Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 490 Because of the General’s Misunderstanding

Chapter 490 Because of the General’s Misunderstanding

When Feng Yao just sat down in the study, he had just made a cup of tea, and before he had time to drink it, Wei Boru smiled and followed Liu Shun in, and it was only a matter of time before and after.

Feng Yao had no choice but to put down his tea first, and stretched out his hand to invite him to sit down.

Wei Boru's height is not outstanding, only seven feet five inches, but he is white and fat. At first glance, he looks like the son of a rich family who is pampered all the year round and doesn't know the sufferings of the world. The smile on his face seems to be always fixed on the most suitable one. in this state.

What didn't match the smile on his face was that he was wearing a black scribe robe, if Feng Yao hadn't learned from Wei Boru in advance, he would probably only treat him as a businessman.

"Greetings to General Feng!" Wei Boru bowed his hands without changing his smile.

"You're welcome, there are not so many rules here!" Feng Yao said.

Although Wei Boru has behaved very well so far, Feng Yao couldn't feel more favorable towards him.

It is very difficult for someone who can dislike Cai Wenji, a beauty with both moral character and wisdom, to gain Feng Yao's favor.

"Ah!" Wei Boru suddenly put away his smile, and he let out a long sigh with worry on his face.

"Why sigh?" Feng Yao became curious.

"Because of the general's misunderstanding!" Wei Boru said.

"Uh...?" Feng Yao's eyes flashed, and he glanced at Wei Boru again, "Tell me! What did I misunderstand?"

Wei Boru smiled wryly, bowed respectfully, and said, "Please don't be angry, general, just listen to me!"

Feng Yao nodded, but his eyes became a little cold.

"General, I have to mention my dead brother and my former sister-in-law Cai, although I have been reluctant to mention these two names in the past few years!" Wei Boru's expression became sad, and he held his hand Resting her forehead, she calmed down, and then said: "The misfortune of that year was something that no one wanted to see, but I deliberately made it difficult for Mrs. Cai and gave her a cold face. On the one hand, it was because whenever I saw her, I couldn't help but think I lost my deceased brother, and my heart aches unbearably, on the one hand, I also want to use this to force him to leave on his own, don't want to be a widow for a lifetime at a young age!"

Feng Yao was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't think it was such a reason, the coldness in his eyes quickly decreased a lot, and he nodded slightly.

Wei Boru said again: "It's just that later, although my goal was achieved, but because of this matter, people in the world thought I was ruthless and ungrateful. Originally, I didn't want to explain this matter any more. Misunderstandings will be misunderstood. If this matter can calm down gradually, it will be good for both Mrs. Cai and me, Mrs. Wei."

"Well, what you said seems to be reasonable. The result of the facts is indeed as you said, but why did you explain it again today? Wouldn't it be better to let him continue to calm down?" Feng Yao said.

Wei Boru breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "I heard that the Cai family is already in the general camp. If this is the case, this matter will affect the future fate of our entire Wei family. There is a gap between you and the general!"

Feng Yao understood Wei Boru's meaning completely at this time, but in order to test it out, he deliberately laughed again: "Brother Boru, Mrs. Cai used to be in my camp, but it was just an ordinary relationship with me. Before I came here, she had migrated with the refugees!"

Feng Yao wanted to cooperate with the Wei family, but he never wanted to cooperate with the Wei family because of Cai Wenji's relationship. What he wanted was a cooperation based on conditions that were beneficial to both parties. Only this kind of cooperation was the best. reliable!
If Wei Boru is just a so-called talented person who knows how to talk on paper, Feng Yao can at most cooperate with the Wei family temporarily. If Wei Boru is indeed a talent, then he will try his best to recruit him.

Feng Yao smiled, seemingly unintentionally, but in fact his eyes had already secretly observed Wei Boru.

"So that's how it is!! Hehe, I'm relieved. A few days ago, just after she left Anyi, there were rumors about the Southern Huns looting the people. I've always been worried about her encounter. Now I can go to the general I think this may be the best ending for her!" Wei Boru showed a sincere smile on his face, and nodded sighingly.

"Brother Boru, now..."

Hearing this, Wei Boru gritted his teeth, his expression became firm, he folded his fists and left the seat, knelt under the seat, and said: "General, please save my Wei clan!"

This move made Feng Yao startled again, he didn't expect it to be like this at all, he thought Wei Boru would explain a few words, or draw the topic from other aspects, but no matter what Wei Boru said, The final result will always be passive.

And Wei Boru's kneeling, not only answered Feng Yao directly, but also straight to the point and said the final intention of coming!

Feng Yao originally wanted to cooperate with the Wei family. As for the cooperation, we will talk about it later, but right now, Wei Boru directly kneeled down and begged for each other, which made Feng Yao feel speechless.

In terms of age, Wei Boru is already 40 years old, while Feng Yao is only seventeen, so he can be regarded as Feng Yao's father's generation. If it is calculated based on Cai Wenji's relationship, he can also be regarded as Feng Yao's elder brother.

"Bo Ru, get up and talk about something, no matter what, since you came to me, I will never stand idly by, but please tell me about the difficulties you are encountering now!" Feng Yao said.

At this time, Yang Wu at the side immediately stepped forward, helped Wei Boru up on Feng Yao's behalf, please sit at the table.

With gratitude in Wei Boru's eyes, he cupped his hands and said, "If the general can save the Wei family, the Wei family is willing to serve the general from now on."

Feng Yao's eyes lit up, and he was secretly happy, but he still asked: "I am the weakest in Chaozhong now, why did you choose me?"

"Because I believe that a general is a true master of enlightenment, and the one who can change the world in the future must be a general!" Wei Boru said.

"Okay! I'll just say this to you, Wei Shi, I'll take care of you!" Feng Yao promised loudly.

Wei Boru was overjoyed, and thanked him again.

"General, regarding the difficulty of the Wei family, I will directly explain it directly. This difficulty is food!!... In the eyes of outsiders, the food in Hedong is enough to support the coming year, but even if the food that is about to be harvested is included, the Wei family will not be able to afford it. The ones that can be obtained can only be supplied for another three months at most!!!" Wei Boru said.

"How could this be? With Wei's current land, it should be enough to supply another half a year?" Feng Yao asked in surprise.

If it is true that they can only support for another three months, it is not difficult to imagine that after the emperor withdraws, a large number of members of the Wei family will die of cold and starvation in winter.

"The general only knows the superficial information. If the production in previous years is indeed able to tide over the difficulties, but only since the Baibo army took control of the government, most of the fields now, although owned by the Wei family, can no longer be harvested. What is even more worrying is that as soon as the emperor leaves this place, the Baibo army will attack my Wei clan immediately!! Kill my people and take away my property!" Wei Boru said.

(End of this chapter)

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