Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 467 The concubine is Cai Yan

Chapter 467 The concubine is Cai Yan

Led by the guard, Feng Yao quickly came to the camp where the Han woman was detained, but before he could get close, he heard soft sobbing from time to time in each camp.

"Hmph!" Feng Yao snorted coldly, his face sullen.

The guard who led the way trembled in fright, bowed lower quickly, walked a few more steps, and came to a tent, and said cautiously: "General, starting from this tent, there will be a total of 150 people from now on. The five tents are all holding the women robbed by Liu Bao, and there are at least thirty people in each of them."

"Open it and have a look!" Feng Yao said coldly.

The guard hurriedly bent over and opened the curtain of the camp tent, and a foul smell came in. The tent was very dark, and at the same time, there were a few terrified women's exclamations.

At this time, Xu Ding picked up the torch and entered the tent. Under the light of the fire, he saw dozens of unkempt young girls inside, but these girls were not tied up. Even so, these girls saw Xu Ding enter, They all involuntarily dodged backwards, as if they were very scared, but they didn't dare to make a sound.

Feng Yao couldn't bear it very much, so he walked into the tent and said, "I am General An Dong, Feng Yao, Mu of Yuzhou. Now that Liu Bao has been punished, you are free now. Please bear with me for one night, and I will arrange for you to go home tomorrow." !"

When the women heard the words, many of them wept with joy, and some of them immediately softened their tense bodies after learning that they were saved, and sat down on the ground in disbelief.

Some even had a flash of surprise at first, but soon their eyes became more empty, and they stood there blankly.

After the girls cried for a while, several girls took a step forward. After thanking Feng Yao for his kindness, they said sadly: "The general, slaves and other family members have been killed by Liu Bao. Where is there any home? Even if you forcefully go back, I can't live anymore!!"

Feng Yao sighed and said, "Since this is the case, I have a good idea, but I don't know if you are willing or not?"

"I would like to hear the details!!" All the women said.

"If you want, I can arrange for you to go to Yuzhou! And give you fields and houses!" Feng Yao said.

The faces of the girls showed joy, but they were still a little worried, "General, although there is a place to settle down, but the slaves are all weak women, even if they go to Yuzhou, they will have no one to rely on. This has nothing to do with returning home." different!"

In fact, Feng Yao already had an idea in his heart. Before he came, he thought about how to arrange the future life of these women. Although these women's families were ruined, most of them were civilians, not slaves. Their status as servants determines their fate, and the world will inevitably think that he is taking advantage of others' danger.

"Well, most of my soldiers are married to one wife. If you are willing to marry them as concubines, I can arrange this for you!" Feng Yao said.

All the girls were overjoyed immediately, and bowed: "This is exactly what the slaves are looking forward to, the general will be the master of everything!"

Feng Yao was even more overjoyed. He was still a little worried at first. Seeing the expressions of the gods, he knew that the matter had been completed, so he nodded and said, "Okay, please bear with me for a while! I will deal with it tomorrow! Also, I will deal with it in a while." Order my men to take over this place and bring you food!"

"Thank you, General!!" At this moment, all the girls looked sad, and their eyes were full of excitement.

Feng Yao made an approximate count, and there were totally forty girls between the ages of 15 and 20 in this tent.

After getting out of the camp, Feng Yao went to several other camps, and the situation was similar.

After entering the fifth tent, the situation inside was very different. All the women's hands were tied behind their backs with ropes, and they were next to each other. When they saw Feng Yao coming in, they all glared at him. After some explanations, he asked his subordinates to untie them one by one, and comforted them with nice words.

"General, please stay!"

Just as Feng Yao was about to leave as before, suddenly a crisp voice came from among the women, the voice was extremely pleasant.

Feng Yao turned around, only to see a pretty girl with clear eyes squeezed out from behind and saluted Feng Yao.

The young girl's demeanor is full of atmosphere, and her skin is even more flimsy. She is about eighteen or nineteen years old, and her clothes are obviously better than other girls.

"What's the matter?" Feng Yao asked in surprise.

"My concubine is from Chenliu. Her surname is Cai and her name is Yan. She is the daughter of Cai Zhonglang, Marquis of Gaoyang,..."

"Wait! What are you talking about! Are you Cai Yan? Cai Wenji?" Feng Yao turned pale with shock, interrupted Cai Yan anxiously, and looked at the girl in front of him in disbelief!
"The concubine is Cai Yan, but the small characters of the concubine are Zhaoji, not Wenji!" Cai Yan revealed a charming smile and said softly.

Feng Yao was distracted, he couldn't help being attracted by Cai Yan's smile, but he soon calmed down and reconfirmed, "Your father is the famous Cai Yong and Cai Zhonglang?"

"Exactly!" Cai Yan nodded, his expression turned sad again in an instant.

Feng Yao took a deep breath and looked at Cai Yan carefully again. From his behavior and speech, he was sure that the beautiful woman in front of him was Cai Wenji, no, it was Cai Zhaoji!

Recalling the fuzzy memory in my mind again, in historical facts, Cai Zhaoji was indeed plundered to the Southern Huns, and later composed a moving song by Hu Jia Eighteen, her life experience was very rough and tortuous.

"Unexpectedly, my unintentional action unexpectedly saved the fate of this talented woman who has been passed down through the ages! ... But since this incident happened to me, I must not let her suffer again!" Feng Yao stared into Cai Zhaoji's eyes , secretly made up his mind.

"Cai Yan, you go back with me first, I still have something to ask you!" Feng Yao said.

"Go back?..." Cai Yan was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to think of something embarrassing, she couldn't help showing shame, and lowered her head slightly, although she didn't agree, she didn't refuse either, but she didn't dare to look Feng Yao in the eyes anymore .

"Oh,..., um, not..., um,..." Feng Yao immediately realized that his words had been misunderstood by Cai Yan, and his face became hot. Fortunately, it was night, so he couldn't tell whether his face was red or not. Dozens of women who are in distress and more than a hundred of their subordinates are accompanying them, and it will be spread later, which is not ashamed to be seen by others.

However, seeing Cai Yan's expression, Feng Yao couldn't bear it, and said in his heart: "If I change my words, Cai Yan's feelings will definitely be hurt!"

"Forget it, let's talk about it later, you come out first, and I will arrange things! Then follow me to the Chinese army camp!" Feng Yao said.

Cai Yan was originally a very stubborn and intelligent strange woman, she quickly recovered from her shyness, nodded, and didn't say anything more, but there was already something strange in her eyes when she looked at Feng Yao.

"Xu Ding!" Feng Yao patted Xu Ding's shoulder.

Xu Ding immediately responded with a smile and clasped his fists: "What orders does my lord have!"

"There are more than 100 tents in the back. If I go to notify one by one, it will probably be midnight. Now I have to take Cai Yan back for questioning. Next, you will take someone to convey my meaning! But Don't act together, let's go in groups of two!" Feng Yao said.

(End of this chapter)

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