Chapter 481
"My lord, it's not the best time for us to attack yet! The newly promoted tiger guards have not trained enough, and they are still not very proficient in horse fighting. If there is another half a month, they will be able to adapt to it!" Xu Chu embraced it first, and said with an unquestionable expression.

At this time, Lu Bu's expression moved, his tiger eyes swept across the generals, and finally stopped on Feng Yao, and said: "Zimou, I have been in charge of important affairs with Wang Yun before, and I know the emperor's character very well. How, now that the balance between the court and the central government has been broken, we must send troops, otherwise we will not only lose the best chance to win over the officials, but also disappoint the emperor. At that time, if we want to suggest the emperor to move the capital again, I am afraid it will be very difficult !"

Lu Bu's words caused the generals to be silent for a while, and they lowered their heads to think.

Feng Yao nodded, and pondered: "This time we must send troops, but how to send troops is in our interest, that's the key point!"

Suddenly, Liu Shun's expression changed, and he clasped his hands into fists.

"My lord, during the dinner just now, my subordinates received the latest news. Because Dong Cheng is here, it is inconvenient to report. I think this news may be useful to our current actions!"

"Hmm...?" Feng Yao nodded.

"According to the scouts' inquiries, this time the Baibo army was split when it came to attacking Dong Cheng. It is rumored that Han Siam has left the Baibo army and will no longer fight under the banner of the Baibo army!..." Liu Shun said.

All the generals breathed in, but Feng Yao's eyes suddenly lit up, he immediately thought about his plan, couldn't help clapping his hands, and laughed: "Hehe!! I have a plan, and this plan will definitely come true!"

"...!" The generals were dumbfounded.

"This plan is a plan to go up to the house and pull the ladder! As long as this plan is successful, Han Siam can be destroyed without a single soldier, and at the same time, the emperor can move to Dongyuan City and fall into our control! And this The plan was not sure at first, but now it is as if it was given to us for nothing!" Feng Yao said.

Go up the house and pull the ladder!

As the name suggests, it is to give benefits to the enemy, lure the enemy to go to the house, and provide a ladder to the house. After the enemy has entered the house, the ladder is removed, so that the enemy is in a desperate situation, and the enemy is defeated.

"What Han Xian is most worried about now is that he will not be recognized by the officials. At the same time, he is also worried that we will lead troops to kill him. If we can get his identity recognized, and even go further, Han Xian will be happy, and then put forward conditions, Chen Talk about good or bad, ask him to bring the emperor here together, and then go to Luoyang!"

"As long as we have crossed the Yellow River and arrived in Luoyang, Han Siam will go to the house, and Li Le and Hu Cai, who are far away in the Baibo Valley, will not be able to help. At this time, we immediately turn our backs and withdraw all the ships in the Yellow River. , and use the army to frighten him outside, unite with hundreds of officials to impeach him inside, combined with Dong Cheng's influence, it is not difficult to charge him with treason!"

"At that time, Han Siam will definitely be in poverty and dare not fight with our army, and the strength of the generals in the court will not be able to compete with our army. At this point, if we propose to move the capital again, it will definitely pass!" Feng Yao said happily.

Feng Yao originally thought that there would be a big battle with the Baibo army, but he didn't expect that things would go so smoothly, and there would be internal strife within the Baibo army!
"Hehe, what a trick to go up the house and take out the ladder! Zimou, you are more and more good at using tricks now, really gratifying!" Lu Bu praised.

Zhao Yun, Xia Houbo, Xu Chu, Yang Wu and others all obeyed and said loudly: "My lord is wise! Please order me, my lord!"

Feng Yao nodded and said: "However, although there is no need to start a war, the necessary deterrence is still necessary. We must appear in front of the Han Siam Army with the strongest lineup, and then promise benefits, so as to achieve our goal!"

"Zhongkang, your newly promoted tiger guards have no problem riding horses, right?"

"My lord, if you just ride a horse, you can't tell the difference at all!" Xu Chu said.

"Well, at that time, we will all dispatch in the form of cavalry, three thousand tiger guard cavalry, two thousand Bingzhou iron cavalry, plus [-] light archer cavalry, and my five hundred relative cavalry, a total of eight thousand Cavalry, I believe it will shock Han Siam!" Feng Yao said.

The crowd will be excited.

The next day
Dong Cheng asked Feng Yao's decision with a disturbed expression.

Feng Yao sighed and said, "Uncle Guo, you also know my situation. Although I just got some horses, the soldiers have not been trained, and even if we defeat Han Siam, there are still Yang Feng, Li Le, And Hu Cai, they are all your opponents! Anyi is their sphere of influence, even if they win temporarily, the Baibo army will take stricter precautions in the future, and it will be even more difficult to attack in the future, I am afraid that Luoyang will not return Yes!... Unfortunately, if we return to the capital of Luoyang, as the uncle of the country, who in the world would dare not follow? Not to mention anything else, my father-in-law Marquis Wen and I will definitely support the uncle of the country!"

Dong Cheng looked ugly, and said: "I hope the general will do his best. If there is anything that requires my cooperation, I will spare no effort to cooperate! As long as the emperor can be welcomed to Luoyang, let me ****, in the future, I will definitely be the first to recommend you for the position of General!"

Feng Yao was overjoyed, what he wanted was Dong Cheng's promise, but he still pretended to be embarrassed, and said: "Even if I lead the troops, but I don't have real power, it's hard to talk to all the officials, and Luoyang Palace is ruined. , have not had time to repair, these are all problems!"

Dong Chengdao: "It doesn't matter, as long as I follow in the army, all officials will listen to me!"

Feng Yao said: "The officials are listening to you, but Han Xian will be even more afraid. This battle will be more intense, and the outcome is unpredictable. If I lose, I'm afraid no one will be able to protect your safety anymore. ! And if you follow in the army, I will take the majority of the credit for the escort, which is not good for you!"

Dong Cheng was terrified, Feng Yao quickly said: "I have a plan, not only can achieve the goal, but you can make great achievements!"

"What's the plan?" Dong Cheng was overjoyed.

"Uncle Guo, please submit a form, indicating that I can take charge of the government by recording the affairs of the minister, so that I can order hundreds of officials. Also, if the emperor wants to return to Luoyang, uncle Guo can go to Luoyang first and take care of the repairs. When the emperor arrives in Luoyang , Seeing that the Luoyang Imperial Palace has been restored to its original state, you will definitely be delighted, this credit is enough to make up for your fault of fleeing after defeat! Even if you can't return to the position of Da Sima, it will not be difficult to take charge of the government again!" Feng Yao said.

Hearing this, Dong Cheng wanted to bow to the ground, and thanked Feng Yao for his great kindness. How could Feng Yao accept Dong Cheng's worship, and immediately supported Dong Cheng.

Dong Cheng was very moved, and the more he looked at Feng Yao, the more pleasing to his eyes, he said: "General Feng, thank you for your kindness!"

Feng Yao thought: "I will send Dong Chengzhi to repair the imperial palace. If I donate money, from Dong Cheng's standpoint, I will definitely repair it with all my heart. I'm afraid the emperor really doesn't want to leave, how about this..."

Soon, Feng Yao's face darkened and he sighed.

"Is there something wrong with the general?" Dong Cheng saw Feng Yao's expression, and asked in surprise.

"To tell you the truth, I've thought about it and found that this plan is impeccable everywhere, but there is a huge problem! That is, I don't have enough money now. If I can barely squeeze out a little military salary to repair the palace, it will inevitably I can't meet the emperor's satisfaction, so I'm worried!" Feng Yao sighed again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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