Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 619 The Master's Wife

Chapter 619 The Master's Wife
"May I ask who you are?" Yuan Yao asked.

"My lord, Qingcang, is a witch doctor, you can call me Qingcang witch doctor!" The witch doctor introduced himself.

"It turns out to be the witch doctor Qingcang. Good luck! Good job! If you want the prescription of this medicine, it's not a big deal, I'll give you the formula right away!" Yuan Yao smiled immediately.

This prescription for treating wind-warm disease is obtained from the system. Yuan Yao has mastered hundreds of similar prescriptions, so this is not such a precious thing for Yuan Yao. If you can use this prescription to make a favor , why not do it.

Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime.

Yuan Yao didn't want to make the other party miss because of a prescription.

"No, I don't want to ask for a prescription! I just want to follow Master Yuan and learn medical skills from you!" The witch doctor Qing Cang bowed again respectfully.

"You want to worship me as a teacher?" Yuan Yao was surprised, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he stared straight at Qing Cang's eyes.

Qing Cang looks older than Chief You Feihu, nearly 50 years old, with a ruddy complexion. From You Feihu's attitude towards Qing Cang, it can be seen that in this tribe, his status is no higher than that of Chief You Feihu. Flying Tiger is much lower, and even in some respects, more respected than Chief.

If Yuan Yao can accept him as an apprentice, he will have a little follower who is respected by the Indians of the entire tribe, and it will be much more convenient for him to do things in the future.

This made Yuan Yao's heart skip a beat.

"Exactly, please accept Hierarch Yuan as an apprentice!!" The elder witch doctor nodded immediately, with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"No!" Yuan Yao shook his head and refused resolutely, "If you want a prescription, I can give it to you immediately, but many of my medical skills are related to the Sect of All Beings, and you must be a member of the Sect of Sentient Beings to master it. Even if you learn it, you won’t be able to use this kind of medical skill!”

This matter will obviously reduce Yuan Yao's sense of mystery, it will be detrimental to the development of the Sect of All Beings, and it will also be detrimental to the completion of the tasks issued by the system.

"Do I have to join the Sect of All Beings?" The witch doctor Qingcang's face turned ugly.

"Yes, you can master it only after being baptized by the Sect of All Beings, and if you want ordinary prescriptions, I can record them all and give them to you! And this does not require any conditions!!" Yuan Yao affirmed.

What Yuan Yao said is indeed true. The same disease and the same medicine will have different effects depending on the target of treatment. The role of the medicine is also different, sometimes it is a good medicine, sometimes it may be a poison! !
To accurately grasp the method of treatment, one must have extremely sensitive thinking and extremely sensitive five senses!

It is very difficult for ordinary people to meet such a high requirement, unless their physique is transformed with holy water!
The physical potion for making holy water is limited, and it is the key that Yuan Yao relies on. How could it be easily given to outsiders!
"This..." Qing Cang witch doctor glanced at You Feihu, and silently retreated behind him.

Just now Yuan Yao also proposed to You Feihu about the teaching of sentient beings, but You Feihu refused, and the importance of his medical skills in the chief's mind cannot exceed the health of the chief's wife.

At this time, Huya put away his tears, stood up, gave Yuan Yao a resentful look, turned around and walked out the door, missing.

You Feihu looked at the direction Huya was leaving, sighed, and showed a wry smile, but soon recovered his normal expression, and bowed to Yuan Yao with a smile on his face: "Master Yuan, I still have some important people in my clan. Things have to be dealt with, we will see you later, today is still the same as yesterday, there will be a celebration to welcome you, and finally thank you again for healing my wife."

Yuan Yao also returned the salute, and bowed: "It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about, since this medicine is effective for your wife's condition, I will continue to treat your wife! But please don't worry!"

Several people nodded and left the tent. Yuan Yao had nowhere to go, so he led Xu Chu and Xia Houbo back to Huya's tent again.

To Yuan Yao's surprise, Huya was in the tent.

"Master! This subordinate has come to think of it. The task of learning Indian language and spreading Chinese that the leader has told us has not been completed. This subordinate will resign!" Xia Houbo immediately reported upon seeing this, and touched Xu Chu at the same time.

Xu Chu was taken aback for a moment, but he soon understood and also left.

"Alright!!" Yuan Yao nodded in agreement, and the two left quickly.

The tent is not big, only a few feet in radius. Yuan Yao gently sat next to Huya, recalling her cuteness last night, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

Huya pouted, stared blankly at one side, with an angry look on his face, obviously angry with Yuan Yao.

"Sister Huya!" Yuan Yao called softly.

"You still know how to call me sister? Why didn't you treat my mother with the best method just now?" Huya turned his face and looked at Yuan Yao with dissatisfaction.

"Hey, sister Huya, it's too late for me to love you, how could I be willing to make you angry because of this?" Yuan Yao coaxed with a smile.

Huya heard the words, saw Yuan Yao's serious look, burst out laughing, couldn't get angry anymore, hesitated for a while, and threw himself on Yuan Yao, pressed Yuan Yao on the animal skin, and hit Yuan Yao's face , on the neck, kissed on the mouth.

There is no reason for Yuan Yao not to take advantage of the cheap delivery to the door. He explored Huya's body dishonestly with both hands, and immediately reacted, a certain place was as hard as iron.

"Ah!" Huya exclaimed when he noticed it, and hurriedly let go of Yuan Yao, stepped back a few feet, sat down, panting heavily, and the same blush flew onto his cheeks.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Yuan Yao smiled embarrassedly.

"Brother Zimou is bad!" Huya said angrily.

"It's really not intentional, no one can control this! Look at me, I'm really uncomfortable now!" Yuan Yao said with a bitter face.

Huya looked at Yuan Yao, feeling a little guilty and embarrassed, so he moved closer to Yuan Yao, lowered his head to consider for a while, then raised his head curiously, and said, "Brother Zimou! The god worshiped by the Sect of All Beings is really Is it the same as the thunderbird god of our Yin people?"

"Of course it is! It's just that the way of worshiping gods of the Sect of All Beings is a little different from that of your tribe!...Why, you also want to join the Sect of Sentient Beings?" Yuan Yao's eyes lit up, and he asked with a smile.

"If it's really a god, why not?" Huya blinked his big eyes and smiled. Among the neat and white teeth, the alluring little Huya attracted Yuan Yao's attention again.

Yuan Yao couldn't help being moved, he hugged Hu Hu by the waist, put it in his arms, and said with a smile: "If this is the case, then you will be the wife of the first leader of the Sect of All Beings!"

Huya didn't resist this time, with a happy smile on his face, he reached out and pinched Yuan Yao's nose, giggling.

"Brother Zimou, if I am the first to join the Sect of All Beings, will my status be higher than my two older brothers? Hee hee!! I think it must be a very fun thing!" Huya's eyes suddenly The smile narrowed into two crescent moons, which is heart-pounding.

(End of this chapter)

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