Chapter 74
For the defense of the city, Feng Yao mobilized [-] troops, ordered Zhou Cang Lei Bo to guard the east gate, Chen Dao Lei Xu to guard the south gate, Zhou Zheng and Chen Lan to guard the west gate, and Xun Zheng and the newly recruited Hu Fen to guard the north gate. A total of one thousand soldiers

Feng Yao's arrangement in this way is to divide the military power of the three future traitors, Chen Lanlei and Bo Leixu, and nip their rebellion in the bud. If history really changes because of him, it would be best for the three generals not to rebel ,if…….

For Ji Ling, Feng Yao has given a lot of trust, no matter from which point of view, Ji Ling's loyalty will not have any problems!
Not only is Ji Ling powerful in force, but his ability to command the army is even more unmatched by Feng Yao. He is worthy of being one of the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms.

The abilities of Zhou Cang and Chen Dao's two righteous brothers are unquestionable. Over the past year, they have grown from scratch, from being a desolate and homeless orphan to fighting on the bloody battlefield. The relationship between the three of them is already closer than that of brothers. The only shortcoming is that they lack the experience of leading an army alone.

After these two days of accidents, Feng Yao really wanted the two righteous brothers to stand behind him. If Zhou Cang and Chen Dao were there that day, Fan Rui's [-] swordsmen in ambush would be nothing to worry about!
However, Feng Yao still insisted on letting the two righteous brothers guard the city gate, and following the experienced Ji Ling's four generals, he could not only monitor the behavior of these four generals, but also grow up quickly.

There is only a small Dian county with more than 5 people, and Feng Yao already feels that he is so busy all day long that he has no time to relax!How busy will it be if the entire Runan County is controlled?
It's lunch time now, and Feng Yao was completely surrounded by a bunch of business affairs throughout the morning!He didn't even have time to drink tea. As soon as he had lunch, Feng Yao ordered Chen Ren, who was on duty, to guard the door for him, and then lay down on the bed, so comfortable that he didn't want to move any more.

In the past two days, Dian County has basically stabilized, and because of Fan Rui's rebellion, almost half of the county magistrates in Dian County were wiped out, and Liu Zhi was beheaded by Feng Yao mercilessly. Manage Dian County as a Fujun.

Although his body was exhausted, Feng Yao's mind was unusually excited, and he didn't feel sleepy at all. He couldn't help but analyze the difficulties he was facing now.

More and more common people come to seek grievances. You can't ignore the overall situation for such things every day, right?
And those gentry who want to apply for a certain position in the county, which ones can be used and which ones can't? ...

But after thinking for a while, Feng Yao shook his head vigorously, "This is not possible! It is better to manage people than to manage things! What I need to do now is not to do everything myself, but to try my best to find more loyal and talented talents so that When they come to help me with things, all I have to do is manage a few important talents! For example, in the matter of Dian County, I only need to choose a suitable county magistrate and put forward certain requirements for him, and I don’t have to go to the rest at all. Pay attention!"

"Okay! Let's do it like this!!" After Feng Yao suddenly figured out the solution, he felt a burst of relief all over his body, and his eyes brightened!
"Hehehe! If you keep following this management idea, let alone Runan County! Even if it is a state or a country, as long as you manage people well, everything can be solved!! I don't need to be superior in martial arts, I don't need to be resourceful People, I just need to make them work hard for me!"

Feng Yaode jumped up from the bed, put on his clothes quickly, and said in his heart: "I must keep Lu Fan here, I have treated him like a guest of honor these past few days, and I have given him complete trust and importance, I should You can gain his loyalty!"

After going out, Chen Ren wanted to follow the guards. After walking a few steps, Feng Yao thought, Lu Fan was in the guest room in the front yard, and he hadn't left the house yet. Bringing a guard with him seemed a bit distrustful of Lu Fan, so He stopped Chen Ren and said, "Chen Ren, I was just looking for Lu Ziheng before I went. It's fine to go alone. You have been very tired these two days. Take a break now. We still have a lot of things to do in the afternoon. If you want to rest, don't worry." There's no time left."

Chen Rendao: "My lord, my subordinates are not tired!"

"If you're worried, that's it. Just follow me to the front and guard the gate of the second courtyard. If there's anything, you can hear me if I call!" Feng Yao said.

"Yes, Chen Ren obeys!" Chen Ren let Feng Yao go forward with confidence.


Seeing Feng Yao coming alone, Lu Fan was a little surprised, and asked, "Master, why don't you rest in the mansion?"

"Brother Ziheng! This time I came here for nothing but you!" Feng Yao smiled.

"Fan's search will be completed in two days. Do you want to talk about it?" Lu Fan said.

"Brother Ziheng! I just took up the post of prefect and am in urgent need of talents. If brother Ziheng doesn't dislike a certain young man, would you like to help me?" Feng Yao said.

"Lv Fan is willing to assist the prince to achieve great things!" Lu Fan wanted to kneel down and salute to show his allegiance!

"It can't be like this! Brother Ziheng is like an elder brother in my heart. If brother Ziheng is willing to be inferior to my brother and help him, it's too late for me to be grateful. How can I let brother Ziheng be tired by such vain courtesy!" Feng Yao Sincerely.

Lu Fan was greatly moved, he held Feng Yao's arm excitedly, and said: "Your Majesty treats me like this, Lu Fan will repay the Lord's kindness with his life!"

Feng Yao was overjoyed and said, "I want you to be the county magistrate of Dian County, are you willing?"

"Your Majesty, why do you let your righteous brother take such an important position?" Lu Fan said.

"I know Ziheng, you are a great talent! You are more suitable for this position than my righteous brother!" Feng Yao said.



Lu Fan agreed to be the county magistrate of Dian County, and strongly recommended many talents who could be county magistrates to Feng Yao.

Under the management of Lu Fan, Dian County has taken a new look in a few days. Whether it is ordinary people or local gentry, they all praise the prefect Feng Yao for being young and promising, knowing people and making good use of them, because they are too satisfied with the Dian County appointed by Feng Yao There is a new county magistrate. Although the lives of most people in Dian County have not changed much for the time being, everyone is full of hope for the future. Almost everyone they meet on the road is smiling and enthusiastic. demeanor.

Feng Yao handed over the matter of recruiting soldiers to Ji Ling. In the first ten days, three to five hundred people joined the army every day, but not all of these people could become soldiers successfully. The people did not return to their hometown, but gathered in the county town and did not want to leave.

After Ji Ling discovered this situation, he immediately reported to Feng Yao and explained the situation one by one.

"Young master! If these people don't want to leave, after a long time, when the money on their bodies is exhausted, there may be chaos. How will we deal with these people?" Ji Ling asked.

Ji Ling didn't need to ask about marching and fighting, siege of cities and land, conscription and training, but Ji Ling was helpless when dealing with such matters!According to Ji Ling's idea, either they should rush home and farm honestly, or the county magistrate would arrest them and question them if there was trouble.

Feng Yao pondered for a while, and suddenly remembered that when he entered the city, he found that the official road outside Dian County was seriously damaged, so he said: "General Ji, why not do this, when recruiting troops in the future, we can add another recruitment, which is to recruit civilians !"

(End of this chapter)

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