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Chapter 591 Great Victory: Going Long Lines to Catch Big Fish

Chapter 591 Great Victory: Going Long Lines to Catch Big Fish

This is a battlefield, there is no room for any hesitation, Xiahoudun was dizzy, and immediately attacked with several warhammers again!

One struck his head again, trying to stun him again, one struck Xiahoudun's hand holding the steel spear, intending to maim his hand, and the other struck the horse's head, intending to knock his horse out. Stunned, another blow hit Xiahoudun's chest, trying to hit Xiahoudun until he vomited blood! !
"Thief!! Don't even think about hurting the general!!!"

At this critical juncture, several of Xiahou Dun's followers immediately rushed out from behind, and rushed out from the left and right. The steel guns were sharply picked out, and the four warhammers were thrown away! !
Xiahou Dun shook his head vigorously, regained consciousness, and immediately became furious, shouting: "Dare to sneak attack!! I'll take your dog's life!!"

With a steel gun in his hand, he pierced the enemy general's throat, and then pulled it hard, and saw that the enemy general's neck was broken immediately, leaving only one layer connected, hanging upside down on the back, and the blood mist was scattered in all directions, so as not to seep through. !

"Ah!!!" After Xiahou Dun killed the enemy general, he was like a mad tiger, his eyes were blood red, and a steel gun killed the Guishuang heavy cavalry to retreat! !
Xiahou Dun was almost injured, which also made Zhou Cang and Zhang Fei, who were already famous for their fierceness, furious. The Taishan Army was originally a group of murderous bandits. Roaring again and again, desperately pounced! !

"Crazy! Crazy!!! This army is full of lunatics!!! Retreat quickly!!!..." The heavy cavalry of the Guishuang Empire would rather die and be killed by the supervising army behind than die in Zhou Cang, Zhang Fei In the hands of fierce and brutal enemies like , Xiahou Dun and Taishan Army!

The emperor of the Guishuang Empire lived under the heavy protection of the army, but when he looked at it, he felt the cold and was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat!
The food and grass of the rear army were robbed, the army was defeated, [-] cavalry archers were wiped out, and even the heavy cavalry they were most proud of were killed without any power to fight back! !

Rear, left, and right three ways to retreat back and forth in a row! !
"Concentrate all the cavalry and storm the central army of the Dazhong Empire!! Kill their emperor!! I will appoint him as the new Xihou of the Lanshi City!!" Hupisaka II, the emperor of the Guishuang Empire, was terrified, but also Seeing Yuan Yao who personally led the army to fight out, his eyes lit up immediately, and he wanted to put all his eggs in one basket! ! !
"Kill!!!" The heavy cavalry who had been terrified by the Tiger Guards and Mount Tai Army of the Dazhong Empire on the left and right, under the heavy reward, regained their courage and pressed towards the middle together! !
Yuan Yao shouted loudly: "Well done!! Bear my wrath!!"

hoo hoo hoo! !

The hundred guards, all equipped with bright light armor, are not afraid at all. They are all brave generals who can fight against a hundred. This swarm of enemy cavalry has aroused the blood of all the guards even more! !
"My emperor is mighty!!!"

Yang Wu, Xu Huang, Xia Houbo, Xu Ding and a hundred bodyguard cavalry lined up, roaring several times, advancing instead of retreating, shoulder to shoulder with Dazhong Emperor Yuan Yao, and went straight to the direction where the Emperor of Guishuang Empire was.

Yuan Yao has a large stainless steel shield in his hand and strong generals guarding him. Although he is frightened, he is not in any danger. The peerless sword in his hand, the Qingzhi Sword, is known as the Horse-Slaying Sword. It is a cavalry's nightmare. , is also a sword, not to mention the Guishuang heavy cavalry who only wears bronze armor? ?

Every time the sword is swung, the Qingzhi sword will drink blood and return!

"Kill!!" Yuan Yao roared, splitting the head of the oncoming horse with a sword, the enemy general fell from the horse and was trampled to death by the cavalry, and another sword cut off the head of an enemy general.

In this war, Yuan Yao just wanted to lure the Guishuang Empire to take the initiative to attack!Rather than looking for the opponent's army when the terrain is unfamiliar, it is better to let the emperor of the Guishuang Empire take the initiative to gather troops and come to die! !
This can not only avoid the possibility of being ambushed by the enemy, but also protect those innocent people to the greatest extent!
It can also save the trouble of transporting food, and the enemy's attack, for Yuan Yao, is to send food, war horses and meritorious service! !
Sunam, who was tied up at the top of Lan's city, had never seen such a tragic battlefield, she was so frightened that her face paled, she was worried about her father's accident, and at the same time, she was afraid that Emperor Dazhong Yuan Yao would be injured! !At this time, suddenly seeing the army of the Guishuang Empire pressing down on the middle road, and the Emperor Yuan Yao of the Dazhong Empire was in the most tragic center of the battlefield rushing from left to right, and immediately burst into tears.

"Let go of me!! I want to go to the battlefield, I want to persuade my father!!!" Sunam cried.

Guo Jia, the army teacher offering wine, had already made a plan with Yuan Yao, and Su Namu's request was also within his expectation.

"General Dai, Your Majesty is about to meet the enemy's spear and shield soldiers, and the entire battlefield is coming to an end. Please lead the [-] infantry in the city to fight out according to the plan, and completely crush the Guishuang Empire's army!! Also, Please bring these ten female slaves with Princess Sunam!" Guo Jia said.

"Master Guo, please guard this city! Take strict precautions against the rebellion of the people in the city!" Dai Ling said.

In Lan's City, the war drums placed on the city walls rang loudly again, and the horns blew at the same time! !

This is an order for the whole army to attack! !

Under this order, the infantry in the city swarmed out to surround the retreating Guishuang army.

"Ah!!" Seeing this, the heavy cavalry of the Guishuang Empire fled without a fight, and the emperor of the Guishuang Empire was protected by infantry, and at this time became an obstacle preventing him from escaping.

After a while, Yuan Yao embraced an army of tens of thousands and surrounded the emperor of the Guishuang Empire with only [-] infantry remaining. Together with the emperor of the Guishuang Empire, there were also the princes of various ministries, including Sunam The father, Wei Sutipo, Xi Hou of Gaofu City!

"You have already been defeated, you still don't surrender!!" Yuan Yao raised his sword and pointed at the spear shield soldiers in front of him and shouted.

Facing the long spear shield soldiers like a forest and protected by large shields, Yuan Yao did not dare to charge forward rashly, and long-range attacks could not cause damage to these long spear shield soldiers. Only then can we break through the formation of spears and shield soldiers of the Guiyanshuang Empire.

Such infantry fighting will greatly increase the casualties of Dazhong's empire! !

If Hupisaka II, the emperor of the Guishuang Empire, led the soldiers of the whole country this time, Yuan Yao would not hesitate any longer, and would kill all the enemies here, and even use precious gunpowder weapons.

However, the Guishuang Empire only dispatched [-] troops. In the south, there are more than [-] troops of the Guishuang Empire. Moreover, according to intelligence, the Anxi Empire is ready to start a war with the Dazhong Empire!
It is conceivable that when they attack the Guishuang Empire and penetrate into its territory, they will not only be attacked by the more than [-] Guishuang army, but also be flanked by the Anxi Empire!

If you insist on annihilating these [-] infantry, it will definitely cause desperate resistance! !

Except for Xiong Wei, Yuan Yao's infantry did not have strong defenses. Even if they could kill the 3000 enemy soldiers in a ratio of ten to one, they would still have to pay three thousand casualties! ! 30 people are not many just by looking at the numbers, but Yuan Yao knows that if we can keep [-] more Han Chinese, we can have [-] more Han Chinese in one year, and [-] in ten years! !
This has played a huge role in the Sinicization of aliens and the real maintenance of Zhongzhou, which is far away from the capital Pingyu! !

Therefore, Yuan Yao and Guo Jia have already made up their minds and decided to take a long time to catch big fish!Take it easy!Let the enemy concentrate to attack, and then use their hole cards to kill the main forces of the two countries in one fell swoop! !

(End of this chapter)

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