Chapter 612 Eskimo
Looking at Yuan Yao and the other three in the house, the eyes of the captured man were full of horror and anger.

"Let go of his rope!" Yuan Yao said to Xia Houbo, looking at the noose still around his ankle.

"Untie it?" Xia Houbo thought he heard it wrong.

"En!" Yuan Yao nodded.

Xia Houbo acted immediately, touched the person first, found a short sharp knife, and loosened the noose on his feet.

"What's your name?" Yuan Yao asked kindly.

"****" The prisoner also asked Yuan Yao suspiciously at the same time.

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully comprehended the Eskimo language!" Suddenly, a large amount of information flooded into Yuan Yao's mind, and at the same time, a pleasant notification sound from the system appeared.

Yuan Yao was overjoyed, but was soon stunned: "Eskimos?! So they are Eskimos!! No wonder I always felt something was wrong before!... Eskimos mean barbarians who love to eat raw meat!!"

"What do you want to do?" the prisoner asked anxiously.

This time, Yuan Yao understood his words immediately.

"Don't worry, we are not hostile and will not hurt you!" Yuan Yao said in Eskimo.

"Ah! You know our language? Are you?" The prisoner was startled.

"Yes, but before I answer your question, can you not tell me your name?" Yuan Yao nodded.

Xia Houbo's eyes widened at the side, obviously very surprised that Yuan Yao was able to talk to the locals all of a sudden!
Xu Chu, who was lying by the door and window, was also taken aback for a moment, and looked back at Yuan Yao, as if he wanted to ask, but in the end he didn't make a sound, and continued to observe the movement outside.

"My name is Jian Bing! What's your name?"

"My surname is Yuan, my name is Yao, and my name is Zimou. I am the leader of the Sect of All Beings!" Yuan Yao said.

Jian Bing looked at Yuan Yao in bewilderment, and Yuan Yao had no choice but to say, "You can call me Zimou directly, or you can call me Master Yuan!"

Jian Bing heard the words and immediately bowed respectfully: "Little man Jian Bing, I pay my respects to Master Yuan!"

Yuan Yao was slightly taken aback, a little embarrassed, he didn't expect Jian Bing to call him an adult! !
In Chinese, 大人 means elder, mainly referring to father!Calling someone an adult is like calling someone "father"!
Only in Goguryeo, Yilou, and Puyu people in the north, the meaning of adult is different. Although it also means elder, it definitely does not mean father, but refers to a person in a high position, showing respect for each other, and even If you have an official position, you will be called an adult directly.

"Jian Bing, you don't need to be so polite. Although I am the leader of a sect, the sect of all beings emphasizes the equality of all beings. You can just call me the leader Yuan. If you are lucky enough to join the sect of all beings, you can only call me Master!" Yuan Yao smiled.

"Thank you, Master Yuan, for not killing him!" Jian Bing thanked him with emotion.

After mastering the Eskimo language, there was no obstacle in the communication between the two. Yuan Yao asked Jian Bing to approach the fire to keep warm, and they started talking.

From the conversation, Yuan Yao learned that Eskimos do not like to be called Eskimos (people who love to eat raw meat). They call themselves Inuit, which translates to real people. As for why there is such a strange name, it is different from Indians related to people.

Indian means Yin people, and Indian means "Yin people".

In the same way, Eskimos are people who love raw meat, and Eskimos are also "people who love raw meat".

Although this is a mouthful and can drive people with OCD crazy, Yuan Yao still decided to call them Eskimos and Indians.

The Indians were the first to move to Yinzhou, while the Eskimos came later, and they came through the Bering Strait. Because of the extreme cold in the north and the limited firewood, the Eskimos had to often eat raw meat Therefore, the Indians look down on them and call them "savages who love raw meat!", that is, "Eskimos".

The ancestors of the Eskimos were the enemies of the Han Chinese, the Donghu people. According to Jian Bing, the ancestors of the Indians were Yin merchants who crossed the sea and moved eastward from the Central Plains!
Therefore, the Indians can accept any nationality, but they cannot accept the descendants of the enemy Hu people, even if they have changed a lot and become Eskimos.

The Eskimos also secretly ridiculed the Indians. They believed that the Indians had no etiquette and were polygamous. Indians are not real people!

Yuan Yao and Jian Bing kept talking until it was almost dawn, and both of them were immersed in excitement.

Just when the two got carried away, Yuan Yao suddenly heard a few barking dogs, and asked in surprise: "Jian Bing, I heard the barking dogs, is it because your family is worried about you and came back to look for you? If so , you go and explain all this clearly, and tell them my identity and purpose!"

Jian Bing heard the words, looked at the sky outside the door, his expression changed drastically, and he jumped up from the ground anxiously.

"It's bad!! I forgot about this!! Master Yuan! You run away! This must be my brother leading our clansman to kill here!! They must have come to avenge me!!" Jian Bing shouted in panic.

"What?" Yuan Yao was taken aback.

"Master! What's the situation?" Xia Houbo was alerted immediately, and pulled out the ancient ingot knife at once.

"Could it be that this person has attracted enemies?" Xu Chu frowned, with a murderous look in his eyes, and the veins in his hand holding the knife suddenly burst out.

Yuan Yao immediately stood up, stopped Xu Chu and Xia Houbo, and said, "Don't be reckless! Jian Bing is our friend, we are not here for killing, but for peace!"

"Yes! Master!!" The two replied.

At this time, the barking of dogs outside the house was getting closer, and the roaring of Eskimos gradually came.

Jian Bing also heard this at this time, and was very anxious, asking Yuan Yao to leave as soon as possible.

"Okay! It seems that we can only retreat! Jian Bing, tell your people, if you want to be friends with me, I welcome it very much. If you insist on being enemies, I don't mind killing tens of thousands more!" Yuan Yao said.

After finishing speaking, Yuan Yao quickly put on his armor, carried his pack on his back, picked up his big shield, drew out his long sword, and rushed out of the wooden house.

"Kill these Indians!"

As soon as he rushed out of the wooden house, Yuan Yao was shocked to find that hundreds of Eskimos charged forward with dozens of sledges, holding spears and machetes!

"Let's go quickly! Get out of here and retreat to the south!" Yuan Yao observed for a while and found that the Eskimos did not have archers, so he calmed down a bit, pointed at a path leading to the south with his sword, and shouted loudly.

The three of them galloped to the south, their physiques were different from ordinary people, even though they were carrying heavy weights, their speed was not much slower than that of a sled.

Yuan Yao could hear Jian Bing shouting loudly from behind to stop his clansmen from pursuing, but the number of enemies chasing did not decrease much.

"There are only three of them, we must kill them, or let them escape into the territory of the Yindi people, and it will definitely bring us war!" An Eskimo leader shouted loudly.

"Kill them! Kill them!" shouted the rest of the Eskimos.

(End of this chapter)

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