Chapter 608 Sail to America
The difference is that more stamina potion was added to the holy water in the small cauldron, about [-] drops, but only [-] drops were added in the big cauldron. confidant talent.

Only those confidantes who come from other places and cannot come back temporarily can take it when they come back.

Overlord Yuan Shu, Empress Dowager Feng, Lu Lingqi, Gong Du, Gong Yinglian, Sun Shangxiang, Cao Yanran, Cai Yan, Su Namu, etc., as well as dozens of children including Yuan Hao, these relatives belonging to Yuan Yao gathered here one after another.

"Your Majesty, is this really holy water? Is there really a god in the Sect of All Beings?" Lu Lingqi asked in surprise.

Regarding the matter of the Sect of All Beings, Yuan Yao revealed his identity to her before the Western Expedition, but it was precisely because she knew the details of the Sentences Sect that she lost her sense of mystery and did not regard the Sentences Sect as a religion, but only as a religion. Be a society.

Yuan Yao, the "mysterious" envoy worshiped by all members of the Sect of All Living Beings, in Lu Lingqi's eyes, is just her husband, a mortal, and the spiritual symbol of Sentence Sect Teaching.

Lu Lingqi's question expressed everyone's aspirations, so dozens of pairs of eyes turned to Yuan Yao, waiting for his answer.

"Of course, this is what I asked for through dialogue with God. I have already taken it, and now I have a physique that is not soaked in cold and heat!!" Yuan Yao said loudly.


"This is real……!?"

"Is there really a god!?"



The fifth year of Huaxia, the first month

Emperor Yuan Yao of the Dazhong Empire discovered that only a small population lived in the mainland of Australia, and immediately ordered Xu Yu and Zhao Yun to lead light cavalry and light bow cavalry to go there by boat. It took about four months, and by the end of August, the entire On the mainland of Australia, Yuan Yao named Zhao Yun the king of Australia, the shepherd of Australia, and managed Australia.

He also established a branch of the Taixue Society in Australia, and ordered Guo Jia to lead a group of talents to Australia to preside over the Taixue Society and develop resources in Australia.

Five Years of Huaxia, October in Winter
After Yuan Yao taught the first-level civilization to the technical talents of the Taixue Society one by one, the Dazhong Empire underwent amazing changes.

Glass, plastic, and more advanced alloy materials have been successfully manufactured one by one.

In order to protect the environment, Yuan Yao kept a lot of relevant knowledge, including cement, oil, high explosives, nuclear energy, etc., so planes and cars in the first-level civilization could not be manufactured, but Yuan Yao vigorously developed power and related applications.

After nearly a year, electric lights have been used in the capital Pingyu City and its vicinity. Every night, the city is no longer dark, but brightly lit.

Most residents can have a radio that can only receive one station. In addition to conveying the speeches of the royal family of the Dazhong Empire from time to time, the radio also plays music and some interesting programs.

All the water used by the people has been replaced by tap water, which saves the people the hard work of carrying water every day, and also reduces the diseases caused by drinking unclean water.

Although all of this is only popular in the vicinity of the capital, it is believed that it will be popular all over the world soon.

In addition to these, Yuan Yao immediately built a small steel warship, named Civilization No. [-]. The Civilization No. [-] warship was mainly used for transportation, with a displacement of [-] tons. It took nearly a year to build it. success.


"System! Please check the countdown to the second mission!!"

After everything was ready, Yuan Yao called out the system immediately.

"The deadline for the second mission is 755 days, the host please go to Yinzhou as soon as possible!"

The gentle female voice of the system quickly came from Yuan Yao's mind. Apart from answering Yuan Yao's question, the system reminded him with concern.

In the unification of Australia, after completing the first task, the system gave Yuan Yao a small extra reward, and Yuan Yao adjusted the system to his favorite female voice.

After all, Yuan Yao will be inseparable from the system for many years to come, and will have to talk to the system every day. A nice and gentle female voice is very important.

Going to Yinzhou is not as difficult as imagined. In the northern part of the Dazhong Empire, Pingzhou and Yinzhou are very close to each other. Later generations call it the Bering Strait. The narrowest place is only about 170 miles away. Yuan Yao named the strait the Pingyin Strait.

However, Yuan Yao did not intend to go to Yinzhou from the Bering Strait, but to take a boat from an island chain further south.

Through systematic inquiries, Yuan Yao now has a very detailed global map. From the map, this island chain consisting of more than [-] small islands is like a beautiful necklace connecting Pingzhou and Yinzhou Standing up, each island is as beautiful as a pearl on a necklace.

These island chains were called the Aleutian Islands in later generations. Except for a few islands on the U.S. side that are far away (about 700 miles), the rest of the islands are very close to each other, and most of them are only a few miles apart. Ten miles, or even only a few hundred feet apart, they can face each other across islands.

Of course, Yuan Yao did not adopt the names of later generations for these more than [-] islands, but named them Pingyin Islands.

The climate of Pingyin Islands is much warmer than that of Pingyin Strait, and due to the constant flow of seawater all year round, the seawater near the islands will never freeze. This is one of the reasons why Yuan Yao chose this island chain as his forward route.


After bidding farewell to his relatives, Yuan Yao ordered Yang Wu and Dai Ling to stay in Pingyu to protect his family.

Only Xu Chu and Xia Houbo were brought with them, and the three of them set off from Xuzhou on the Wenming No. [-] warship, and the first stop was New Baekje.

After arriving in New Baekje, Yuan Yao stayed for a day and continued to sail north. A few days later, he arrived at Pingzhou City, the state capital of Pingzhou, met with Guan Cheng, explained some things, replenished supplies, and sailed again.

Starting from Pingzhou, after hundreds of nautical miles to the east, it arrived in the northern part of Dongguo County (today's Japan).

There is also an island chain in the northern part of Dongguk County, which is very similar to the Pingyin Islands. In addition, it is now the deep winter of November, the coldest time of the year, and this north-south archipelago is almost completely covered by ice and snow.

After being far away from the mainland, one day he suddenly saw a small island full of ice and snow, Xu Chu immediately cheered loudly excitedly.

"Your Majesty, I think we have reached the Pinyin Islands!"

Xu Chu docked the warship at the edge of the island and called out Yuan Yao and Xia Houbo.

Yuan Yao was soundly asleep, and when Xu Chu woke him up, he was so angry that he immediately slapped Xu Chu on the head, and scolded, "Where's the holy water I gave you?"

"Your Majesty, the holy water has been absorbed by the body long ago!" Xu Chu gritted his teeth in pain, took a deep breath, and rubbed the painful head from Yuan Yao.

Xia Houbo immediately laughed when he heard the words.

Yuan Yao shook his head. He didn't understand why he decided to let Xu Chu go to Yinzhou together. If it was Yang Wu, it would definitely save trouble. Even if it was Dai Ling, after taking the holy water, his intelligence would generally increase greatly. , I didn't expect Xu Chu to be still a muddleheaded person.

"Okay, Zhongkang, this can't be the Pingyin Islands, have you forgotten that we are still sailing north? The Pingyin Islands are east-west!" Yuan Yao explained helplessly.

"Oh! My subordinates forgot for a while, but we have really arrived at a deserted island, do you want to go up and have a look?" Xu Chu said.

(End of this chapter)

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