Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 634 The Battle of Bear and Wolf

Chapter 634 The Battle of Bear and Wolf
Outside the cabin, the gray wolf also reacted, howling one after another, and finally reached the head wolf,
The first wolf looked greedily at the cabin, raised his head and let out a wolf howl, and the pack of wolves immediately began to change. The pack of wolves surrounding the cabin continued to monitor the people in the house, while the rest of the pack quickly approached the position of the first wolf.

About thirty gray wolves, led by the head wolf, marched aggressively across the south of the cabin.

They are ready to fight the giant brown bear!
Yuan Yao and other six riders also rushed into a small piece of coniferous forest at this time, passing through this small forest is the home of Jianbing.

At this moment, there was a howl of wolves, and Yuan Yao's face relaxed, and at the same time, there was a flash of excitement!
"King Kong! Speed ​​up! Let me see your power!" Yuan Yao patted the sitting brown bear lightly and said.

The presence of wolves at least shows that Jian Bing did not lie to him, and Jian Bing's family members are still safe, otherwise, the wolves would not have stayed here after breaking through the log cabin!

King Kong responded with a low growl, and accelerated violently. In an instant, one person and one bear rushed into the forest like an afterimage, and snow fell in disorder wherever they passed.

Soon, the bears and wolves met, and the thirty or so gray wolves suddenly saw them. Although they were shocked and took a step back, under the command of the head wolf, a fierce light burst out from the wolf's eyes in an instant, and they rushed forward.

"Good time! I was worried that there would be no meat to feed the giant bear, and now I have something!" Yuan Yao happily drew out his sword and spotted a gray wolf that was flying up from the side and wanted to bite his leg. With a single swing, the gray wolf was cut in half, blood spattering everywhere.

King Kong also slapped a gray wolf in front of him flying a few feet away with his palm at the same time, only to hear a dense sound of bone breaking, the gray wolf was patted into a meatloaf before it screamed, and it fell down. In the snow in the distance.

But even so, the gray wolves were not afraid, but even more ferocious. More than a dozen gray wolves rushed out of the forest at the same time, their eyes gleaming with green light, their mouths drooling, and some darted into the belly of the giant bear. Wanting to attack the weak spots of the giant bears, some jumped and bit Yuan Yao's neck.

Yuan Yao was not afraid at all, most of his body was covered by bright light armor, even if Gray Wolf's claws touched him, it would be useless.

"King Kong!! Let's sweep away thousands of troops!!" Yuan Yao shouted.

King Kong immediately stood up, and then slapped his palms fiercely at the same time, covering the gray wolf that was trying to attack his abdomen under his claws. With one slap, the pack of wolves screamed, and if they didn't die, they would be injured.

Yuan Yao hugged King Kong's body tightly with one hand, and swung the green sword with the other hand, beheading several gray wolves in a row, disintegrating the attack of the wolves!
The alpha wolf did not participate in the attack, but commanded from the sidelines. Seeing this tragic situation, the fierce flames disappeared, stretched its neck and howled lowly at the ground, and wanted to retreat.

But it's too late now!

"Master!! Finally caught up!!"

"Master! Leave a few for us to have fun!!"

Xu Chu, Xia Houbo's two riders have already rushed from behind, and a little later, there are three tiger claws, leopard heads and tiger teeth!

As soon as the six giant bears appeared, the wolves all had their tails between their legs, speeding up their escape.


Seven people and six bears, like tigers and sheep, killed the fleeing wolves one after another.

This scene made the eyes of the two men and two women in the cabin stare straight!
"My God!! What did I see!! Someone can domesticate the giant brown bear!!"

"That's solid ice!! The solid ice is back!! We're saved!!"

"Haha! Seeing the distressed appearance of this group of gray wolves, it's really refreshing!!"

"Are they the weirdos who came to us last time?"

The expressions of the four showed shock, surprise, excitement, and doubts!They all moved their faces to the window and looked out from the gap.

The pack of wolves outside the cabin also joined in the escape. However, although the pack of wolves was fast, they were not as fast as a brown bear on the snow. They were overtaken by Yuan Yao and the others for a while, leaving more than ten wolves behind. Only a dozen or so wolves escaped in terror.

Ow! !
The giant bears roared happily, and began to feed on the blood of the dead gray wolf.

"Let's go down and let them eat freely here!" Yuan Yao said.

"Do you want to tie it to a tree?" Xu Chu asked.

"No need, the cubs are still in our hands, and King Kong has completely surrendered to me, they won't leave!" Yuan Yao said.

The seven jumped off the giant bear and walked towards the icy cabin.

"Tajiya! Tajiya!!" Jian Bing shouted while running.

The door of the cabin opened with a creak, and four Eskimos ran out. One of them, a woman wearing a thick animal fur coat, took off her hat, and with an excited smile on her face, she responded loudly: : "Here I am!! Ice!"

"Great!! My Tajiya!!" Jian Bing hugged Tajiya excitedly.

The older Eskimo man watched Yuan Yao and the others with a hint of caution in his eyes. He didn't speak, but took off his hat politely and nodded.

Another young man who was somewhat similar to Jian Bing should be Jian Bing's brother. He walked up to Yuan Yao with a look of admiration, knelt down and thanked him: "Thank you for your help! I am Jian Bing's younger brother Yiza!"

At this time, Jian Bing let go of Tajiya, and happily introduced to both parties.

The older man is Jian Bing's father, Satu, and his mother has passed away due to illness. The two women are his wife and his brother Yiza's wife!

The six giant bears eating happily in the distance frightened Jian Bing's family members, and at the suggestion, everyone went into Jian Bing's log cabin.

After Jian Bing introduced to his family in detail what he had seen and heard in the Indian tribe, his father Satu looked at Yuan Yao with eager eyes.

"Master Yuan, I am very eager to join the Sect of All Beings. Is it an honor?" Satu said.

Yuan Yao came here just to subdue the Eskimos. Of course, he wished for Zhu Bing's family to join the Sect of All Beings, but if he simply recruited the members of the Sentient Sect, without giving them holy water, he would not be able to treat other Eskimos. be attractive enough.

"You want to join our church, of course I welcome it, but not every congregation can easily get holy water, this requires not only sincere prayers, but also sufficient church contribution!" Yuan Yao said.

"Do you still need contribution?" Satu said.

"Yes!" Yuan Yao affirmed.

Next, Yuan Yao carefully explained the role of contribution to Jian Bing and Jian Bing's family, and said: "Contribution can also be obtained by developing congregants in the early stage. If you develop a hundred congregants, you can Become a disciple, and if you develop [-] congregants, you can become a deacon, as long as you reach the level of a deacon, you will have enough contribution points, which can be exchanged for a piece of holy water!"

When Satu heard the words, his eyes were full of doubts, but Jian Bing had seen the huge changes after the All Beings took the holy water with his own eyes, so his eyes lit up immediately, and he asked, "What if I can attract [-] congregants?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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