Chapter 600 Conquering Rome
The Roman cavalry at the back had just had time to turn around when Xu Chu led the Huwei light cavalry to kill them. Under the siege, only a few hundred Roman cavalry broke through a gap and retreated in the direction they came.

Zhao Yun, the commander of the Yingxiang Army who was plundering in the rear, saw that he led his troops to pursue them all the way, and chased them all the way to a camp near the enemy's rear. He shot randomly and caused chaos in the Roman army. When the Roman army ordered the longbowmen to fight back At that time, Zhao Yun had already returned from victory.

After this large-scale battle, Yuan Yao ordered the troops from all walks of life to press forward step by step, advancing several miles or tens of miles every day. After nearly a month, nearly 30 Roman troops finally pushed into the final stronghold. , in the city of Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire.

Main Camp of Dazhong Imperial Army
Yuan Yao summoned various leaders and generals to discuss.

The 20 troops of Vesutipva suffered huge losses in this month's battle, and the battle damage has exceeded [-]. He hated the Romans, "Your Majesty! If you use the thunderbolt chariot, bomb the city! The Romans must Can't stop!"

The generals also fought hard for more than a month, and they all agreed with Wei Sutipo's suggestion. Du Guojia stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think this is inappropriate! Rome represents the highest civilization in the West. If we use Thunderbolt cars will surely make a lot of precious civilizations disappear! A large number of Romans who mastered Western civilization died, which is not conducive to the technological development of the Dazhong Empire, and the gunpowder left in our army is not enough to kill 30 Roman troops. In the end, we still have to fight hard!! Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

Yuan Yao nodded, weighed it up, and said: "What Feng Xiao said is reasonable. After all, we are looking for development, not destruction. If our army is at a disadvantage, it makes sense to use thunderbolt chariots. There is no need to do this!"

Sun Ce said: "Your Majesty, the city of Rome and the people in the city of Rome, although they belong to the Roman Empire now, will belong to our Dazhong Empire in the future. If the damage is too great, the repairs in the future will cost a lot!!"

The generals thought for a while.

"Your Majesty, I have a plan!" Chang Xi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said loudly, "Although the city of Rome is high and deep, but 30 soldiers suddenly poured in, plus the original people, the food will not last! The Army University can firmly guard the four gates, dig up the river, cut off the water source in the city, and within a month, the enemies in the city will either come out to die by themselves, or die of thirst and starvation in the city!!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, if Chang Xi's plan was followed, the enemy would be defeated easily, but at that time, the tragedy in the city would be unbearable.

Yuan Yao said: "General Chang Xi, your plan is good! You can break through the city of Rome at the lowest cost!!"

Chang Xi was overjoyed, but after Yuan Yao praised him, he immediately changed the subject and said, "But I think this move is too cruel. According to the Roman emperor's attitude of preferring soldiers to common people, I think the weakest must die first. Women and children, followed by the common people, and finally the Roman army!! And the women and children are the ones I want to keep the most!"

"Oh! I forgot this!!" Chang Xi patted his forehead, smiled awkwardly, and sat back.

"Your Majesty, I have a plan, which can not only destroy Rome, but also preserve Rome's technology to the greatest extent!" Guo Jia said confidently, clasping his hands.

"What's Feng Xiao's plan?" Yuan Yao smiled.

"Since there will be a lot of casualties in the forcible attack on the city, why don't we concentrate all the gunpowder and bombs, blast a gate and break the city wall, and put heavy armored infantry at the forefront to defend against the enemy's long-range attacks. After entering the city, rely on our army's armor to defend And the superiority of troops, it is not difficult to break through the city!" Guo Jia said.

"Okay!!" Yuan Yao nodded, shouted "Hello", looked around the generals with a smile, and said, "What do you generals think of Guo Junshi's plan?"

"I agree!!" Sun Ce clasped his fists immediately.

"The ministers also agree with Guo Junshi's ingenious plan!!" The rest of the generals clasped their fists together.

In the winter of the second year of Huaxia, on the first day of October, Yuan Yao personally led the Dazhong Empire's army to finally conquer the center of the west, known as Rome, the capital of the most powerful Roman Empire in the world! !

After killing the Roman Emperor Severus and the Parthian Emperor Vologassis V in the marketplace, the Pope led tens of thousands of Holy See knights who refused to surrender, and finally died in the attack of the rebel army and the rebellion of the people.

On the day the city was broken, the Roman people, especially the slaves who had always been at the bottom of Rome, cheered loudly, smashed the Holy See frantically and took revenge on the slave owners who had oppressed them. Yuan Yao ordered the army not to stop all this, he did not want to keep these There is nothing better than letting the people spontaneously resist the forces that are deeply rooted in the city of Rome!

Those who treat the people and slaves well will naturally be spared from attack.

On the second day, Yuan Yao, who controlled the entire city of Rome, stood at the highest point of the Roman Palace and announced to all the Romans that the Roman Empire was doomed, and all the people of the Roman Empire would be included in the Dazhong Empire. No matter they were nobles or slaves, they would all become Commoners with equal status have all the rights of the Dazhong Empire.

Amnesty for the world, even death row prisoners can join the army to wash away their sins with military exploits!
Yuan Yao also has mandatory regulations on the status of civilians!All civilians are only allowed to have one wife and concubine, one hectare of land, and one house!
Those commoners who do not have land and wives can get a house in the field and have a wife, which is completely free!
All the extra wives, concubines, fields and houses of the former nobles and rich people will be confiscated. However, these nobles can improve their status by donating money, fields, and houses. The more they donate, the higher the title they get. Keep more of your wealth.

Yuan Yao's move won the support of the vast majority of the Romans, who all knelt down and cheered, shouting "Long live the Dazhong Empire!"

As for the nobles who wanted to resist, Yuan Yao used iron and blood methods to destroy their entire clan, leaving no men, women, or children behind!
This is Yuan Yao's principle, if you want to kill one, you will destroy the whole clan, and if you don't kill them, then you will give preferential treatment to the members of your clan. As long as you are obedient, Yuan Yao is also a human being, and he will not go too far!

Conquering the city of Rome only means the demise of the Roman Empire. There are still large areas of land to the west of Rome still in the hands of some nobles and lords. If these nobles and lords cannot be eliminated, according to their wealth and power, they will inevitably rebel in the future!What Yuan Yao did in the city of Rome was to set the principles for the future!
Three days after Daqing, Guo Jia said: "Your Majesty, although not all of the world is occupied, it has basically been settled, and the rest of the world can be unified one after another. Your Majesty, please delineate the pattern of the entire world as soon as possible, and clearly determine the specifics of the throne and state shepherds." that power!"

Yuan Yaodao: "Feng Xiao! Didn't you say that you don't have to be suspicious when you employ people, and you don't need to be suspicious if you are suspicious? These generals have followed me through life and death, and they are all loyal. They can better manage the states on my behalf!"

"Your Majesty's words are not bad, but you must be defensive!" Guo Jia persuaded.

Yuan Yao hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to explain it. It is almost impossible to guarantee that a dynasty will not decline from generation to generation. This is the law of history.

(End of this chapter)

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