhang Fei, there were countless people who wanted to take advantage of his prestige before, all of them were stabbed to death by Zhang Fei several times.

Today, this phenomenon is the first time Zhang Fei has encountered it since he became famous ten years ago.

"Not good! If we continue to fight, the sky will be dark, I'm afraid the enemy will take advantage of the darkness to escape, and after returning, the eldest brother will definitely blame me! We must find a way to go back without losing face! Otherwise, the deputy will definitely It's a joke in the dark!" Zhang Fei was thinking while fighting Zhao Yun.

But at this time, Zhao Yun's gun was pointed at the vital point, and he was even more handsome when he sat on the white horse. The horse was extremely fast. His fame will be lost here.

He had to roar again and again, wishing to stab Zhao Yun off the horse immediately.

Zhao Yun knew that the plan had been achieved, so he took it easy and didn't fight Zhang Fei, but he kept his eyes on Zhang Fei, and didn't give Zhang Fei any chance to escape back to the formation.

When the two of them fought, the sky became dark immediately, and there were dozens of rounds in a blink of an eye, which left others stunned!

Zhang Fei has been famous for a long time. As early as the Yellow Turban Rebellion, he was famous on the battlefield. For more than ten years, he has already been a person in the world, and everyone has heard his name!

A sentence "I am Zhang Yide from Yan!" can immediately shock the opponent, sometimes there is no need to fight at all, just this self-registered number, the opponent will dismount and surrender, and dare not fight again!

Most of Zhang Fei's cavalry were subdued Zhang Yang's men, and they liked to fight bravely and fiercely, so they couldn't help discussing in secret at this time.

"This person can take over dozens of rounds from General Zhang! If he can survive General Zhang's gun today, he will be a famous general in the future!"

"It's a pity that such a general is slender and young, but he will not escape death today, and he will become the soul of General Zhang's gun!"

"Zhao Zilong? Uh..., I seem to have heard of this person's name before? It's really strange, but I can't remember..."

Most of Zhang Fei's cavalrymen were talking in low voices, but at this moment, there was a cavalryman who had always admired Zhang Fei very much. Seeing that Zhang Fei hadn't captured Zhao Zilong for a long time, he couldn't help but shouted: "General Zhang! Kill this reckless man quickly! It will be dark, and after killing the enemy, our brothers are still waiting to toast the general!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei laughed and made up his mind, blocked Zhao Yun's attack with a single shot, and said loudly: "Zhao Zilong, you can take dozens of moves from me, which is considered a bit of skill, but it's getting late now, why don't you go back to the army. Let's fight again tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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