digital storm

Chapter 104 Worth the Adventure

Chapter 104 Worth the Adventure
The meetings of the Federal Army are generally a bit dull.But when a general starts swearing, it's usually not because there are no solutions, but because their solutions are unconventional.Lieutenant General Liao Chang has 14 divisions, 4 quick-response divisions, 4 airborne divisions, 2 heavy-armored airborne divisions, a digital artillery division, the only military police division in the country, and two air assault divisions dominated by armed helicopters.This is an extremely large force, and it has always been the hammer for the Federation to deal with various domestic and foreign crises.Since this war hit the territory of the Federation from the very beginning, this quick response force has never been used.Conventional ground and air forces could handle it.It's not that Liao Chang didn't want to fight, but he was never afraid of fighting.The Federation handed over the strategic response force to him precisely because this militant has the courage to open fire with the enemy in a foreign country, and then continuously transfer troops there until he wins.

Being ridiculed by Yang Yong so much, Liao Chang's lungs almost exploded.Let Moya steal the limelight in several airdrop operations, he can't help it. The total number of federal troops is small, and under the key defense, there are always gaps in the battle line, whether it is on the ground or in the air.Can it be said that he will not airdrop?This is a slap in the face.

Liao Chang strictly ordered the two air assault divisions to immediately transfer to the front-line airport that included Ruian City into the combat radius, and to be ready to station in Ruian City at all times.An airborne division and a heavy airborne division were mobilized within 2 hours, all boarded the plane, and took off to Ruian City.

The Federal Quick Response Division and Moya's were incomparable. Less than 10 minutes after receiving the order, two heavy transport planes fully loaded with weapons and equipment took off.This is much faster than the 20-minute speed of Moya's quick-response division.The base of the Federal Quick Response Division has always been the airport, and there are always several heavy transport planes full of weapons and equipment parked there.The first batch of personnel who set out to fight can just put on their clothes and get on the plane empty-handed. Of course, the speed will be fast.

In less than an hour, five division-sized troops set off one after another. This efficiency is jaw-dropping.

In Rui'an City, after a night of fierce fighting, the mecha troops finally got a precious rest time.The local police began to maintain order, and the mecha troops gathered in the square in front of the city hall.

Lin Wenfang ate something, leaned against the cockpit and fell asleep.I almost fell asleep with my head touching the headrest.Everyone worked hard that night, mostly because of physical problems. Only Lin Wenfang used his brain too much. After solving most of the battles, he began to feel dizzy.Later, Huo Yu simply took over the control of the mecha, and he dozed off in the cockpit.

Seeing Lin Wenfang falling asleep, Zhu Zhi shook her head, she was not so relaxed and had to deal with a lot of things.That night, they played heartily and powerfully, which made the Moya people terrified.However, there were also casualties in the mech unit. A lieutenant driver who joined in the second phase blocked two rockets with his body in order to cover the citizens in an encounter.In the end, he was seriously injured and died.Three others were seriously injured and two were slightly injured.Now there are only 37 members of the hunter mech unit still fighting.

The reliability of the mecha has been fully tested. In such an intense battle, only one mecha had a mechanical failure, and it was quickly ruled out.Some other mechas suffered some damage during the battle and withdrew from the battle, but the pilot was not injured.As for small damages such as shrapnel scratches, every mech has them.

Compared to their stellar record, these losses are minimal.Overnight, they wiped out thousands of enemies, destroyed hundreds of technical weapons such as artillery, armored vehicles, and assault vehicles, wiped out one division headquarters, and actually conquered the city of Ruian.Awarding them a collective first-class merit is not enough to reward their amazing performance.

However, they still have work to do.The purpose of stopping and resting is to set off quickly and devote ourselves to the pursuit and annihilation of the 11th Division.What Lin Wenfang said was a bit extreme, but it was also the voice of everyone.

Yan Huitang was sweating profusely, and repairing mechas was also a physical effort. He started working after jumping off the helicopter, and he has already repaired 7 mechas one after another.Other mechanics and maintenance soldiers maintained all the mechas, checking whether there were any problems with the mechanical parts and whether there was any wear and tear after a night of fierce fighting.

Lin Wenfang struggled twice in the cockpit, as if he was about to turn over and sleep more comfortably, but the seat belt bound his body, making it difficult to move around.Seeing his funny movements, Zhu Zhi smiled.Lin Wenfang was going to wake up soon, she knew it.

Opening his eyes, what Lin Wen saw was a cup of hot tea handed over by Zhu Zhi.Made from the best local tea in Ruian City, it was delivered by an old professor who lives nearby with thick presbyopic glasses.On the edge of the tensely prepared area, several long tables were piled with various kinds of food, brought by the shocked citizens of Ruian City.They had just come down to safety, and before they had time to get a good night's sleep, they thought of the soldiers who saved them from the fire.

Lin Wenfang was not polite, took a sip of the tea.Mild and clear, a scent penetrated deeply from the tongue to the lungs, and then felt the body was slowly awakened.

"The local herbal tea is amazing. The effect is no worse than energy supplements." Zhu Zhi said.

"Actually, I'm quite afraid of this kind of military-civilian fish-and-water scene." Lin Wenfang said shyly.

Zhu Zhi nodded and said, "They should come to scold people, and I will feel better that way. If you feel uncomfortable, we will finish what we promised."

Lin Wenfang narrowed his eyes and said, "Of course. Are all the preparations completed?"

"There are thirty units available for attack." Zhu Zhi frowned, "Should I keep some here until the follow-up troops take over?"

"Are there reinforcements?" Lin Wenfang was overjoyed.

"A lot. Liao Chang was so overwhelmed that he shot five divisions at once, and they were air-dropped one after another. One of the two air assault divisions is already at the main base of Dishan. After a short rest, it will be refueled." Come here. The Airborne Division and the Heavy Airborne Division should arrive in two or three hours, their station is really a bit far from here, and before the new transport planes are installed, those crap things are flying slowly enough." Zhu Zhi is in a good mood.The arrival of follow-up troops will greatly reduce their pressure, allowing them to free up their hands.The military department privately expressed appreciation for Lin Wenfang's ruthless words, but it certainly cannot say that they support them in slaughtering the beasts of the 11th Moya Infantry Division.Now their official task is to eliminate the remaining enemies in Ruian City and look for opportunities to wipe out the enemies.Basically, it means: You can do whatever you want, just come up with the results, and the higher-ups are under pressure.

Zhu Zhi understood the subtext of this military order when she was very young.But this situation certainly cannot last for too long, and it is impossible to disrupt the entire campaign deployment because of them.

"Moya's side is also moving, trying to meet the remnants of the 11th Division."

Lin Wenfang frowned, untied his seat belt and jumped down, asking, "Where is the remnant of the 11th Division now?"

"Come with me." Zhu Zhi said.In the tent on one side, the light curtain borrowed from Zhu Zhi's city hall set up a proposed battlefield information system, which marked the main directions for the remnants of the 11th Division to escape.They couldn't track too many directions, so they had to list the main enemies on it.There must be a small number of people scattered in the vast hilly area.

"The one in the east is about to merge with the reinforcements?" Lin Wenfang asked, frowning.

"The 29th Armored Division is average in strength. Let's rotate the rest of the troops. But they are close, and the 90-kilometer journey will only take a few hours. The situation is a bit troublesome. Do you want to give up this side?"

"Didn't you let me break my promise and get fat?" Lin Wenfang said with a wry smile.After thinking for a while, he asked, "When will the Air Assault Division depart?"

"They claim to be ready at any time. At least the size of a regiment is no problem. You mean..."

Lin Wenfang curled his lips and said: "Of course they are more professional in fighting tanks, so let them. But if the timing is right, maybe we can take advantage of it. As long as they don't know the location and arrival time of the air assault division. "

What Lin Wenfang imagined was that since the 29th Armored Division was about to join up with the remnants of the 11th Division, there was no way to stop it.That can only be played together.But how to fight is particular.It is best for them to be able to lead the 29th Division to pursue them, stretch the formation of the 29th Division, and then meet directly on the battlefield.Let the 29th Division hit their heads and break their blood.In this way, the problem of the remnants of the 11th Division can be easily solved.Now he doesn't believe that the remnants of the 11th Division dare to leave the troops who have come to rescue them casually, and do their own thing, which must be accompanied by action.In addition, being able to chase down the mech troops, wouldn't they have the pleasure of revenge?

"Eliminate a part of the 11th Division's remnants, severely damage the 29th Armored have a lot of appetite." Zhu Zhi sighed, "Would you like to take down the 29th Division's headquarters?"

Lin Wenfang was stunned for a moment, and said, "It's okay, as long as there is a chance..."

Zhu Zhi shook her head and said, "You don't have to worry about them not chasing you. At the meeting of Moya's high command, Marshal Kahn named you and asked to get rid of you. This is...from 270, when Moya and the Federation were allies, they jointly resisted Drey 4th individual to be named and purged at Moya's top military meeting since the days of the Ratonian invasion. Congratulations."

Lin Wenfang curled his lips and said, "I'll let him die. It's easy if they can catch up."

Zhu Zhi hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's very dangerous. The pursuit of the armored forces is too much of a threat to the mechs. What you mean...should be a few of us go?"

"Of course." Lin Wenfang said, "Wouldn't those who fail the operation go to die?"

"You have to consider that we have never cooperated with the air assault division, and there are risks in it."

"Yes. There are always risks. But as long as there is a success rate, several big problems will be solved, and the benefits will be great. I think this risk is worth taking."

Zhu Zhi thought for a while, and finally nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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