Chapter 33

A burst of white light flickered, and I appeared in Yaoyue territory.

Almost at the same time, Ziyan's four daughters and the wealthy family Yeyu also went online.

There is no doubt that after the update, the territory system has been opened to all players.

It doesn't matter why the wealthy Yeyu and the others came to Yaoyue's territory last time.But right now, they definitely have plans to occupy Yaoyue's territory.

As a result, the air between Misty Rain and the rich and powerful family was immediately filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, as if it was time to PK to fight for strength.

I saw that the wealthy Yeyu waved the long sword in his hand, and a dark light flashed quickly.Come to think of it, this weapon must be of the black iron level: "Listen up to Misty Rain, our wealthy family wants this territory. Be sensible, and quickly find other players to fight for it."

Hearing this, the corners of my mouth twitched slightly, and then Zi Yan sneered and said: "You must have been dreaming and didn't wake up! When, we, Misty Rain, are afraid of surpassing your wealthy family? Hmph, don't think that you have a lot of money, It’s as if no one in the world can stop you. To put it bluntly, if Wu Bufan’s one-tenth of his net worth is exchanged, it’s enough to crush the leaders of your wealthy families to death!”

"Ha ha."

Noble Yeyu smiled instead of anger, "This kind of comparison is unnecessary, how many Wu Bufans are there in the world? You just need to know that I am richer than you now, and that's enough!"

Ziyan stopped talking, thinking that Yeyu from a wealthy family had hit her vital point, making it difficult for her to refute.But the ice beauty immediately snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, Miss Ben is not in the mood to waste time with you, if you want to fight, hurry up and pick someone from you."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Zi Yan and walked to the 'Territory Executive' next to her, submitting a request for territorial competition.

I stayed aside, suddenly a little curious.From what Ziyan said, it seems that Yeyu of the wealthy family is just a leader of the wealthy family.

Could it be that this so-called wealthy family was established by many rich young masters?
Damn, this is too awesome, it's not too much to call yourself a wealthy family.Definitely a RMB player among RMB players.

After about a minute, the rich family Yeyu called two women and a man through the territory teleportation array, and at the same time let several other rich family players leave.

In this way, the giants formed a team of five, and the auxiliary profession also chose pharmacist.That is, the grandson of the wealthy family.

Among them, the wealthy Yeyu and the wealthy Gongsun are people who have had disputes with me.

But the rest of the wealthy Aoxuan, the out-of-print fairy and the out-of-print medical madman are the character IDs that I seem to have known before.

Frowning slightly, I opened the level leaderboard.

1. Ice Beauty, Level 20, Mage
2. Ziyan, level 19, warrior
3. Baoer, level 19, archer

4. Golden cat, level 18, priest
5. Noble Yeyu, level 18, warrior
6. The wealthy Aoxuan, level 18, mage
7. Out-of-print fairy, 18, mage

8. World Blood Wolf, Level 18, Warrior
9, Dancing in the Night, 18, Assassin

10. The most beautiful man in the world, level 18, mage

15. Out-of-print medical madness, level 17, priest

Sure enough, the wealthy Aoxuan, the out-of-print goblin, and the out-of-print doctor madman are all relatively high on the ranking list.

Among them, the wealthy Aoxuan and the out-of-print goblin, apart from being level 18 mages, are also rare beauties.

This one really surprised me again.

Could it be that there are wealthy daughters among the wealthy families participating?It seems that they are not as corrupt as I imagined, maybe they really have a few brushes.

Bao'er next to me seemed to see my doubts, and quietly explained: "Brother Fanfan, you may not know that the predecessor of the rich family is actually out of print, formed by many rich sons and daughters of rich families!"

"Look, that out-of-print goblin and out-of-print medical madman are both wearing their previous vests, and they are still veterans. The two of them, a female mage and a male priest, were called 'out-of-print partners' in the past. They are definitely two very difficult Especially the out-of-print medical madman, although the pastor's career is not very good, but that guy has made the ice beauty miserable before. The ice beauty has suffered a lot from him."

After a slight pause, Bao'er continued: "As for that rich family Aoxuan. Although her skills are very good, she has the same virtue as the rich family Yeyu, relying on the bad money in the family, she is so arrogant as to die. Pepper. Hmph, you must not get involved with her, or you will be miserable!"

I am confused.What is this called?Actually use the word 'engage' to describe it.

After shaking my head for a while, I clearly saw the expressions of Zi Yan and the others, which were solemn.

To be honest, judging from the status of the rank rankings, the four girls of Ziyan surpassed the rich and powerful Yeyu.However, the difference is not too big, only about 3 levels.

As for the equipment, I think there may be only Ice Beauty present, with a whole body of black iron level.

But the problem came out again, there were two mages from the wealthy family, Aoxuan and the out-of-print fairy, and it was difficult for the ice beauty to give full play to its due advantages.

Taking a deep breath, I was waiting to continue thinking.

The system prompts: "Players of the Misty Rain team and the rich team, please pay attention, the battle for Yaoyue territory will start in 5 minutes. Now, both sides, please get ready."


Following the sound of the prompt, all of us glowed with white light, and within a second, we were at the southern end outside Yaoyue's territory.That is the location of the blood-colored stone door.

According to the display on the map, the five wealthy Yeyu are located at the northern end of Yaoyue's territory.

While there was still time, I traded 3 copies of the level 3 life potion, level 4 magic potion, and level 80 attack speed potion that I refined last time to Ziyan for distribution.As for myself, I kept the remaining 20 copies.

When it was over, we were ready to go, waiting for the system to count down.

It didn't take long, and 5 minutes passed quickly.

The system prompts: "The battle for the territory of the Misty Rain team VS the wealthy team, begins!"

The personnel of both parties are as follows:
Ziyan, level 19, fighter
Boa, level 19, archer

Ice Beauty, Level 20, Mage
Golden Cat, Level 18, Priest
Ordinary and simple, level 13, pharmacist
Noble Yeyu, Level 18, Warrior
Rich family Gongsun, level 12, pharmacist
Aoxuan of the wealthy family, level 18, mage
Out of print goblin, level 18, mage
Out-of-print medical madness, level 17, priest. "


Almost immediately after the system prompts, the four Ziyan girls and I rushed into Yaoyue territory together.

Because the battle has already started, many monsters have spawned in the territory, and the numbers are so dense that there is no possibility of rushing alone.

In desperation, we set our target at the center of the territory. It is estimated that the boss with the territory token in the middle is most likely to appear in the middle.

So, we took it step by step, followed the pre-discussed attack formation, and slowly brushed monsters forward.

It is worth mentioning that the monsters spawned in Yaoyue Territory include: Yaoyue Troll, Yaoyue Remnant Soul, Yaoyue Arrow Slave, Yaoyue Demon Bird, all of which are monster species in the 12th floor map of Yaoyue Canyon.

Therefore, this is a very favorable factor for us who have already brushed Yaoyue Canyon.

At this moment, I re-borrowed the hungry wolf leather armor that Zi Yan wanted to return, and took the Warrior's Blade she gave me.

Since there is no transfer relationship.I don't have professional skills, so right now I can only rely on physical attacks, and walk side by side with Zi Yan at the forefront, killing those demon moon trolls and demon birds that attack melee.

It is easy to understand why it is called massacre.

After all, the level and equipment of the four girls of Ziyan have improved to a certain extent, especially the ice beauty, whose level has reached 20.Moreover, she also got a [Ice Jade Headband] with a 5% increase in freezing effect.

Therefore, the ice beauty's ability to freeze the Yaoyue troll and other monsters has become even stronger.

So much so that even me, a level 13 player, seems to be very awesome.Standing in front of level 15-18 monsters, they are rarely attacked.

As time goes by, Ziyan and I are also shortening the distance between the center of the territory.

But I'm a little depressed. Since the battle started and we entered the Yaoyue territory, all of our maps were temporarily blocked by the system, and we couldn't see our respective positions at all.

Therefore, apart from seeing it with our own eyes, we have no way of knowing which direction the giants Yeyu are heading and how far they are progressing in spawning monsters.

While killing monsters, Zi Yan asked aloud: "Pingfan, which way do you think the giants Yeyu and the others are most likely to adopt to win?"

Smiling and shaking my head, I said, "Judging from the current situation alone, there are so many monsters in the Yaoyue series, we have no choice but to follow the official monster spawning settings for the time being!"

After a pause, I swallowed a level 3 life potion, and waved my hand to hang up the Yaoyue troll with only a trace of blood left in front of me: "Of course, when we both clean up the monsters to a certain extent, the territory will be relatively small." Empty. At that time, it is not impossible to adopt a two-pronged approach."

"You mean... they will send two people to contain us and fight guerrilla warfare? Then the other three will go over and destroy the boss holding the token of the leader?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

I nodded, "But it may not work. After all, the official website has already announced that five bosses will be refreshed in the territory, and no one knows which one the territory token is hidden on. Haha, if you really choose to fight the boss If we win, how long will the five bosses fight? This problem is not limited to the rich and powerful Yeyu, even we must consider it."

Zi Yan stopped talking.

But after a short while, she sneered and said: "Let's fight! They fight their boss, and we will eliminate their numbers one by one!"

Hearing this, I couldn't help but secretly stunned.This superb female boss seems to have a slight tendency to violence.

After shaking my head for a while, I immediately brushed up the monsters seriously.

Not long after, the small territory, with the efforts of Ziyan and I, the number of monsters approaching us has been less, far less dense than before.

Ziyan looked in the direction, and suddenly said to me: "Fanfan, you and Bao'er can wait here, right? I'll go and have a look alone."

I shrugged and responded, "Then you should be careful. Once you find their traces, immediately send the coordinates to the team for sharing."

Zi Yan smiled: "No problem."

After finishing speaking, he single-handedly held his long sword, bypassed the loose monsters of the Yaoyue series, and quietly probed towards the rich family Yeyu.

(End of this chapter)

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