Chapter 558 Triumph
"Jie Jie...!! What I lost will cost ten times and a hundred times to the people!!"

When King Goguryeo gave an order, all the cavalry, with bloodshot eyes, roared angrily, stepped on their horses, and charged towards Yilou's army! !

The cavalry of Fuyu Kingdom are also crazy! !

When the "Decree to Eliminate Yilou" was issued, Puyu, Goguryeo, Liaodong, Lelang, and even the people of New Baekje, no matter whether they had horses or not, all rushed to Yilou with madness in their eyes! !
kill! ! !

As long as you bring back the head of a Yilou man, it will be a first-level military achievement! !
In the past, it was only limited to beheading the enemy's soldiers, but now, even killing an ordinary civilian, or even killing a child who has no power to resist, can get military exploits!
In addition to getting military exploits, you can also get all the money, women and land!
In this situation, even a person who is usually too timid to even kill a fish can madly slaughter Yilou people!
In just a few days, more than 60 people participated in the "Mie Yi Lou Order", which is more than [-] more than the total population of the entire Yi Lou Kingdom! !

Some nobles from the original Puyu, Goguryeo, Liaodong and other places no longer kept it at this time, and all the family soldiers went out to fight!
These family soldiers, together with Yuan Yao's army, Guan Cheng's army, Ma Yu's army, and King Goguryeo's army, totaled more than 30.

Nearly a million soldiers and civilians gathered from all directions, just to destroy 50 Yilou people!

Yuan Yao obeyed Guo Jia's strategy and attacked northward along the coast. On the fifth day, he flattened the country of Woju, and on the fifth day he suppressed the defense of the Yilou people to the northernmost Ruoshui River.

The massacre along the way, the tragedy of the Yilou people even surpassed that of the Japanese!

It's not that Yuan Yao wants to be so cruel, it's just that the common people are already in a state of madness in order to obtain meritorious service and land.

Yuan Yao also felt sorry for the many beauties who died in the Yilou country. When they were in the Wa country, such beautiful women would not be killed.

Everywhere you pass, there are a large number of corpses killed by the army and the people and discarded on the roadside and on the grass. There are children of a few years old, some old people, some were stripped naked, and died on the table in various poses. , the bed, the woman on the grass, and the pregnant woman, these corpses, without exception, are all headless.

But fortunately, despite the crazy people, there are still some extremely beautiful women and some cute little girls who survived and became the slave girls of the people and soldiers who beheaded their families! !

The first year of Jianping, May [-]

The last tribe of the Yilou people was wiped out.

In this battle, nearly 50 Yilou people were killed, and only tens of thousands of beautiful girls and girls in Yilou survived and became female slaves.

And Yuan Yao also paid a huge price.

A total of nearly [-] elite soldiers were killed and wounded!

Puyu people and Goguryeo civilians who participated in the war died more than [-]!

Most of the cavalry in Puyu and Goguryeo were killed, and about [-] cavalry never returned.

For this reason, Yuan Yao ordered to build a huge monument at the place where the last Yilou man was killed, and all the names of the heroes who died in this battle were recorded on the monument for future generations to look up to.

Because there are nearly 15 names, this monument occupies a huge area. The base is a hundred feet wide and fifty feet high. The base is densely engraved with names, and behind some legendary heroes there is even a small amount of event information!

After this battle, Yuan Yao's elite soldiers became more ferocious than before. Although they lost 20 troops, it was only [-]% compared to the total strength of nearly [-] troops.

In general, this battle is one against three, a big victory! !

Yuan Yao got nothing but more than [-] excellent war horses.

On this day, after the whole army celebrated, Yuan Yao announced that Yilou would be expelled, and Weibei County would be established on the land of Yilou State and Woju State centered on Ruoshui (Songhua River and Heilongjiang), which was under the jurisdiction of Pingzhou At the same time, Yuan Min, the Yuan clan, was appointed as the prefect of Weibei County, and Guan Cheng was promoted to Pingzhou Shepherd because of his meritorious service.

After this madness, the Fuyu Kingdom took the opportunity to attack westward, reaching the north of the Great Wall, and incorporated the entire Liaoxi County into Xuantu County.

The territory of the new Baekje country has also been expanded, and the southern part of the original Koguryo, the southern part of Liaodong, and the entire Wojuquan are included in the new Baekje country. To put it simply, it is bounded by Mazishui (Yalu River) , all to the south is the new Baekje country.

So far, Pingzhou has four counties, Dongguo County, Xinbaekje State, Xuantu County, and Weibei County. prestige.

Yuan Yao established the state government here mainly because he wanted to take advantage of Haiwei's special geographical environment and wanted to build a deep-water port here to prepare for future shipping operations.

Moreover, Haiwei City is also located at the center of the entire Pingzhou. Crossing the sea is Dongguo County, going west is Xuantu, north is Weibei County, and south is New Baekje Country, at the junction of the four counties.


In Jizhou, Hebei, after Yuan Shao finally defeated Gongsun Zan, he received that Yuan Yao had unified the Northeast and occupied more than half of Youzhou.

Yuan Yao ordered Guan Cheng, Guo Zu, Yuan Min, and Ma Yu to jointly govern Pingzhou and prepare to attack Xianbei.

In order to benefit the law and order in Pingzhou and to fight against Xianbei's cavalry westward, Yuan Yao divided up 20 war horses.

Among them, [-] of the best war horses were reserved for his own use. Including the original ones, Yuan Yao had a total of [-] war horses.

Guan Cheng got [-], Guo Zu got [-], Yuan Min got [-], and Ma Yu got [-].

Of Yuan Yao's remaining 18 troops, Guan Chengtong [-], Guo Zutong [-], Yuan Min [-], and Yuan Yao only brought back [-] elite soldiers.

However, these 18 elite soldiers were re-selected from the [-] army, and they were all capable of stopping the tenth generation. Before that, any soldier was at least at the level of a corporal leader or above.

Yuan Yao also allocated thousands of warships. Haiwei City and Hancheng each left [-] warships and thousands of fishing boats. The other [-] largest warships were taken away by Yuan Yao to transport war horses. .

The capital of the new Baekje Kingdom.

Yuan Yao came here again before returning to Pingyu.

Compared with three months ago, Seoul has undergone earth-shaking changes. The city walls are higher than before. In the fields outside the city, there are lush green crops growing gratifyingly!

The new official roads are being continuously built, and the ditches that did not exist before are now dotted with dots, dividing the land into square grids. Using the technology of the Taixue Society, the newly made waterwheels are constantly turning Then, the sound of water rushing.

The farmers who are busy plowing and weeding in the fields all have smiles on their faces.

Seeing Yuan Yao's army passing by, he knelt down excitedly and shouted the slogan "Long Live the New Baekje King".

There are even some pretty good-looking girls who turn red when they see Yuan Yao's car. While bowing down, they look obsessively at Yuan Yao, or secretly send glances, or are affectionate silently, or smile like peach blossoms, or directly making a seductive gesture.

Yuan Yao laughed it off, but because of these seductions, Yuan Yao's mood became more anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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