Chapter 497
If the people of the new Baekje country destroy Samhan, what will be consumed is the local population, and it is men. After this battle is over, when the Samhan is unified, there will be no more than ten local men. Nine out of ten women have no men. If the Han people are allowed to marry as many local women as possible, [-]% of the next generation’s population will be of Han blood. This reality cannot be changed.

Since they are both Han Chinese, of course they will not be willing to be independent anymore. A piece of land like Sanhan will be the size of a state or a county in the future.

After Li Dian announced the basic laws of the new Baekje, all the slaves rejoiced.

"Long live the king! Long live New Baekje!!"

"Haha! We will be New Baekje people from now on, and we will no longer be slaves!!"

Taking advantage of everyone's excitement, Li Dian immediately announced: "Since there is a new Baekje country, of course there is also a new Baekje army. On behalf of my king, I announce the establishment of a new Baekje army, with Cui Jianmin as the first new Baekje army." The director of the Ministry, responsible for commanding the new Baekje army and expanding its numbers!"

Cui Jianmin wanted to resign, but under the recommendation of everyone, he had no choice but to take office.

Next, Li Dian handed over the more than one hundred people of New Baekje to Cui Jianmin for management, and sent soldiers to inform Guan Cheng and Guo Zu, and at the same time ordered the soldiers to look around for places where the city could be built.

Guan Cheng and Guo Zu learned that Li Dian's banner was victorious and occupied a place, and then they each led [-] troops to land and joined Li Dian. At the same time, Li Dian's [-] Dragon Teng troops also arrived at the same time.

"General Li! If the lord is to be blamed for doing this, I'm afraid the responsibility is not small!" Guo Zu said to Li Dian with some dissatisfaction.

Zhengsanhan was mainly in charge of Guo Zu, Guan Cheng was in charge of Zhengwa, and Li Dian actually coordinated and supported it, but now Li Dian decided to establish the new Baekje country without consulting him. This inevitably made Guo Zu a little unhappy, but Guo Zu also knew that although Guan Cheng and his troops were absolutely dominant and led the two countries, Li Dian was the lord's personal soldier, the Dragon Teng Army, and in some Aspects can indeed act on behalf of the lord!
Seeing that Guo Zu was displeased, Li Dian immediately cupped his fists to accompany him with a smile and said, "General Guo, I did this for the sake of my lord and General Guo. Think about it, you have an in-law relationship with your lord, and now you have established Xinbai Ji Guo, you will benefit from this in the end, General Guo! And I played by ear at the time, otherwise, if I miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to achieve such an effect again! I believe that if General Guo was on the scene at that time, he would have made the same decision. Same decision!"

When Guo Zu thought about it, he was overjoyed and praised Li Dian repeatedly for his loyalty to his lord.

Guan Cheng stepped forward and said with a smile: "General Guo, General Li, I think we should take the next step as soon as possible. Baekje soldiers will attack us soon!"


In the second year of Xingping, summer June [-]th

Battle report from Baekje.

On this day, kill [-] Japanese pirates, seize [-] Japanese pirate ships, and destroy the Kim family of the nobles of Baekje!
Also on this day, the New Baekje Kingdom was established, Feng (Yuan) Yao was promoted as the new Baekje King, and Cui Jianmin was the new Baekje Army Governor!

The capital of the new Baekje Kingdom was chosen on the side of a river leading to the Bohai Sea. There are mountains in front of it as danger and the sea behind it. Although the newly designated capital is simply surrounded by wooden fences, there are tens of thousands of troops on the sea. As a backup, but not afraid.

Cui Jianmin, because the new army had just been established, its combat power was very low, and it could not be effective on the battlefield, so he was ordered to break it up into parts and disguise themselves as fleeing Baekje people. More than 100 people scattered and went to various places in Baekje. At the office, secretly recruiting people who are willing to join the new Baekje country.

The next day, Baekje sent 3000 troops to attack the new Baekje. Before they could break into the capital of the new Baekje, they were ambushed by Guan Cheng and Guo Zu's army. 5000 people ambushed 5000 people. The result can be imagined. Except for a few soldiers who fought head-on and suffered dozens of casualties, the rest of the soldiers just drew their bows and arrows and wiped out the [-] people.

In a few more days, they conquered the two cities of Baekje and killed tens of thousands of enemies. The number of people who came to defect to the new Baekje country reached thousands, and the number of captured women reached nearly [-]!

Baekje's troops were almost wiped out, only defensive, but not offensive!

After the war, Guo Zu distributed these women to [-] soldiers under his command, and each soldier got a daughter, and was rewarded with a lot of money.

For the remaining women, Guo Zu was not stingy, but rewarded Cui Jianmin's New Baekje Army. At this moment, many poor New Baekje Army who could not afford to marry their wives once again strengthened their sense of belonging to the New Baekje Country!
In the new Baekje country, as long as they work hard, they may have a status that they never imagined before! !

On this day, Guan Cheng came to Guo Zu and said, "General Guo, you have already gained a foothold here, and in the future, those who know the benefits of the new Baekje will come to vote in an endless stream. There is no more suspense! I plan to order my soldiers to set out tomorrow to attack the Wa Kingdom!"

Guo Zu smiled and said: "General Guan, I'm afraid your soldiers are dissatisfied because they didn't get women? Or else, I have more than 2000 women here because they are ugly and no soldiers are willing to take them. Why don't you give them away first?" Here you go, let your men put out the fire first!"

"It's good that you know! Damn it! The group of brothers under me all fainted on the boat and haven't seen a woman for two months... But, General Guo!! I can only appreciate your kindness. It's not like you don't know the master If we use these women as military prostitutes, the lord will definitely behead us when he finds out!" Guan Cheng complained.

Guo Zu was taken aback, and hurriedly said with a smile: "General Guan, I'm just talking, I don't dare to spoil the master's plan! But you don't have to rush to attack the Japanese country, do you?"

Guan Cheng was silent, and Guo Zu said again: "Although there are many women in the Wa country, most of them will be killed. This will definitely cause resistance from the whole Wa country. If you only have 5 people, even if you win, it will be a miserable victory." , why don’t you just stay here, and when Sanhan is settled, we will go out together, then we will definitely give you back!”

Guan Cheng nodded, thought for a while, and said, "General Guo, Bianhan and Chenhan should have gotten the news of our attack on Baekje now. Under our strength, they are likely to join forces to fight together. How about I will lead the army to the south and attack Bianhan, which can not only disrupt the enemy's plan, but also solve our army's needs for women!"

"Okay! General Guan's plan is great!!"

At this time, Li Dian's applause came from outside the door, and the second general was surprised when Li Dian pushed the door open and entered.

"General Li, do you agree with this plan?" Guan Cheng smiled.

"Of course, I have also heard a lot of voices of dissatisfaction in the army. I am going to discuss with you whether to change it. Since General Guan already has a good plan, let's follow this plan. I believe that within a month, we will It can pacify Sanhan!" Li Dian said.

(End of this chapter)

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