digital storm

Chapter 407 Search inside the circle

Chapter 407 Search inside the circle
Although after many treatments, Evelyn is able to do some simple exercises, but the long-distance running is still a big burden for Evelyn.

Evelyn's face was flushed, and beads of sweat were dripping down her face.Appearing in front of Lin Wenfang again, Evelyn put on a tracksuit suitable for sports, with a small bag on her back. Except for that small bag, Evelyn didn't bring anything.

Evelyn's attire looks like a middle school student who is going to school, but Evelyn came here to ask Lin Wenfang to take her out of the underwater city.

"You want to leave?" Lin Wenfang asked in surprise, "But, your family is here."

"Brother Lin, quickly open the mecha and let me in, they are coming soon. If it is too late, it will be too late!" Seeing that Lin Wenfang still did not move, Evelyn shouted anxiously.

At the same time, Evelyn closed her eyes, and her red face suddenly twisted, as if she was enduring great pain.Immediately afterwards, Lin Wenfang heard a chirping sound, and looking back, Lin Wenfang suddenly found that the closed undersea channel was actually opened!
As long as she is in the seabed city, Evelyn can control most of the network.However, such a price is very high, one of which is that Evelyn has to bear several times the pain.Evelyn endured the pain to open this submarine channel.

After opening the undersea channel, Evelyn fell limply to the ground as if she had exhausted her strength.

Seeing Evelyn fell to the ground, Lin Wenfang hurriedly opened the mech and carried Evelyn inside.

"Evelyn, do you really decide to leave with me? After you leave, maybe you will never come back and see your family." Lin Wen said with a solemn expression.Time is running out, Lin Wenfang must confirm Evelyn's thoughts.

Evelyn's face was extremely sad, and she whispered: "I have no family. My parents left me when I was very young, and grandpa just regarded me as a tool to integrate with the intelligent system."

After a moment of silence, Evelyn said resolutely: "I'm sure I want to leave! In the future, I will never come back here again. Here, I only have pain!"

After touching Evelyn affectionately, Lin Wenfang laughed and said, "Okay! Then let us break out of this underwater city together!"

Amidst loud laughter, Lin Wenfang drove the "Deep Sea III" towards the submarine passage.

Greg held Evelyn hostage and escaped in a mecha... The news spread throughout the base in just a few minutes.Groups of soldiers drove the mechs into the departure passage, filling and emptying the water-filled compartments one by one, releasing batch after batch of mecha troops.

The population of the submarine city is limited, and the combat troops cannot be endless, that is, about 500 units of the Deep Sea III and twice the previous generation of products.However, it is the inherent structure of the seabed city that restricts the rapid mobilization and search of the seabed city.They can't project troops all at once.The six attack channels can release 12 mechas per minute on average.

In the surrounding environment of the underwater city, the role that 12 mechas can play is extremely limited.They could almost just watch Greg get further and further away.The confidence of the mech troop in the seabed city lies in the fact that the Deep Sea III mecha cannot run fast or far. Taking into account the function of amphibious warfare, this mech has a very unique movement performance, and can freely switch between water and land operations. state.But in the water, the full speed is only 20 knots, and it is impossible to maintain this speed for more than an hour. Even if the most economical speed is maintained, which is 12 knots, it can move for 4 to 6 hours at best.

The command center of the seabed city quickly set the search line at 80 nautical miles, and the mecha troops, submarines, deep submersibles, etc. made their best efforts to form a complex search network with the team as the unit, searching bit by bit.The unique environment of the underwater city also brought great difficulties to the search.There is a thick layer of sediment on the bottom of the sea. As long as you hide in there and keep the mecha in the most energy-saving state, it can run for more than 24 hours. It doesn't take that long. As long as you can't find Greg within 12 hours, then The mecha troops in the seabed city can only be caught blind.

In the command center of the Undersea City, Flynn looked at Evelyn’s substitute, a young boy with bronzed skin, who was painfully forcing his eyes to communicate with the system, directing Evelyn’s intelligent system to call various data, and trace back the entire incident go through.The little boy did not receive treatment from Lin Wenfang, and his physical and mental splits became more and more severe. However, since he only had a short time to access the system, his daily life was very healthy, and it was not a serious problem.But in the face of the system that Evelyn was determined to set up many traps, the little boy was a little bit overwhelmed.

A large amount of data stream hits his brain, and he has to concentrate very much to sort out the information he needs.The synchronization between the system and Evelyn is very high. The little boy usually helps the engineering team and the information team to maintain it when Evelyn is inconvenient to get on the computer. But now, what he needs to bear is the counterattack of the entire system. .

"Evelyn didn't follow Greg by force. The probability of her leaving voluntarily is more than 70%."

"Leave voluntarily? Why?" Hearing the boy's judgment, Flynn was startled.

The boy didn't answer, he called up a series of video images and put them on the big screen in the command room.The first picture shows Evelyn in the tunnel, climbing into the open door of the mecha cockpit, and there is indeed no sign of being forced.Evelyn was carrying a bag. Although the bag was not big, it was stuffed bulging. It could be seen that she was carrying luggage.This scene already speaks for itself.

The boy explained: "It was found from the cache stack of the video system. The whole system was under Evelyn's control at the time, but after she entered the mecha, she cut off the signal and did not clear the cache."

The alarm system had already been activated before that moment. It was the people who took care of Evelyn who discovered the abnormality. They thought Evelyn was having a temper or something, so they activated the alarm in a moment of anxiety.Unexpectedly, the alarm in Evelyn's room was directly at the highest level, and the entire Undersea City became jittery in an instant, but it was this misunderstanding that bought time for chasing Greg.

The boy continued to call up the previous video recordings. One was that Evelyn went to Greg before, not the treatment time.Evelyn wasn't in Greg's room for long.After that, Greg went to pick up the mecha and a series of other things... The other end of the video is the picture in Evelyn's dedicated computer room after Evelyn played with the system before.In the picture, Evelyn sits quietly on the console, trying to think about something.Then, the picture cuts off suddenly, it is obvious that Evelyn is trying to do something that she doesn't want others to know.

"Is the operation record at that time still there?" Flynn asked.

"No, it has been cleared. However, there are some IP addresses on the external server, and some access behavior records in the internal database. Since these are shared parts, there is no guarantee that it can be traced back to what Evelyn's operations are." The boy earns After moving his body, he had a splitting headache, but he felt a sense of pleasure... Finally, he was useful.Evelyn, the proud child of heaven, is finally going to leave.After that, the whole system is his.In any case, he must do his job well and figure out Evelyn's problem.

"Check it out and see where the internal records match the external access records."

"A total of 12 records from the Moya Kachimos Arsenal, a total of 9 records from the Toldo Foundation, a total of 11 records from Tianyao Group-Lin Wenfang, a total of 7 patents for Taikang vector engine technology..."

"Wait! Lin Wenfang?"

Everyone's complexion suddenly changed.The boy enlarged Lin Wenfang's photo to full screen, and superimposed Greg's photo on it.He also noticed this, the slight differences in face shape and beard, as well as some simple makeup tricks, cannot fool the facial analysis system.

The face in the command room suddenly turned ashen. "Damn it, it was him. We actually...brought Lin Wenfang back to the Underwater City... This is the biggest fish."

Now, Lin Wenfang's identity has finally been revealed.Finally, there was no one left in the seabed city. The internal guards were on duty, and all other active and reserve troops were dispatched.A series of satellite signals were continuously sent to all Shadow Hefner's units in the surrounding sea area, and everyone was mobilized.Hefner, not based on the shadow of a frontal war, is equally terrifying to mobilize.Moreover, this mobilization has an air of gloom and destruction.

If Evelyn cannot be snatched back from Lin Wenfang, then they can only be destroyed together.They still have a glimmer of hope for Evelyn. Although there are more than one third-generation genetic constructs studied by Shadow Hefner, only Evelyn can perfectly integrate with the intelligent system of the Undersea City. The arrest operation was affected, and the loss of Shadow Hefner is hard to estimate.

Except for the first and second squads, the other seven mecha squads in the underwater city left the underwater city at the same time to conduct a carpet search of the sea area around the underwater city.Even some non-professional guards drove mechas out of the underwater city and joined the ranks of the search.

In addition to using mechs, the Undersea City even dispatched three deep-sea submarines to continuously scan the surroundings of the Undersea City.

Although the "Deep Sea III" mech is a water combat mecha, when designing this mecha, the people of Shadow Hefner did not put speed as a key point of the mecha. Although this water combat mech can sail in the deep sea , but very slowly.It is precisely because of the understanding of the "Deep Sea III" water combat mech that Shadow Hefner confirmed that Lin Wenfang and Evelyn will never escape too far.

 forgot to upload...

(End of this chapter)

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