Chapter 208
Now that there is a lack of entertainment, setting off firecrackers seems to be what the boys look forward to most.

Picking up firecrackers is also something that boys are interested in and find fun.

However, the danger in this cannot be underestimated.

Jia Haohao and the others just went out when they heard a man's panicked shout from outside: "Yuqin, is Dr. Huang at home?"

Jiahao quickly nodded to Zhen Youqin: "Doctor Huang is here."

"Doctor Huang," the man yelled in panic, "Go and see my son at my house, his face is bleeding from the firecrackers."

Dr. Huang hurriedly took his medicine box to make a visit.

Zhen Xiaoer and the others followed curiously to see the sad little friend, and when they came back, they said listlessly that they would never pick up firecrackers again.

No matter how much the adults said before, they were not as impressive as what they saw with their own eyes.

It is fortunate that the eyes were not injured, but there will definitely be scars at the corners of the eyes. Fortunately, it is a boy, and if it is a girl, it will be even more worrying about not being able to marry.

However, when I saw a sumptuous lunch and smelled the aroma of chicken stewed with mushrooms, I felt instantly better.

After all, it is rare for people in the countryside to eat chicken all year round.

During the Chinese New Year, of course, making dumplings is indispensable.

There are more than [-] packages of meat and tofu stuffing, cabbage stuffing, meat and celery stuffing.

Even if the vegetables and the meat are divided into half, almost four catties of meat are used.

The main reason is that the dumpling wrappers are all rolled by themselves, and they are not small in size.

The most made are dumplings stuffed with eggs and chives. In addition to dumplings, I also made some stuffed buns with pickled cabbage and tofu, and steamed buns with Erhe noodles.

Anyway, on New Year's Eve, every household's kitchen is full of fire, especially the children who are greedy, can eat from morning to night today, and don't have to worry about the mother or grandma who usually cares about food. I would beat and scold them for eating too much.

Especially at night, the children in the village will go around to pay New Year's greetings. Even if they are from poor families, they will give a handful of peanuts, melon seeds, fried beans, fried corn, etc. for the children to eat.

Of course, Jia Haohao, who was already generous, made the children miss him even more.

Zhen Youqin bought some hard candies with colorful appearance and better peanut candies before. As for the milk candy, he was reluctant to take it out, worried that it would be too eye-catching if it spread.

This hard candy has already surprised the children. Even the glass candy wrappers are reluctant to throw away, but are carefully treasured.

It is really that there are too few things that can be played now, and there are not many bright and fancy things, so the friends have great enthusiasm for collecting candy paper.

I also enjoy showing off the various candy wrappers I have collected with my friends. In fact, I am showing off in a different way: Look, I have eaten so much candy, so I have so many beautiful candy wrappers.

Anyway, Jia Hao Hao also threw out more than six catties of fruit candies and a box of biscuits this night, which made the children leave with laughter.

On the first day of the new year, I must go to pay New Year's greetings to my parents-in-law and go to the village for a walk.

In a blink of an eye, it is the sixth day of the new year.

Jia Haohao made sure yesterday that everyone who should go for a walk went for a walk.

Also because she is now a ninth-rank sesame official anyway, she also took the opportunity to walk around every house.

Fortunately, there are less than seventy households in Nanshanwu so far, and it only took two days.

Anyway, she doesn't pick someone's meal, she just puts sugar and red dates in her satchel, and when someone pours herself a bowl of tea, she grabs sugar and dried red dates for the old people and children in the family, and then says something nice with a smile If you don't, you've already become acquainted in the village.

Contrary to Jia Haohao's expectation, he unintentionally got a lot of goodwill this time, and got a lot of gold coins, more than 1000.

Including the gold coins that Jiahaohao had before, this has steadily broken through the thousand.

To make Jia Haohao happy, he spent a lot of money with Xiao Qi in private, and spent three hundred gold coins from the system in exchange for a plate of strawberries and a roast duck for a tooth-fighting festival.

Hey, she herself feels that she is so easy to support now, and she secretly eats some roast duck and strawberries, and feels that her current life is really too happy.

While gnawing on the duck leg, Xiao Qi bewitched and encouraged her to continue to do more good deeds: "You see, everyone has a good impression of you, so it's easy to get this gold coin, right?"

"Oh, it's rare that you can use idioms, Xiao Qi." Jia gnawed at the duck's neck, making excuses for his laziness: "It's only fun to visit people once in a while. Rare saw me, understand?"

Xiaoqi honestly said that she didn't understand.

Jia Haohao took Xiaoqi as an example: "It's like you were taken away by Zhen Yuqin before, we missed you every day when we couldn't see you, but now you are here every day, Xiaoer and the others don't care about you anymore."

Xiaoqi didn't admit that the family didn't care about her, so she cocked her tail proudly and walked on catwalks: "No, they think I'm too good-looking. What if I take it out and someone steals it?"

After finishing speaking, his fat little body jumped out very nimbly, probably somewhere to gain a sense of presence.

Anyway, the north wind is howling outside now, people who should move have moved, and Jia Haohao is reluctant to get up on the warm kang.

She fell asleep in a daze again, when she heard the door being pushed open, Er Niu came in and said happily: "Sister-in-law, Dr. Huang's two grandsons are here."

"Ah?" Jia Haohao was dreaming that she was on vacation at the seaside, eating a rich and delicious buffet, seeing a handsome young man swimming in the sea, and being sent to her by the waves, that figure really made her drool.

Anyway, it made her forget what being reserved was, and when she was about to do something indescribable, she was woken up by Er Niu.

Seeing that her sister-in-law was still confused, Zhen Erniu hurriedly said it again.

"Oh," Jiahao could only reluctantly leave the kang. When he was getting dressed, he suddenly thought that Song Ming was only 16 years old this year, but Song Zheng was already 20 years old. I don't know what's wrong with being a matchmaker Interested, he winked at her and said in a low voice, "That Song Zheng is 20 years old this year, the young man looks pretty good, doesn't he?"

"Ah!" Now it was Zhen Erniu's turn to look at her sister-in-law in astonishment, then her face flushed as if she could bake eggs, and she whispered shyly, "Sister-in-law, what are you talking about, me, I am one year older than him? "

Jia Haohao followed her smirk, and said narrowly: "It doesn't matter if you are one year older, don't you say that a female junior holds a golden brick?"

Zhen Erniu really didn't think that she could be married at her age, and it was also her eldest sister's unhappy marriage, which made her object to marrying her partner from the bottom of her heart. She lowered her head and said sullenly: "I'm still young. , I don’t want to get married, and I don’t want to leave home.”

Jiahao walked out with her arms around her shoulders, and said with a smile: "Yes, I also don't want you to marry off, I was just joking with you, don't be angry with sister-in-law?"

Now that she has come to her senses, she also feels that she shouldn't be in a hurry. After all, the Song brothers have only been together for a short time, and she doesn't know if they will become angry with the world after experiencing family ruin.

It wouldn't be good if Er Niu had something to do with Song Zheng because of her joke.

When Jiahao met Song Zheng and Song Ming, they had already eaten a bowl of dumplings, and Dr. Huang's excited mood had improved a lot.

During this time of turmoil, the family is broken, the man and son are dead, and the daughter-in-law has also run away. If I can see my two grandchildren, it is already a blessing in misfortune.

When the Song family brothers saw Jia Haohao coming in, they all stood up and called her, "Sister, Happy New Year."

Jiahao went over to sit opposite them, smiled and said, "Happy New Year, sit down and talk, you are here, Grandma Huang has been thinking about you all the time."

"I originally wanted to come at the end of last year, but the train tickets were hard to buy, and Xiao Ming caught a cold and had a fever, so we just waited for him to recover and come back after the New Year."

While Song Zheng was talking, his eyes quickly glanced at her body, and seeing her fair complexion, bright eyebrows and eyes, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"That's good. Your health is the most important thing. Grandma Huang will definitely make you strong when you come here." Jia took a good look at them, and felt that the two brothers were a little fatter than he had seen before. It also looks much better. Even if the young man is wearing an old patched padded jacket, his eyebrows and eyes are handsome, especially the smile in his eyes is very charming.

Doctor Huang smiled from ear to ear: "Thanks to you, our grandparents and grandchildren can be together."

Then he said to Jia Haohao: "Since they are here, I will live there with them. It is really too much trouble for you to take care of my old lady during this time. I will not say thank you. As long as you can use it My place, just say it."

The old house of Uncle Zhen's family has been bought by Jia Haohao for [-] yuan, and it has been repaired before. The wood and charcoal are all ready, and the bedding has been dried.

Jia Haohao now also feels lucky to have bought the old house of the second uncle's house, or else his second girl is not young, if Song Zheng lived here, he would not see people looking up, maybe he would really be talked about.

If they see each other right, then Jia Haohao will definitely not beat the mandarin ducks, but if he can avoid it now, he still has to avoid suspicion.

Jiahao replied with a smile: "That's fine, but you guys are going to come over for lunch and dinner today, so it's like cleaning up the dust for their brothers."

"By the way, let them come to get rice noodles with oil, salt, sauce and vinegar later."

"Besides, if you have anything missing, just come and get it."

In Jia Haohao's view, these are small money.

Moreover, Dr. Huang is a nice person with better medical skills. The treatment during this period has already made Er Niu's eyes recover a lot.

Then she is willing to be generous.

In addition, she also has her own little Jiujiu in her heart. Taking advantage of their difficulties in the past few years, she can build a good relationship with her, and when they are normal in the future, maybe she should hug their thighs by herself?
Dr. Huang was not polite to them, mainly because in her eyes, her two grandsons were still too thin, and rice noodles with oil, salt, sauce and vinegar were indispensable for her life.

Even if I don't want to take advantage of this, I don't have enough money in my pocket to buy these by myself.

Besides, they have already helped my family a lot, and I can only keep it in my heart now, and I will never say anything when I can use my place in the future.


Zhen Youqin went to the captain's house today to meet his little friend Zhen Haifeng who came back from the army to visit relatives.

Although the two had a small friendship, it is a pity that their work and life are different now. I thought that the brotherhood would fade away, but sitting together now I still have a lot to talk about.

Zhen Haifeng is only 23 years old after the new year, but those who have been on the battlefield have different auras.

He and his sister have nothing to say, and his brother is only 14 years old, so he can't talk about going together.

Now that I asked about my brother's situation, I patted him on the shoulder hard, and said in a low voice: "I regret it now. I didn't work hard when I was in school. I thought I would be very good at a few times. Now I know that I want to be promoted. , not only must have military achievements, but also must be educated to be popular, there is really no way, now I have to find time to study."

He joined the army at the age of 17. Over the years, with his own efforts, he has grown from an ordinary soldier to a squad leader and then to a deputy platoon leader.

Zhen Youqin's heart moved when he heard this, and asked him: "Now that the universities are gone, is culture still so important?"

"That should only be temporary..."

The two whispered all morning, Zhen Youqin had lunch at the captain's house, and the two returned to the kang to continue chatting.

The captain's daughter-in-law murmured to her man very depressedly: "Seeing that they have a lot to say together, but two of them are men. If one of them is a woman, then it can make do. I don't have to worry about it." The boss is still a bachelor."

The captain also cherishes his son very much, but he also knows that at his age, he has not enough insight and vision. Now that his son can have something to say with Zhen Youqin, that would be a good thing.

He took a puff of cigarette: "Although they are not blood brothers, they have been mixed together since childhood, so they are no different from blood brothers."

The captain's daughter-in-law is not a bad person, but a few years ago when food was scarce and Zhen Youqin's grandparents passed away one after another, his life began to be sad.

My son either quietly brought him a steamed bun, or brought him an egg, and shared a piece of cake with him.

At that time, she was very unhappy, but her son was willing, and her man told her, so she was embarrassed to turn her face.

At that time, I didn't expect Zhen Youqin to marry such a prosperous family's daughter-in-law.

Now that his life is better, this child also has a conscience, and from time to time he gives them some fish, meat, fruit biscuits, etc., which makes her feel a little regretful that she didn't help more.

"Yuqin is married, and our son hasn't dated yet." The captain's wife looked at her man expectantly: "I think Li Weihong from the educated youth spot is pretty good, and I heard that her brother is also in budui." , you said you want to let them meet?"

"It's late, Cui Xiucheng and Li Zhiqing are already dating." Captain Zhen was not in a hurry: "He is not very old, so don't rush him, maybe he can see each other on the outside? Now everyone Arranged marriages are no longer advocated, you let him find a pleasing partner by himself!"

(End of this chapter)

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