Chapter 11

On the way to the abandoned mine on the west side of Xinshou Village, I asked Zi Yan and the others to briefly talk about their occupations so that we could make arrangements.

To be honest, it was only at this time that I realized that the four of them had already put on their professional equipment, and they all looked eye-catching.On the contrary, many male players glared at me along the way.If looks could kill, I think I've been killed thousands of times!

Bao'er changed her job and became an archer, carrying a dark and shiny black iron bow and arrow, coupled with a very short hunting skirt with a tight waist, it makes people dream about the beautiful spring under the skirt .

The golden cat has become a priest. She is dressed in a robe as white as snow, which is very attractive, and has a sense of holiness like an angel descending.And that ice beauty became a mage, wrapped in a pure black robe, was a wonderful body with infinite temptation.While walking slowly, those slender legs are particularly conspicuous.Of course, the crystal-colored staff in her white jade hands is also a highlight.

The most unbelievable thing for me is my boss, Zi Yan, who has changed her job to become a soldier who charges into battle!A suit of silver armor set off her heroic appearance, with a kind of arrogance that a woman would not let a man breed.


These two words flashed through my mind again.

Taking a deep breath, I purposely walked to the back of the line, admiring their beautiful postures one by one from left to right.

But not long after, Zi Yan, who was the first to notice it, turned her head and gave me a strange look on the spot: "Plain! Are we leading the way or you? Why are you dawdling behind the team? Did you have some crooked idea? gone?"

As soon as these words came out, Bao'er turned around one after another, which made me feel awkward.So he cleared his throat, and nodded his head with his fingers: "I was wondering why, except for Zi Yan, you all took black iron-level weapons?"

Zi Yan smiled slightly: "What's so strange about this, we are the No. 1 of every job change, so it seems understandable for the system to reward a piece of black iron equipment? Otherwise, wouldn't my 4000 yuan be spent too much?" Huh? It’s just that I have a small top-quality weapon called the Hungry Wolf Knife, so I chose black iron-level armor.”

"Oh! That's what it is!"

I exaggeratedly made an expression of sudden realization, and then walked to the front of the team calmly and led the way.

After some hiking, our group of five successfully found the abandoned mine.However, the entrance of the cave is covered by a large number of emerald green wild vines, so it is difficult to enter in time.

For this reason, Zi Yan held the Hungry Wolf Knife and cleaned up the wild vines before waving and walking in the front.

Not long after, we came to the abandoned mine.I saw that the surrounding light was a bit dim, and the ground was covered with some discarded mining tools, dried blood, and a lot of scattered cheap ores, with a faintly hair-raising smell.It seemed that the whole scene was messy, as if it had experienced a tragic war before.

Because there is no map, we dare not look for the demon leader separately, so we have to lead by the warrior Ziyan and move forward along the road.Of course, as an auxiliary profession like a pharmacist, I am a national treasure who is protected by four girls.Hey, this feels so exciting.

Sometimes, the mine suddenly rustled and some small stones slipped down.Or, a few little mice "squeaked" strangely, causing both Bao'er and the golden cat to be frightened.Therefore, occasionally, I can still experience the wonderful feeling of holding nephrite jade in my arms.

After some searching, we finally found [Demon Leader] on a relatively spacious mine road.Of course, there are some mobs called [Demon Soldier] around.After investigating, Zi Yan showed a dignified look, and quickly posted the monster's attributes on the team channel.

【Devil leader】

Rating: 12
Attack: 88-108
Defense: 65
Life: 8000
Skill: Evil Summoning, forcibly summoning 5 hateful [Death Miners].Dying frenzy, there will be an 80.00% chance of going berserk when dying, and then all attributes will be doubled.

Introduction: The monster from the demon clan became the master of the mining area after killing the miners in the mining area.

【Devil Soldier】

Rating: 9
Attack: 45-80
Defense: 30
Life: 2000
Skill: Howl, use sound waves to attack, causing continuous damage of 3 points of life per second.

Introduction: The personal guard of the demon leader, the breed left over from the mine battle in the early years.


After looking at the attributes, we looked at each other.I really didn't expect that this demon leader would be so powerful!Moreover, I remember clearly that before the level 8 [One-Eyed Hungry Wolf] had only 5-18 attack and 280 health, but now the demon minion, which is 1 level higher than it, has reached a terrifying 45-80 attack , 2000 lives, it can be seen that the gap is huge!

Of course, not to mention the demon leader, who is so awesome that he can instantly kill any of the five of us on the spot!
As we all know, the more difficult the task, the higher the reward.

I don’t know if it’s because of this reason, but the ice beauty glared at me resentfully: “What the hell! There’s such a perverted mission! Hmph, birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, anyone can receive what What a mission!"

Hearing this, not only me, but even Zi Yan and the three daughters are a little dumbfounded.Doesn't it make it clear that I'm perverted!

For the purpose of completing the task, I didn't answer, but subconsciously shifted and said: "Let's clear the monsters first, and then deal with the demon leader after cleaning up the dozen or so demon soldiers."

Zi Yan nodded: "Try it! After all, the attribute of the demon leader is too strong right now, we can't fight it. So, you should stay here and protect yourself carefully." After speaking, the jade hand quickly pointed to the direction, and then Bao The three of them quickly and skillfully stood still.It seems that they should have cooperated for a long time, and their career choice has already been decided.

As a warrior, Ziyan rushed forward with the hungry wolf knife, while the lives of the ice beauty and golden silk cat were relatively fragile, and they were guarded by the archer Bao'er in the middle.In this way, they slowly pushed forward one by one.

I looked at the situation, although there were not many demon soldiers in the field, exactly 12, but they all made a sound howl, and the continuous damage of 3 points per second was superimposed, which was quite terrifying.After all, reaching nearly 30 points of life, 10 seconds is 300 points!If approached for too long, the blood-thin Ice Beauty and Golden Cat will die.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't help shouting: "Wait a minute! Come back all, don't touch the devil soldiers anymore!"

After just three seconds, they retreated, looking a little embarrassed.While swallowing a life potion, Zi Yan asked, "Have you thought of any good ideas?"

I nodded and didn't beat around the bush: "In this way, there are three branching paths behind us. I think, if possible, we should lead the demon soldiers away in two paths on the left and right, and then return from the path in the middle. Hehe, In this way, we successfully got rid of them and can directly deal with the demon leader."

Zi Yan was thoughtful, while Ice Beauty was a little displeased: "Hmph, you were the one who said you wanted to clean up the mobs just now, and now you are the one who said no! Let me tell you, are you finished?"

I scratched my head habitually, and looked up: "I don't know who said I'm a pervert! Otherwise, how could I subconsciously say such nonsensical words?"

The ice beauty gritted her silver teeth, but did not speak.On the other hand, Ziyan looked at me playfully and said, "According to what you mean, it means that I lost my mind just now?"


I coughed in embarrassment, if I continue to argue, the four sisters are deeply in love, and they must directly point the finger at me!So, I smiled mischievously, and quickly changed the subject: "Okay, it's important to fight the boss quickly, and it will be a waste of time to keep the ink on."

After a short discussion, Bao'er and Ice Beauty were given the task of luring away the demon soldiers, while Zi Yan, Jinsi Mao and I tried to find a way to hold the demon leader.

After Bao'er and Ice Beauty launched a long-range attack together, the demon soldier immediately screamed "Wow", and quickly split into two groups to chase the two of them.So, Jinsimao and I followed behind Ziyan and rushed towards the demon leader.

Everything went as expected, the 12 demon soldiers were led away and did not return.Ever since, the Hungry Wolf Knife in Ziyan's hand began to slash rhythmically, and a series of blood-red numbers flew from the head of the demon leader in an instant.

"-34, -38, -60, -22..."

"-30, -34, -65, -36..."

On the whole, one attack can take away at least 150 lives of the demon leader, and the overall life of 8000 needs about 50 consecutive attacks by Zi Yan.However, this data is not very standard, after all, it is absolutely impossible for the demon leader to allow Zi Yan to give it more than 50 attack opportunities.

The demon leader, just raised the big knife quickly once, and I saw Zi Yan's blood bar rapidly and sharply decrease like running water.But fortunately, at the critical moment, Jinsimao's treatment came very timely, pulling back a little life before Ziyan was hanged.

The dangerous and dangerous time made Zi Yan not dare to attack again, so she had to wait for Bao'er and the ice beauty to come back before making any plans.

Not long after, the two women returned from the middle path panting.It quickly divided into several directions and surrounded the demon leader.Likewise, while I couldn't attack, I wasn't hiding alone.After all, Zi Yan is the only melee class, and she is the one with the greatest risk, as long as she is a little careless, she will be the first to be killed by the demon leader.

Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of her relegation, I would rather die myself than let her die.

In this way, we continue to use the little trick of hatred to attract the life of the demon leader bit by bit.Start with more than 7600, and then go to 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000.

At this moment, the demon leader suddenly roared, swish, swish, and five white lights suddenly flashed in the field.

"Not good! The dead miner has been summoned!"

Bao'er exclaimed, but soon, the golden silk cat who had been relatively casual threw out a ball of holy white light.After a few breaths, the five dead miners seemed to have been electrocuted, and their health kept dropping.It seems that the priest has an absolute advantage in killing monsters of the dark, dead, and undead series.

The corners of my mouth curled up slightly, this time I must drive the demon leader crazy, the five summoned little Luoluo were so easily held back by the golden cat.Moreover, due to the influence of the dead miners, the attack frequency of Ziyan and the three daughters has been accelerated a lot, causing its HP to drop from 2000 very quickly.In just over 30 seconds, it has dropped to a few more than 1000 points.

For this reason, I became a little excited, holding the wooden stick tightly in my hand.As long as there is only a trace of blood left in the demon leader's life, he can withdraw from the team and rush up to kill him!

However, the weather was not good, and several loud calls came from not far away.Faintly, there were still a few sharp whistling sounds.Presumably, this should be the sound of the demon soldier being tortured and killed.

Just ten seconds later, Yeyu from the rich family came with thirty players from the rich family.Seeing the situation in the arena, he suddenly laughed like a treasure: "Fuck! It's really destined! Ladies, we meet again! Hey, there is you! Ordinary and simple! You are fighting the boss!"

After a slight pause, the rich man Yeyu changed from a big laugh to a maniacal laugh: "Hahahaha, brothers, hurry up and hang them! You must not let them kill the boss. Also, those four women in Ziyan have black hair all over their bodies. Iron-level weapons must be exposed to Lao Tzu!"

Hearing this, Zi Yan and I were all startled. After looking at each other, we had to give up the demon leader and hid in the corner to take precautions.

Seeing this, Yeyu from the wealthy family flashed his complacent look: "Hmph, you guys have today too! Although I didn't make it to the first job change, I will soon be able to get the black iron level equipment of you women. Then we can rush to the front!" After speaking, with a big wave of his hand, 15 players were immediately separated to approach us, while the other 15 players surrounded the demon leader.

It was only then that I noticed that among the 15 wealthy players who surrounded the demon leader, there was a player named 'Gongsun of the wealthy family' who was wearing novice clothes like me.The others, on the other hand, all wore the common equipment of each profession.

It seems that the rich family's Gongsun should have also received the task of [Devil Leader], otherwise the wealthy family Yeyu would not have brought people to the mine by such a coincidence.

(End of this chapter)

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