Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 485 Eat me with an ax first!

Chapter 485 Eat me with the ax first!
"Are you going to charge me tolls? Sure enough, you have the style of Bai Bojun!" Feng Yao thought, but he laughed out of anger.

"Give these to the general who guards the gate!" Feng Yao took out half of the gold, silver and jewelry from his bosom, called Yang Wu, and instructed.

"But, this, isn't this a reward for Xu Huang?" Yang Wu asked in surprise.

"This general is Xu Huang! Look at his big ax that is leaning on the side. It is made of all steel and weighs a hundred catties. If it is not a fierce general like Xu Huang, but other generals, then Yang Feng's strength is also unavoidable. It's too powerful!" Feng Yao said.

Yang Wu inhaled, but at the same time, his eyes shot brightly, he took the gold and silver, and strode towards Xu Huang.

But at this time, Xu Huang didn't seem to see it until Yang Wu walked within five feet, and then slowly sat up from the couch, and shouted: "Who is here! How dare you break into the general's barracks !"

Yang Wu said loudly: "Are you Xu Huang and Xu Gongming? My lord ordered me to bring you gold and silver!" Then he took out the gold and silver and showed them in front of him.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly, and under the shining light, there were only flashes of golden light, silver light and jewels. The soldiers under Xu Huang immediately took a deep breath, and their eyes widened with greed.

Only Xu Huang snorted, looked unkindly, and shouted: "Bring me the big axe!"

His left and right wanted to persuade Xu Huang to accept the gold and silver, but seeing Xu Huang's fierce look, they were frightened and did not dare to disobey them. Two soldiers rushed to carry the big ax to Xu Huang's hand.

Xu Huang laughed, stretched out his hand to pick it up, whimpered in a circle, put the big ax on his shoulder, pointed at Yang Wu and said, "Eat me first and then talk!!"

While speaking, he shouted fiercely, holding the big ax with both hands, his footsteps shook the ground, dust flew up, and he rushed towards Yang Wu with great strides! !
"Be careful!!" Feng Yao was startled and cried out anxiously.

At the same time, Xu Chu and Zhao Yun also shouted, each raised their weapons and stepped forward to rescue Yang Wu.

Yang Wu sneered, stuffed the jewelry back into his bosom, took off his sword, and said angrily to Xu Huang, "I'm afraid of you? Let's see how I can fight you, a savage beast!"

Xu Huang was furious when he heard the words, and before he could get close, he raised his big axe, took the momentum, flew up, swung his arms at the same time, and slashed down at Yang Wu angrily!

"Good time!" Yang Wumeng dodged to the side, "But it's still a beast that can only use brute force!"

Xu Huang couldn't hold back his momentum, and with a loud "dang" sound of the big axe, he struck the ground with force, only to see a flash of fire and scattered rocks!

The bluestone slabs laid on the ground were smashed to pieces by this axe! !

"Don't hide!!" Xu Huang shouted angrily.

Yang Wudao: "I don't have a weapon in hand, how can this thin sword block your heavy axe?"

At this time, Xu Chu and Zhao Yun arrived, and they were relieved to see that Yang Wu was safe and able to hold Xu Huang.

Feng Yao was also worried about Yang Wu's loss, so he hurriedly led his relatives to follow him, and asked, "General Xu, what do you mean?"

Seeing Feng Yao's imposing manner, Xu Huang already knew Feng Yao's identity without introduction, so he didn't dare to be arrogant, and clasped his fists and said, "Xu Huang has met General Feng!"

Feng Yao asked: "General Xu, I think you should know about my visit to your lord, why did you stop here? But you don't want to accept my money?"

Xu Huang's eyes flashed when he heard the words, as if he was a little surprised by Feng Yao's words, but he soon regained his fierce momentum, and said loudly: "No matter what! If you want me to get out of the way, you have to beat me first! If you want to bribe me with money impossible!!"

"Well, I will meet your conditions!" Feng Yao nodded, looked at Xu Chu, and was about to order Xu Chu to fight, but at this moment Yang Wu came up and bowed to Feng Yao.

"My lord, please let the subordinates fight first!"

Feng Yao looked at Yang Wu's expression, appraised it, then nodded and said: "That's fine, but you have to be careful when fighting! Don't be careless!"

Yang Wu nodded, took the big knife from his hand, and shouted at Xu Huang: "I have the weapon in my hand, I will fight if I don't accept it!"

Hearing this, Xu Huang ordered to scatter left and right, roared angrily, and fought Yang Wu with his big axe!
In this battle, Yang Wu no longer dodges, but resists with every move. The two of you strike with an axe, and I strike with a sword. There are repeated roars, weapons intersect, loud noises are heard continuously, the ground is swept by weapons from time to time, stone slabs All were shattered!

In the blink of an eye, the two fought for dozens of rounds, but seeing the flying sand and stones, the expressions of all the soldiers were shocked. It was not surprising that Feng Yao knew Yang Wu's strength, but Xu Huang's subordinates were shocked and dumbfounded. , as if I couldn't believe what my eyes saw.

How fierce Xu Huang is, how can these soldiers who follow Xu Huang all the year round not know.

Among the tens of thousands of Baibo's army, there are no more than five people who can take over Xu Huang's ten axes!There is only one who can beat Xu Huang! !
The reason why Yang Feng was able to dominate the Baibo army and stand out from the Baibo army was because of Xu Huang's courage!
But the general in front of him had a tie with Xu Huang! !
"Have fun! But there are three more rounds! I will cut off your head!" Xu Huang slashed down with an ax and shouted.

Yang Wu snorted coldly, and opened with Xu Huang's big axe, disapproving!
In the blink of an eye, there were dozens of rounds again, no difference between top and bottom!
"Stop! Don't fight any more!" Seeing that Yang Wu and Xu Huang were sweating, Feng Yao stopped.

Hearing the sound, Yang Wu blocked Xu Huang's ax with a knife, and jumped back. Xu Huang didn't want to fight any more and didn't pursue him.

Feng Yao ordered someone to bring cold water to Yang Wu to quench his thirst, then he bowed to Xu Huang and asked with a smile, "General Xu, I wonder if we can pass now!"

Xu Huang avoided answering, and asked instead: "I don't know if the one who fought with me just now is the world-famous tiger idiot Xu Chu?"

"No, he is my personal commander Yang Wu!" Feng Yao laughed.

Xu Huang was shocked, and asked anxiously, "Where is the tiger idiot?"

Feng Yao pointed at Xu Chu and said, "He is a tiger idiot!"

Xu Huang took a closer look, only to see that Xu Chu was eight feet five inches tall, and his waist was ten girth. He was startled, but his undefeated arrogance for many years made him want to challenge Xu Chu.

"You are the tiger idiot Xu Zhongkang?" Xu Huang said.

"Exactly? Are you dissatisfied?" Xu Chu glared.

"Dare to fight?" Xu Huang said loudly.

"Hehe, if I win you now, others will only say that I bullied you to exhaustion, no matter, if I can't shake off your weapon within ten rounds, I will lose!" Xu Chu said loudly.

Xu Huang was furious, and shouted: "If you dare to praise Haikou, eat me with an ax first!!"

Xu Chu was ready a long time ago. With a roar and a slash of his sword, the two heavy weapons intersected, and a piercing loud noise burst out of thin air. It was nearly twice as loud as the battle between Xu Huang and Yang Wu before. Sour, everyone who heard it frowned.

In the first round, although Xu Huang took the initiative and Xu Chu defended, Xu Huang was shaken so that he leaned back slightly, while Xu Chu remained motionless, standing in front of him like a mountain.

Xu Huang refused to accept it, shouted loudly, and slashed again with all his strength, but was also shaken so that the weapon bounced high, and he almost couldn't hold it back.

In the third round, Xu Huang took a deep breath, fear was already in his eyes, and when he was ready, he struck again with all his strength! !This ax is different from before, it no longer comes from top to bottom, nor does it come from obliquely!It turned out to be close to the ground, sweeping up countless sand and gravel, with the sound of howling wind, and the will to be invincible, several minutes faster than before, sweeping upwards! !
(End of this chapter)

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