Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 643 Opening Level 2 Civilization

Chapter 643 Opening the Second Level Civilization (The Finale)
After shutting down the system, before Yuan Yao could give an order, he heard a bear roar, turned his head to look, and saw the leopard head slapped Xiong Si excitedly, and rushed towards the group of young bison with a spear in his hand .

On the other side, hundreds of Indian warriors were also excitedly holding up their spears, and rounded up the more than one hundred young bison!
"Leopard head!! Where are you going?" Yuan Yao shouted anxiously.

"Kill the cows? These calves seem to have good meat quality. Killing them can make them a big meal!!" Leopard head replied excitedly.

"Stop!! Everyone!!" Yuan Yao yelled, "These calves cannot be killed, we have to use them for farming!!"

Everyone froze for a moment, stopped abruptly, Leopard head jumped down from Xiong Si's back, knelt down in front of Yuan Yao, and said: "Master, please forgive me, I don't know if the leader has other plans!!"

As soon as the leopard head knelt, the other congregants also knelt down one after another. The congregants who were far behind thought that there was some ceremony, so they also knelt down. In an instant, it was like pushing a domino. Extending to the mountains and forests, more than [-] congregants all knelt down.

"Long live the leader!!" The voice of the mountain shouted like a wave, rolling in.

"Uh...!" Yuan Yao couldn't immediately arouse the congregation, so he put on a majestic posture and accepted the kneeling ceremony of the crowd!After all, he is going to build a pilgrimage center that belongs to the Sect of All Beings here, so let's take it as the foundation stone!

After all the congregants knelt down, Yuan Yao looked around. He was standing on a slightly higher terrain, not too far from the water source, which could be used as the center of the city, and the cattle that had just been killed Just like a sacrificed animal.

The three giant bears seemed to be shocked by this scene, or maybe they were full, and because they were tired from the battle just now, they stopped eating at this time, and knelt down all around, like a pilgrimage.

All of this was such a coincidence, the coincidence surprised Yuan Yao!

"Why don't I just go wrong and announce the establishment of the pilgrimage center of the Sect of All Beings!" Yuan Yao had an idea, and this idea suddenly popped up in his mind. With the birth of this idea, Yuan Yao felt a strange feeling in his heart, and he must not miss it. This is a great opportunity!

Taking a breath, Yuan Yao immediately raised the green sword and said loudly: "I inherit the will of the god of all living beings and declare that the holy city of the teaching of all living beings will be established with the land under my feet stained with the blood of the buffalo as the center!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Yao roared, turned the head of the sword, and stabbed the sword into the soil, and the Qingzhi sword immediately sank to the hilt.

All the disciples of the Sect of All Beings were shocked when they heard the words, and their expressions immediately became extremely sacred and pious. As Yuan Yao stabbed the green sword into the ground, they kowtowed and chanted: "God of all living beings, protect all living beings! !"

After knocking three times and shouting three times, the sacrificial ceremony is over.

"Pingshen!!" Yuan Yao said loudly.

The crowd immediately cheered! !
Yuan Yao was overjoyed and summoned all the deacons in the church.

Order a deacon to lead hundreds of congregants to round up bison calves and domesticate them.

He ordered a deacon to pull the dead bison to the river for cutting and distribute the meat to the people.

Order a deacon to command the release of flying eagles to contact the other two teams moving south, gather here, and build the Holy City together.

He ordered a deacon to lead good loggers to the forest to cut down trees and prepare to build a fence.

He ordered a deacon to lead a strong man to bring stones from the mountains to serve as a foundation.

He ordered a deacon to lead the congregation to reclaim wasteland in fertile land and prepare to grow food.

He ordered a deacon to start preparing to send missionaries to various places to preach.

Appoint a deacon......


Two months later, the holy city began to take shape. Because Yuan Yao opened up the technology of firing bricks and glass, the houses in the entire holy city were all built of bricks and tiles, and equipped with bright glass windows, which looked completely It is the style of the 21st century, but it has a more natural beauty than the 21st century.

Later, Yuan Yao opened up various technologies and civilizations one after another, but this did not include industrial civilization, or even power generation technology!
For Yinzhou, he has more understanding and ideas. Industrial and technological civilization is enough in the Central Plains. There is no need for the whole world to develop industry. Since the unification of Yinzhou and Meizhou can unlock the second level of civilization, then It is a sin to use the first-level civilization to destroy this unpolluted land now! !

Why did God let him unlock civilization level by level?Instead of giving him a more advanced civilization all at once?
There must be something deep in this! !In other words, God also has a certain purpose! ! ?

The first-level civilization not only includes all the science and technology of the 21st century, but is much more advanced than that of the 21st century, but there is a limit! !

The first-level civilization cannot solve the problem of human lifespan. No matter how advanced the technology is, the maximum lifespan of human beings is limited! !And the most important point, every time a level of civilization is raised, the development limit of the human brain will increase by a certain percentage.

Take Yuan Yao as an example now, his brain has reached 15% of the development limit of the first-level civilization.

It is conceivable that after the second-level civilization is unlocked, everyone can develop their brains immediately, but through a certain method. For example, Yuan Yao's development to 15% now relies on the physical potion of the second-level civilization to forcibly improve .

If he successfully enters the second level of civilization, Yuan Yao will be able to create more physical potions, improve everyone's physique, make everyone have a longer lifespan, have a physique that is not afraid of severe cold and severe weather, and have the ability to survive at night. In this case, why do we need the medicines, air conditioners, electric lights and other items of the first level civilization?

What Yuan Yao didn't keep was mainly agricultural technology. After all, if you want to free more people from having to eat three meals a day, you need better planting technology!
As long as it can solve the problems of everyone's diseases, food, and sleep, and Yuan Yao implements a system of free all daily necessities for all members of the Sect, I believe no one will join the Sect! !

In this way, everything Yuan Yao did made all the followers of the All Beings Sect respect Yuan Yao as a god, and his reputation spread faster than the speed of people running.

All ethnic groups and tribes living in the mainland of Yinzhou sent pilgrims to the holy city one after another, requesting to join the Sect of All Beings. There was an endless stream of people coming to the pilgrimage every day. Gradually, several avenues naturally emerged around the holy city. These avenues It connects every place in Yinzhou.

And thus a new motto was born: All roads lead to the Holy City! !


It took a few more months, and almost all the Indians in the Yinzhou mainland chose to join the Sect of All Beings.

When Yuan Yao announced to all the congregants that Yinzhou was one of the 32 prefectures of the Dazhong Empire, and all the congregants of the All Beings Sect automatically had the nationality of the Dazhong Empire, a pleasant female voice finally came from the system.

"Congratulations to the host, you have completed the task of unifying Yinzhou! The completion rate of the first-level civilization task is 99%, please continue to work hard!!"


Nearly a year later, because of the crazy development of the Sect of All Beings and the worship of Yuan Yao by all Sentence Sect members, the United States was soon unified.

Yuan Yao made Xu Chu the king of Yinzhou and Xiahou Bo the king of Meizhou. However, this time, Yuan Yao did not make the two state pastors again, but asked them to govern the two states as the elders of the All Beings Teaching.

Just like last time, the system heard the voice of congratulations again:
Congratulations to the host, you have completed the task of unifying America! !
Congratulations to the host, you have completed the level [-] civilization task! !

Congratulations to the host, successfully unlocked the second level of civilization! ! …………

(End of the book)
(End of this chapter)

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