Chapter 554 Fuyu Prince Mayu
"If the Fuyu Kingdom takes the initiative to vote, it can be used as an example for the world to follow suit! My lord can more actively control the fate of Fuyu!"

Yuan Yao asked again: "The Fuyu aristocrats of the Baekje Kingdom went south and founded it. I destroyed Baekje and established a new Baekje. I have already offended the Puyu people. Now Guan Cheng is attacking Yilou in the north. Puyu, Goguryeo, Wo Ju these three countries must already know my intentions! If I can't wipe them out as soon as possible before these three countries can't concentrate their forces, I'm afraid there will be a lot of hard battles in the future!"

"If the relationship with Puyu cannot be determined as soon as possible, it will be disadvantageous for the next battle! Most of the nobles in Goguryeo and Woju are from Puyu. Once a war starts, they will definitely contact Puyu's forces!"

Guo Jiadao: "My lord, don't worry. Although Fuyu is powerful, there are Xianbei in the west and Yilou in the east. They are caught in the middle of the two countries. It is difficult for them to survive. It is their best choice to take refuge in the lord. As long as the king of Fuyu is simple If you have a bit of brains, you will definitely come to vote! I expect that within three days, there will be movement, and this will not affect our army's expedition at all!"

While the two were talking, the attendants outside the door suddenly reported: "My lord, Prince Fuyu, Mayu, please see me!!"

A strange look flashed in Yuan Yao's eyes, and he thought to himself: "Hey! This is really about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here! However, Prince Fuyu came at the right time!!!"

"Bring Ma Yu here to see me!" Yuan Yao ordered.

After a while, he personally led a young man who looked like a farmer to worship.

"Mayu of Fuyo Kingdom pays homage to the new King of Baekje!" Mayu, who is dressed as a farmer, is about [-] years old. He has a long face and a high nose, and walks steadily. Although he is a prince, his skin looks slightly tanned by the sun.

Yuan Yao nodded, his first impression of Ma Yu was pretty good, it can be seen that Ma Yu is a pragmatic person.

"Come here, tie up Ma Yu!!" Although Yuan Yao had a good impression of Ma Yu, he suddenly shouted coldly.

"Yes!" Although several followers were taken aback for a moment, Yuan Yao never questioned Yuan Yao's order. With a shout, two of his followers immediately rushed forward to control Ma Yu.

Yang Wu also choked, drew out the long sword at his waist, and pointed at Ma Yu.

But what surprised Yuan Yao was that Ma Yu had no intention of resisting from the beginning to the end.

And not only did he not resist, he didn't even see a look of fear on Ma Yu's face.

"Ma Yu, you are guilty!" Yuan Yao shouted.

"I don't know the crime, please ask the new Baekje king to speak clearly, so that Ma Yu can understand when he dies!" Ma Yu said coldly with an expression of willingness to die.

"I am the prime minister and the great general of the great Han, and your Fuyu country is even a vassal of the great Han, but you neither call me the prime minister nor the great general, but call me the new Baekje king, you This not only despises the majesty of the big man, but also extremely disrespects me. Do you want to betray the big man? If I don't get rid of you today, you may betray me in the future!" Yuan Yao's eyes flashed murderous, and he wanted to kill Mayu.

"Hehe! I, Mayu, was ready to be killed before I came here, and the reason why I came here is just to tell you that Puyu people don't want to be your enemy. If you can use New Baekje If you accept Puyu as a king, Puyu will be merged into New Baekje, if you accept Puyu as a prime minister or a general, Puyu can only be a vassal state of a great man!" Ma Yu said loudly with a gleam in his eyes .

"Aren't you afraid of death!!?" ​​Yuan Yao said.

"Death, of course I'm afraid!! But if I can't get your approval today, even if Mayu escapes from here and returns to Puyu now, he will only be a subjugated slave for a few more days, so it's better to die by you as a Puyu now hands!" Ma Yu said loudly.

"Hahahaha!! Good!! What a prince Fuyu!!" Yuan Yao laughed out loud when he heard this, and ordered his followers to let go of Mayu after laughing.

"Mayu, I was just testing your courage! Please don't take offense! However, I have to say that your courage has saved the life of Fuyu people!! Good! You are considered a talent, please sit down and talk !” Yuan Yao said.

Ma Yu clasped his fists in thanks, sat opposite Yuan Yao, and said, "Your Majesty, Ma Yu is willing to work hard to promote the Fuyu Kingdom to merge into the New Baekje Kingdom, so that the Puyu people will no longer have to live in hardship!!"

Ma Yu's words made Yuan Yao's eyes flash again, he looked at Guo Jia and nodded.

"Mayu, as far as I know, Baekje, Goguryeo, Woju and other countries were all founded by Puyu people, and my goal, I believe it goes without saying. With your intelligence, you should also know that it is impossible for me to let my There are other countries nearby! If you lead other people to vote for me, you will become enemies of these countries and fight with people of the same clan, is this what you want to see?" Yuan Yao said.

Ma Yu lowered his head slightly, sighed, paused, and said, "Your Majesty, to be honest, before I came here, I really wanted to look for opportunities to subvert the new Baekje Kingdom you established, but since After the Japanese army was led by you, and it was wiped out within ten days, I knew that Puyu's head-on confrontation with the New Baekje Kingdom must be the result of an egg hitting a rock. Although Puyu has outstanding cavalry, its overall strength is only It is comparable to the Wa country, if there is a war, the result can be imagined that the men of the whole country will be slaughtered!"

"So I changed my mind and wanted to find an opportunity to destroy New Baekje, so that New Baekje would fall into civil strife and could no longer fight. The civil strife of the Han Dynasty would also force Wang Shang to withdraw his troops and return to Yuzhou. As long as this purpose Once achieved, Puyu will not be in any danger for at least three years!"

"However, what happened in the city today has made me no longer have the idea of ​​confronting the king. I believe the new policy of the king is just the beginning. Under the rule of the king, the new Baekje Kingdom will be monolithic and impeccable. Rapidly strengthen, if Fuyu can't cast when you need it most, the king, then he will be destroyed by the king!"

"As the prince of the Puyu Kingdom, I don't want the people of Puyu to follow in the footsteps of the Japanese, but I want everyone in Puyu to become that Shatian!"

When Ma Yu said this, he took a long breath.

Yuan Yao showed approval in his eyes, nodded and said: "Well, yes, you can continue talking!"

Ma Yu was overjoyed, knowing that Yuan Yao's initial approval had been obtained, his eyes flashed, and he bowed respectfully.

"Your Majesty, in fact, speaking of it, you have established the New Baekje Kingdom and wiped out the Wa Kingdom. To the Puyu people, you are very kind!"

"Before that, because we Fuyu people went south, defeated Mahan, and established Baekje, so Chenhan and Byeonhan began to fear being annexed by Baekje, so they began to form an alliance with the Wa people, among them Xu Luofa of Jinhan was the most Xu Luofa took advantage of his relationship with the Japanese, although he didn't occupy much land, he became the actual leader of the Chenhan and Bianhan tribes!"

"Over the years, Baekje has been continuously attacked by Xu Luofa and the Japanese, and the original Mahan tribes in Baekje have rebelled from time to time! These reasons have led to the extremely slow development of Baekje. According to this situation, eventually One day, the Baekje National Assembly will be annexed!"

"Hehe... Maybe you think so, Your Majesty, if Baekje is destroyed, it will be destroyed. This has nothing to do with the Puyu Kingdom. Besides, can the Japanese invade the Puyu Kingdom?" Ma Yu said with a wry smile. .

(End of this chapter)

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