Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 641 The new location of the perfect home

Chapter 641 The new location of the perfect home
The mighty team lined up in a long line, and the front was led by missionaries who were already familiar with the road, and the eagle hunters of the Nata tribe took turns releasing flying eagles to scout and communicate in the sky, and Yuan Yao and other giant bear knights opened the way ahead.

Most of the congregation of the Sect of All Beings marched on foot. Fortunately, everyone did not have much luggage, and the food was obtained from hunting along the way.

Because of the efforts of the missionaries, the tribes encountered along the way joined the Sect of All Beings one after another after meeting Yuan Yao. Most of them stayed, and most of those who dared to take risks and those who had no family concerns joined The marching team.

After advancing for about a month, the number of people following Yuan Yao has reached more than [-]. In order to ensure sufficient food, Yuan Yao ordered Xu Chu to take Tiger Claw and others to divide half of the people into the jungle from another road. Road, parallel to the south.

In this way, it was divided into three groups. Yuan Yao led the main force to advance on land near the coast, Xu Chu led a group of people to advance in the jungle far away from the coast, and Xia Houbo was driving a boat with the young and old in the sea. Shoreline advance!
With the arrival of early summer, the team gradually moved south, and the weather gradually became warmer and warmer. The northernmost tribes such as Huxiao and Nata slowly took off their animal skin jackets and changed into light and thin clothes.

On this day, after walking out of a verdant forest, Yuan Yao saw a sudden light up in front of his eyes!
The beautiful picture like a scroll of heaven unfolded in front of Yuan Yao.

This is an endless plain. Most of the ground is dominated by grassland. In the grassland, there is a clear and transparent river like a jade belt. In some places, there are clumps of green trees, and in some places, there are hundreds of flowers blooming!
There was a group of antelopes standing in a bush, grazing leisurely, looking up from time to time, or lowering their heads to graze. Although they had seen Yuan Yao and the huge team behind Yuan Yao from a distance, they were not panicked. , but vigilantly observing, ready to escape at any time.

Seeing this paradise-like place, everyone slowed down and looked at the world around them in amazement.

"It's so beautiful! So there is such a beautiful place in the world!!" Huya, who had never seen such a beautiful scenery, cheered, and rushed out in the giant bear, towards the field of flowers and grass in full bloom.

Suddenly, two beast roars sounded! !

With a cry, two ferocious leopards jumped out of the grass, roaring at Huya and the giant bear sitting on Huya!This is their territory, and it is impossible for them to allow powerful beasts from outside to invade their territory! !
"Huya be careful!" Seeing this, Yuan Yao yelled immediately, and at the same time urged King Kong to sit down and rushed over.

At the same time, another giant bear rushed forward with the leopard head on its back.


The three giant bears roared at the same time, and the giant bear King Kong was even more frenzied and wanted to charge up, tearing the two ignorant leopards apart.

Seeing this, the two leopards were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

The Indian soldiers who came afterward burst into laughter when they saw the leopard's distressed appearance.

"Huya! Are you okay?" Yuan Yao asked with concern.

"It's okay! I just didn't expect that there are two leopards hidden here!" Although Huya was startled by the leopard that jumped out suddenly, he was not afraid. As a female warrior among the Indians, she dared to fight even a giant bear. Why are you afraid of two leopards that are only a little bigger than gray wolves?
"This is a kind of tiger and leopard. It can be called a tiger or a leopard, but it is more like a leopard. They are very suitable for this grassland landscape! It seems that they are the beasts that we need to guard against most in the future!!" Yuan Yao said.

At this moment, the leopard head was riding a giant bear and standing by Yuan Yao's side. Hearing Yuan Yao's words, his expression seemed a little strange.

"What's wrong? Leopard head!" Yuan Yao asked.

"Hmm..., it's just..., Hierarch! As you know, although my name is Leopard Head, I have never seen a leopard with my own eyes. Are these two beasts just now Leopards?" Leopard Head asked curiously.

Yuan Yao was startled when he heard the words, and wanted to laugh in his heart, but after thinking about it, he held back, nodded with a serious expression, and said, "Yes! They are leopards, and you should also see the round spots on their bodies. Come on!"

The leopard head nodded, glanced at the direction in which the leopard was escaping, gritted its teeth, and suddenly said: "Since it bears the word leopard, it has something to do with the subordinates, and the subordinates should teach those two beasts a lesson!" He patted Xiong Si on the back, let out a roar, and then chased the leopard in the direction where the leopard was fleeing.

Huya wanted to stop the leopard head, but it was too late, so he said anxiously: "Master!"

"Forget it, let him chase it for a while, it can gain a lot of knowledge, and it can also adapt to the environment here in advance!" Yuan Yao said.

At this time, You Feihu led the team to chase up from behind, and just heard Yuan Yao's words, and asked in surprise: "Master, do you mean to live here forever?"

Yuan Yao nodded, pointed to the river in front of him and said: "Look, there is a river over there, which can just solve our water source problem, and the terrain here is very good, close to the mountains, forests and the sea, the climate is suitable, the terrain is open, and the water plants It is rich, and there are a lot of animals, whether it is hunting, fishing, or planting, it is very suitable! We are not just living here for a long time, but to settle down. I want to build this place into the civilization center of the entire Yinzhou !"

Everyone cheered and shouted when they heard the words, and rushed to the water source one after another.

At this moment, Yuan Yao suddenly heard a strange but somewhat familiar voice, as if thousands of troops were galloping towards this direction! !
Yuan Yao hurriedly turned around and asked You Feihu: "Master You, are you really sure that there are no cavalry in this continent of Yinzhou!? There are no enemies either!?"

"Master!! There may be cavalry in some tribes, but the number is not large, and the enemy is absolutely impossible!! The entire Yinzhou continent is our Indian territory. Except for wild animals and poisonous insects, we have no enemies!!" You Feihu shook his head and said, seeing Yuan Yao's anxious expression again, he asked, "What's the matter? Why do you ask this question, Master?"

Yuan Yao looked solemn, pointed to the distance, and said: "Maybe you can't hear it now, but in that direction, to my ears, it seems that tens of thousands of cavalry are charging!! But this is strange?! Could it be... ...?"

"Ah??..." Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and listened carefully, but they didn't hear what Yuan Yao said, and looked far away, and couldn't see any abnormalities.

But in Yuan Yao's ears, the voice was getting closer and clearer! !

"No matter what the situation is, we must not take risks, and quickly gather the scattered congregants!! Those who are still in the mountains and forests behind must also stop advancing!! Get ready to defend!!" Yuan Yao ordered loudly .

"Obey, Master!!"

You Feihu and all the deacons immediately responded respectfully! !

"Master! Xiong Wu seems to be a little violent, and I'm about to lose control!" Huya clasped the bear's saddle tightly to stabilize his body, and the giant bear roared from time to time when he sat down.

Boom boom boom! !

At this moment, the ground seemed to tremble slightly.

"Let's go forward. If there is an emergency, we must be at the front, otherwise the whole team will collapse in an instant!!" Yuan Yao said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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