Chapter 597

However, the two countries have completely forgotten how Yuan Yao, the emperor of the Great Zhong Empire, conquered the entire East in just four years! !
Could Yuan Yao be so easy to deal with? ?
At night, the sky is still considered beautiful. Although the moon buds in the third day of junior high school are like thin threads, they cannot bring much light to the earth, but the sky is full of stars and there is no cloud in the sky, so there is no sign of rain!
"Fortunately, if it rains, the gunpowder bomb will probably be extinguished by the rain during the flight!" Yuan Yao looked at the sky and breathed a sigh of relief.

Lan's City, on the city wall, as soon as night fell, all the catapults were moved onto the city wall, one after another, covering the entire city wall, and the faces of the soldiers responsible for throwing bombs were shining with excitement, waiting for the attack The command.

The inner side under the city wall is full of gunpowder and ammunition, and the soldiers responsible for transporting the ammunition to the city have long been gearing up and waiting.

On the periphery, the army in charge of defense looked solemn!They are not other troops, but the Xiong Wei army, the most trusted under Yuan Yao's subordinates. Xiong Wei is not defending the enemy, but the people in the city!These gunpowder ammunition are extremely dangerous items, and they were secretly transported out of the factory after the four doors were closed.

Even so, Yuan Yao was also worried that there might be enemy spies among the people. If one of the spies came over without guarding them tightly, as long as a gunpowder bomb was ignited, the entire Lanshi City would be blown up! !
All the soldiers involved in this matter are also under strict monitoring, and must not tell anyone except myself!

As an emperor, Yuan Yao also strictly abided by his own rules, so Yuan Yao did not tell the secret of making gunpowder even to Su Namu who had just arrived!
If it wasn't for the purpose of giving the enemy a surprise blow, Yuan Yao would not have planned to set up a factory in the city. This kind of thing can only be done once, not twice!

"The enemy's front army is close to the range of our thunderbolt chariot!" The scout came to report.

"Your Majesty, do you want to start dropping bombs?" Yang Wu asked.

"It's better to wait a little longer. Dropping the bomb too early will not deal the greatest blow to the enemy. If the enemy's front army is attacked, the central army and rear army will flee! When the enemy stops and sets up the catapult, our army will launch an attack again! !” Yuan Yao said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Yang Wu nodded in understanding.

After a while, there was the sound of marching in the distance!

The scout came to report: "The enemy is already one and a half times closer to the catapult!"

"Wait a little longer!!" Yuan Yao ordered calmly.

Soon, torches from far away gathered all over the mountains and plains, and at a glance, the momentum was terrifying, and at the same time, the roar of hundreds of thousands of enemies came rolling like thunder!

All the soldiers guarding the Lan's city wall gasped! ! !
"Now!! Attack!!!" Yuan Yao ordered loudly! !
"Roar!!" The whole army was shocked, and the soldiers immediately ignited the gunpowder bombs, and they fought in unison, bursting with sparks, and flew high above the enemy.

boom!boom!boom! ! ...

The sudden gunpowder bombs were beyond the imagination of the Guishuang Empire and the Anxi Empire. The farthest fell directly behind the coalition forces of the two countries. After landing, the sound of light explosions almost blossomed everywhere!
"Accelerate the attack! Kill the enemy's catapult first! Never let the enemy launch a counterattack!!" Yuan Yao ordered loudly! !
"Obey, Your Majesty!!"

Boom boom boom! !

After two waves of gunpowder bombs, the enemy army ignited a big fire. Many of the enemy's armors were ignited and began to burn. There was no time to pounce, so they could only lie on the ground, rolling back and forth, and the screams resounded through the night sky!
The coalition forces of the Guishuang Empire and the Anxi Empire, which had not yet had time to launch an attack, collapsed immediately. How could they even think about attacking? The first wave of explosions completely blinded the 40 enemy troops. Their confidence was completely shattered, and they all retreated sharply, wanting to escape.

But it's too late! !The sound of the explosion was endless, and with every breath, dozens of gunpowder bombs fell and exploded. After these explosions were connected together, even if they were not killed by the explosion, they were also ignited by the fire. The frantically routed enemy army is fleeing, and as long as they fall down, they will never get up again.

The explosions, screams, and flames outside the city shocked the people of the entire Lan's City. Some people who were allowed to climb up on a high place and watch from a distance outside the city, and the scene they saw was astonishing. Let them immediately feel grateful for being the people of the Dazhong Empire!
Other people who did not get permission shrank at home, trembling. This was the first time they heard such a terrifying sound!They were only told that this was the Dazhong Empire killing the enemy! !
About two quarters of an hour after the Perak Chariot attacked, the enemy left more than [-] corpses and retreated.

"Pass my order, the thunderbolt car will go out of the city and continue to pursue and bomb the enemy!! The whole cavalry army of Lan's City will attack!" Yuan Yao ordered.


In the battle of Lan's City, Yuan Yao pushed the thunderbolt chariot forward several times, and finally directly blasted it into the camp of King Hupisaka II, killing Hupisaka II on the spot!
After all the gunpowder bombs were fired, about 25 enemy troops died directly from the explosion, about [-] were burned to death, and about [-] were trampled to death. Only tens of thousands of the enemy escaped with their lives.

Yuan Yao ordered the cavalry to chase and kill them all the way. On the second day, when the soldiers approached the city of Flousha, the guards in the city learned that the emperor Hupisaka II was dead, and immediately left the city to surrender.

The king of Anxi Kingdom fled back to the country, with less than 20 people around him, but Yuan Yao did not give him any chance to breathe. The 15 troops in Lanshi City, [-] of them were dispatched without stopping, and it took only three days to occupy the Guishuang Empire. .

It took another four days to conquer the Parthian Empire. Emperor Vologassis V did not dare to fight, and led his remnants to flee to the territory of the Roman Empire.

Yuan Yao ordered Zhou Cang to garrison Flousha, the capital of the Guishuang Empire, to formally take over Zhongzhou and become the king of Zhongzhou.

The aftermath of the Lanshi City was completed by the remaining [-] troops and the people of the Lanshi City. Yuan Yao originally wanted to move to Flousha to enjoy the "coolness" of Flousha, but was persuaded by Guo Jia.

"Your Majesty, General Zhou Cang has been proclaimed the King of Zhongzhou. Now is the time for him to establish his prestige in the Guishuang Empire. If His Majesty goes to Flossa, it will definitely affect Zhou Cang's management of Zhongzhou! If His Majesty leaves Zhongzhou in the future, I am afraid that Zhong Wang Zhoucang cannot deter the people of the Guilu Empire! Please think twice, Your Majesty!" Guo Jia said.

"It makes sense! Feng Xiao, it's fortunate that you reminded me, otherwise I made another big mistake!!" Yuan Yao said.

"Your Majesty is wise!" Guo Jia said.

Yuan Yao would save a lot of trouble if he didn't move the palace to Frousa. At least, the safety of Lan's City is much better than Frousha's who just occupied it and hasn't checked thoroughly!

In the Battle of Lanshi City, Yuan Yao wiped out almost all the new forces of the Guishuang Empire and the Anxi Empire with very few casualties, and occupied the territories of the two countries within a few days like lightning. Most of the advancing troops were concentrated in the Anxi Empire. The capital Ctesiphon (near Baghdad), ready to attack the Roman Empire!
On the eighth day after the big victory
Wei Sutipo, Marquis of Gaofu, personally led the crowd to surrender, but his army stayed in Gaofu City, and only brought [-] guards and crossed the snow-capped mountains to Lanshi City!

(End of this chapter)

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