Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 522 Mr. Good Man Goes Crazy

Chapter 522 Mr. Good Man Goes Crazy
In this troubled world, at least three people together are much safer than being alone.

"Hey, Brother Wang, I heard that you have a lot of good fortune. Recently, you married a new woman, who is only in her 20s, and she is quite handsome, right?" The Li brothers looked at each other with teasing smiles. asked.

"Hehe!...Of course! Now that Yuzhou is stable, a pragmatic man like brother is just a good man in the eyes of those widows! Why, you are not married at this age, are you? Would you like to introduce him to me? One?" Wang Laoshi laughed back.

"Uh..." Li Da glanced at Li Er, and quickly said with joy, "Brother Wang, of course it's all right!!"

"Brother Wang, you also know that because of the war, our brothers hid in the deep mountains. Recently, we heard that there was peace, so we came out. We don't know many people. If Brother Wang can help, we brothers are willing to help You pick medicine for ten days, and all the proceeds will be given to you! What do you think?" Li Er said sincerely.

Wang Laoshi, who was walking, was still smiling at the beginning, but then, he suddenly looked startled, stopped, and looked at Li Da and Li Er.

"Ah!..., Oops! I forgot about this!!...Gift!! Yes, I have to hurry!!"

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Wang gave an embarrassed smile to Mrs. Li and ran forward quickly.

"Hey, Brother Wang, what's the matter with you today? No one is chasing you, why are you running so fast?" Li Da and Li Er were stunned, followed behind, and also started to run.

Wang looked back with a smile, and shouted: "Haven't you heard? Mr. Haohao in our village has gone crazy!"

"What? You mean that strange old man Sima is crazy?... How is this possible?" Li Da said incredulously.

"Of course, if he wasn't crazy, how could he give away all the things at home? In the past two days, almost every household in our village has received items from him. When I met him yesterday, he said that he planned to Give me that wooden ox, if I can arrive before the sun sets today!" Wang's face was full of joy.

"Ah! Crazy?... No, I don't think it's possible. He must be moving to a far away place, so he gave away his family's belongings!" Li Daodao.

"That's right!..." Mrs. Wang was taken aback, stopped, and rubbed the back of her head, "No, I can't accept his wooden ox. If he wants to move, this wooden ox can just help him transport the grain at home. , or if he has moved to another place, how will he live if he is unfamiliar with the place?"

When Li Da wanted to ask again, he suddenly felt the ground start to vibrate. When he looked back in surprise, his expression changed drastically, and he said in shock, "No!! It's cavalry, there are cavalry rushing towards us!! Run away!!"

While speaking, as soon as he pulled Li Er, he wanted to run away.

"Wait!" Wang Laoshi's eyes suddenly flashed, and he shouted to Li Da and Li Er in surprise, "This is not the enemy, but our state's army!! I recognize some flags!! Brother, don't you want to marry a wife? Now is your chance!"

Li Da and Li Er were stunned, and then looked at the cavalry rushing behind him, their teeth chattered, but when they thought of Wang Honest's character, their eyes showed anticipation again, looking forward to marrying a wife as Wang Honest said have a child!
"Brother Wang, don't lie to me, this marriage is not a child's play!" Li Daodao.

"If I, the king, lie to you, I will give you my newly married woman as my wife!! Haven't you heard that as long as you become General Yuan's subordinate, you can marry a wife without spending money? If you Brother is capable, and he can even live near Pingyu City, which is the capital of the Han Dynasty today. I heard that anyone in Pingyu City, whether they are scholars or commoners, can eat three meals a day. All men have two wives or even more!" Wang Laoshi swore.

Li Da and Li Er finally overcame their fear and retreated to the side of the road together with Wang Laoshi. Hearing Wang Laoshi continue to excitedly talk about the changes Yuan Yaojun brought to Yuzhou, his eyes gradually became eager.

Soon, amidst the sound of thunderous hooves, a leading cavalryman saw Wang Laoshi and the three of them, rushed up quickly, and shouted, "Who is it?"

"Xiao Min is a local, surnamed Wang, nicknamed Honest, is this General Yuan's army?" Wang Laoshi immediately knelt down and asked with fists clasped.

The cavalry running ahead is Yuan Yao's Huwei Qingqi, who is responsible for opening the way ahead. The Huwei Qingqi who asked the question is a cavalry commander. He looked at Wang Laoshi for a few times, and then asked: "Why do you want to ask about this information?" ?”

"Return to General, because my two brothers worship General Yuan, so they intend to serve under General Yuan!" Wang Laoshi said loudly, and at the same time pulled La Tong to kneel beside Li Da and Li Er.

Li Da and Li Er hurriedly nodded and said: "Yes, General, we brothers heard that as long as we vote for General Yuan, we can marry a wife for free, so we want to join the army!"

Several tiger guards gathered around and burst out laughing when they heard this.

At this time, Xu Chu rode up from the rear and shouted loudly, "What's the situation ahead?"

"Commander, they are locals, and two of them want to join the army!"

Xu Chuhu stared, glanced at Wang Laoshi, and said, "Is that so?"

"Yes! Yes!... General, we are indeed locals!" Seeing Xu Chu's bulky stature and fierce appearance, Wang Laoshi was so shocked that he bowed down again and again.

Xu Chu nodded, waved his hand to stop the cavalry, and shouted: "Wait for my news, I will report to the lord!"

Because of the heavy armor of Yuan Yao and the iron cavalry, the tiger guard Qingqi was in charge of opening the way, and he himself was between the Qingqi and the iron cavalry.

At this time, the Huwei Qingqi in front stopped, and Yuan Yao also stretched out his hand to order the crowd to stop.

After a while, Xu Chu rode over and said respectfully: "My lord, I met three local civilians ahead, and two of them want to join the army!"

"Huh? Are they locals? That's great, bring them here quickly and ask if they know the exact address of Mr. Shui Jing!" Yuan Yaoxi said.

Xu Chu left according to his order, and soon, Wang Laoshi and the three were brought in front of Yuan Yao.

Wang Laoshi, who was so frightened to kneel down immediately when he saw a small cavalryman, knelt down respectfully at this time, kowtowed again and again, and said loudly: "Xiaomin Wang honestly pays respects to General Yuan!!"

Li Da and Li Er didn't even dare to lift them up, they kowtowed to the ground like Wang Laoshi.

Seeing the behavior of the three of them, Yuan Yao has basically concluded their identities, they are indeed honest local civilians.

"Wang honestly, get up and answer!" Yuan Yao said.

The three of Wang Laoshi didn't dare to get up until a tiger guard got off his horse, and under the deadlift, the three of them stood up tremblingly.

Yuan Yao asked: "Wang honestly, we have no malicious intentions, so you don't have to be afraid. I heard that there is a wise man here, whose surname is Sima Minghui, and his name is Decao. Do you know where he lives?"

Wang Laoshi immediately became excited when he heard this, and said, "General Yuan, are you asking Mr. Haohao? He lives in our village! You must have come to invite him to be an official, right? That must be the case!! Hahaha, He is really not crazy, so he already knew all this!!"

(End of this chapter)

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