Chapter 472
Li Jue and Guo Si led the troops to pursue from behind.

At this time, the emperor and the generals who were fleeing to Hongnong did not know that Zhang Ji had secretly agreed to Li Jue and Guo Si's plan.

However, although Zhang Ji agreed on the surface, he also had selfish intentions. He mixed in with the escorting army all the way and did not try his best. Although some officials doubted Zhang Ji's loyalty, there was no other way at this time, and Zhang Ji had always been excluded by Li Guo. , since Fan Chou was killed by Li Guo, Li Guo has been at odds with each other even more. This is a well-known fact.

From Huayin County to Hongnong County, about [-] miles away, the terrain in this area is long and narrow, with the Yellow River roaring eastward to the north and towering mountains to the south.

Dong Cheng led the army and hundreds of officials to escort the emperor for more than ten miles before being overtaken by the army of Li Jue and Guo Si.

The generals fought against Li Jue and Guo Si's army, lost the enemy and retreated. They had to take care of their luggage and so on, so they had to leave all of them behind and fled eastward along the official road at full speed, hoping to reach Hongnong as soon as possible and get the help of Zhang Ji's reinforcements.

In this way, the emperor, civil and military officials, and Dong Cheng and other generals panicked all the way, fighting and fleeing, causing countless casualties.

In the afternoon, seeing that Hongnong City was right in front of us, Dong Cheng and others were overjoyed, when suddenly the drums of civil war in the dense forest on both sides sounded like thunder, and two large armies came out. Looking at the banner, it was Zhang Xiu, the son of Zhang Ji!

Zhang Ji also led the army to cooperate with the outside and attacked Dong Cheng and other generals from the inside.

At this time, there was Zhang Xiu in front, Li Jue and Guo Si in the back, and Zhang Ji in the middle. The enemy troops from three directions attacked, and the killing sound was loud. !

Dong Cheng, Yang Feng, Yang Ding, Yang Biao, Yang Zhong, Fu Wan, etc. were defeated, and most of the officials died fighting to protect them!Dong Cheng and Fu Wan each protected their daughters and the emperor and continued to flee eastward. When they fled to Caoyang Pavilion, ten miles east of Hongnong City, all the troops were disabled and poor.

Dong Cheng and Yang Feng had no choice but to ask Li Jue, Guo Si and Zhang Ji for peace.

Li Jue discussed with Guo Si secretly, saying: "Dong Cheng seeks peace, should we agree or not?"

Guo Si said angrily: "Zhiran, don't you see it? This battle could have defeated Dong Chengjun in one fell swoop, but Zhang Ji had selfish intentions, which led to the current situation! But our army is far away, and our food, grass, and troops are exhausted. Insufficient, if we continue to fight, I am afraid that even if we win in the end, they will be annexed by Zhang Ji in one fell swoop!"

Li Jue frowned and fell silent.

Guo Si sneered again, and said: "Don't forget, Zhang Ji has always been dissatisfied with us, and after Fan Chou's death, it is even more impossible to truly unite with us again, and why was I not like this to you back then, so I am now I understand Zhang Ji's thoughts very well! Hongnong is Zhang Ji's territory, and if this battle continues, it will only be against us!"

"Then what should we do? Are we going to waste all our previous efforts?" Li Jue said angrily.

Guo Si said: "Brother Zhiran, don't worry about peace. Why don't we pretend to agree to seek peace? In this case, Zhang Ji alone dare not object rashly. In this case, Zhang Ji can only temporarily supply the emperor's food and grass, There is food and grass for our army, and taking advantage of this period of time, you and I secretly win over all the officials, and at the same time send people back to Chang'an to dispatch troops, horses and food and grass. What can I do?"

Li Jue was overjoyed and agreed to Guo Si's plan. After discussing carefully, the two acted according to the plan and agreed to the peace.

Cao Yangting

Like Hongnong City, both are facing the Yellow River in the north. The difference is that Hongnong City has a tall city wall and is the county seat of Hongnong County, while Caoyang Pavilion is just a sparsely populated pavilion. A pavilion is a pavilion, but Hongnong City is not only a county but a county!

In a village, the emperor Liu Xie and all the officials will temporarily settle down.

Dong Cheng and Yang Feng had made up their minds in secret, so they came to see the emperor when there was no one around. Liu Xiezheng was frowning, and when he saw Dong Cheng, he regained his spirits and said anxiously: "Now Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Zhang How to surround this place before and after Ji?"

Dong Chengdao: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the minister and General Yang have a clever plan, just wait a few more days, Li Jue and Guo Si will surely be defeated!"

"There are no outsiders here, please tell Uncle Guo clearly!" Liu Xie said.

Dong Cheng looked around, worried that someone would hear him, and after getting the emperor's consent, he stepped forward and whispered: "This place is to the north, as long as you cross the Yellow River, it will be the boundary of Hedong. General Yang was born in the Baibo Army in Hedong County. Go, Xu Yizhong, the Baibo army will definitely lead the army! Li Jue and Guo Si thought that the Yellow River blocked the way in the north and the Qinling Mountains in the south, so they would not be prepared. However, the Baibo army has many cavalry, as long as they act carefully, under the surprise attack, It can be won in one battle!"

Liu Xie was overjoyed and ordered Dong Cheng and Yang Feng to act according to plan.

Not long after the two left, Yang Biao and Yang Zhong, then Zhongcheng's younger brother, also took advantage of the fact that there were no other officials by the emperor's side, and met Liu Xie together. Suspicious, if Zhang Ji’s betrayal is pardoned at this time, and his position is high, and then he states his interests and orders him to escort him to Luoyang, he will definitely obey the order! As long as he arrives in Luoyang, the 20 troops stationed in Luoyang by Anton General Feng Yao Ten thousand troops, as well as the troops under my ministers, will definitely be able to frighten Zhang Ji, so that the government can be strengthened, and the great man can be prosperous!"

Halfway through Yang Biao's speech, Liu Xie showed displeasure on his face. When he heard that Feng Yao was mentioned, his face became even more angry. Great army!! I am suffering so much here, where are the others? Since we have already arrived in Luoyang, why haven't we seen you here for a long time?"

"Your Majesty! There is a reason for this. I heard that King Youxian of the Southern Huns killed our Han people in the Hedong area and captured our Han people's wives and daughters. General An Dong went to Hedong to quell the chaos, and he wanted to show our majesty,..." Yang Biao said .

"Shut up, don't say any more, I have made up my mind, without Feng Yao, I have a way to solve the current difficulties!" Liu Xie shouted.

Yang Biao didn't dare to speak any more, and he and Yang Zhong sighed and withdrew.


Hadong County, Dongyuan City

it will be late
Feng Yao had already slept soundly all afternoon. In fact, Feng Yao had already woken up, but at this moment, he closed his eyes, listening to the wonderful sound of the flute, with a slight smile on his face.

"Hmm... that's right, it's really nice to play. The sound of the flute is deep but full of hope. Not only is it not sad, but it brings joy to people's hearts! Hmm..., I didn't expect Cai Wenji to be so proficient in flute! Much better than some of my maidservants who can play musical instruments!... But I don’t know what the tune of the legendary Hujia Eighteen Beats is, unfortunately, it won’t appear again in the future! ..."

Cai Wenji originally only wanted to sing a song to Feng Yao to help Feng Yao fall asleep, but after singing a song, she found that Feng Yao was sleeping very soundly, as if smiling in a dream, she couldn't help but be fascinated. Anyway, I had nothing to do, so I sang a few more songs, but my voice couldn't bear it after all, so I called a woman who was guarding the courtyard, found this hole flute, and played it until now.

The sound of the flute circled the beam, happily circling away, and soon, another song ended.

"General, since you're already awake, why don't you get up and discuss the artistic conception of this song with me?" Cai Wenji glanced at Feng Yao who was lying beside her, smiled lightly, opened her jade teeth lightly, and her voice was more moving than the sound of flute.

(End of this chapter)

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