Chapter 405

I stared in disbelief, I really wanted to log off immediately, and I was too lazy to answer such a depressing question.

However, when I thought of Mr. Ximen's arrogance and complacency after clearing my level and equipment last night, I gritted my teeth and stepped forward resolutely.His grandma, just hit him, if he is instantly killed by a monster, he might be able to return to the nearby system city to resurrect!Impossible, the master of the system abandoned me on the Titan Icefield, where there are no villages and shops behind, right?
Taking a deep breath, I approached the monster area step by step, and then stopped cautiously after reaching the level 130 monster area.

【Ghost of the Titan】

Rating: 130
attack:? ? ?
defense:? ? ?
life:? ? ?
Skill:? ? ?


There is no doubt that with my current level 0, it is naturally impossible to find out the monster's attribute information.However, after standing still and checking a few times, I suddenly found that I didn't even have a weapon like a novice stick in my hand. Moreover, because the level was 0, the knight-specific skills and battle-angel-specific skills I had learned before There is no way to use it, and it presents a gray and dark color.

"There is no unparalleled road, I will definitely find a way!"

I clenched my fists with both hands, and I can say with certainty that now I can't compete with that 130-level titan ghost with just two fists.Then, the remaining methods can only be outsmarted, not invincible!
Rolling my eyes, I couldn't help but quickly noticed that there were many sharp ice cones on the ground, which were all condensed by snow.It seems that the shape of some ice cones is simply a murderous weapon, and it seems to be easily separated from the ice layer alone.

Seeing this, I grinned and decided to use these icicles as a weapon for hunting Titan ghosts.Immediately afterwards, I immediately kicked an ice pick, trying to break it from the ice.

However, to my surprise, after stepping down, my thigh went numb and I felt a bit of pain, but the ice pick did not move at all!
"Damn it! Is it so strong?"

I opened my mouth, and suddenly I was a little stunned.You know, as a map full of ice, the Titan Icefield must have snowy weather.That is to say, after "years and months" of low temperature, even a small ice cone can be as hard as steel. If you go deeper into the ice layer, you may be able to dig out a few thousand or ten thousand year old ice crystals!

After understanding such a situation, I became more and more appreciative of the killing power of the ice pick, and at the same time raised my foot and kicked fiercely again.

After spending about 20 feet, a pleasant voice came from the master of the system.

The system prompts: "Congratulations! You have obtained 1 Titan Icicle!"


【Titan Icicle】

Attack: 5-20
Defense: 3-10
Accurate: +1
Equipment requirements: none
Grade: normal


As soon as I saw it, my eyes lit up.His grandma said, Titan Icefield is really different from other leveling maps, it is a bit unbelievable that a mere ice pick can be regarded as an ordinary-grade weapon.

Another one, the attribute of the Titan Icicle is also very good, anyway, it has a 20-point attack limit and a 10-point defense limit!Moreover, even Accuracy has increased by 1 point.

Grinning, I happily put away the Titan Icicle, and continued to look for other Titan Icicles that were easy to break.

The system prompts: "Congratulations! You have obtained a Titan Icicle!"

The system prompts: "Congratulations! You have obtained a Titan Icicle!"

The system prompts: "Congratulations! You have obtained a Titan Icicle!"

The system prompts: "Congratulations! You have obtained a Titan Icicle!"


Listening to the melodious voice that kept ringing out, my action of kicking the Titan Icicle became more and more powerful.Just 2 hours later, my package was finally full, and I collected a total of 200 Titan Icicles.

"Huh! Damn I'm exhausted."

Sitting down on the ice, I gasped for breath immediately, and then scanned those 130-level titan ghosts from a long distance.It seems that in this situation, it is very difficult for me to single out a titan ghost, and it is impossible to face two at the same time.

So, after I found a lone titan ghost, I fumbled slowly without hesitation, then took out a titan ice pick and smashed it hard.

Pfft, a bloody damage number of "-1" flew over the head of the titan ghost on the spot, and made it run towards me in a rage.

"Damn! Such a fast moving speed?"

I trembled when I saw it, and hurriedly turned around and ran wildly.It seems that with the current level of 0, the 130-level Titan Icefield is many times faster than me. If it is attacked by it, the ending will definitely be an instant kill!

"Aw! Aw!" Titan Specter seemed to be a monster of the melee type, just as I was fleeing quickly, it could only keep roaring and chasing after me.

It was only after about 2 minutes of running that I gradually slowed down, and at the same time I was ready to hunt.It seems that the terrain here is not very flat, and there are super small and super small icebergs all around.

In this way, if I shuttle between the icebergs to attack, those small icebergs can block the titan ghost for me, making it almost impossible to attack me in close quarters.Moreover, if you climb to some relatively high icebergs, you can still attack directly from a high position without worrying about being attacked!
The idea flashed, and I finally chose to climb the iceberg.After all, a condescending attack can deal more damage, even if this damage is very little for a Titan ghost whose health may be around 30.But for me, killing 1 more life means 1 more chance of winning!
After nearly 20 seconds, I climbed to the top of a small iceberg with a decent height, looking down at the chasing Titan Ghost.

"Hahahaha, let the uncle die for you, and then give the uncle a magic weapon!" I laughed a little smugly, but I held the Titan Icicle in my hand and waited for it.

The moment Titan Ghost entered the attack range, I smashed out the ice pick without hesitation and landed on Titan Ghost's head.

Pooh!A blood-red "-5" number floated up, and at the same time made Titan Specter even more furious.


However, apart from standing on top of the iceberg and smashing out the ice pick, I have no intention of going down at all.

You know, although the 130-level titan ghost is just an ordinary monster, but to me, a 'novice', it is like the sum of hundreds of bosses in Novice Village, extremely powerful.Moreover, the Titan Icicle can break its defense and deal damage, which already makes me a little unbelievable. How dare I go down and fight it!

In fact, some people may not believe that 5-20 ice picks can break the defense of Titan Specter, but this situation is actually very easy to understand.For example, if our players accidentally bump into a tree while walking, they will lose some life. What's more, the ice pick is more powerful than the immobile tree.

Therefore, Titan Specter's defense can be broken, but the final damage is very small, so small that it can be ignored.Just after casting 50 Titan Icicles, I found that the life of the Titan Specter is only 2 points less at this moment, and it seems that the recovery speed of this girl is even faster.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of my mouth, and I couldn't help but stop attacking immediately, thinking about other ways.It is depressing to say that although the ice pick can deal damage, the recovery speed of this damage is slower than that of Titan Ghost, and it is almost impossible to kill it.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow..." Seeing that I did not attack again, Titan Ghost still roared irritablely, walking back and forth under the iceberg.

Seeing this situation, I couldn't help frowning, and suddenly my eyes lit up.

I think, if ice picks are placed under Titan Specter's feet, life will continue to drop when he walks around, even if the fall is very small, but the speed should be very fast.

For example, suppose the ghost of the titan has icicles under its feet, and the result of taking a step is that its life will drop by 1 point.In this case, ten steps is 10 points, 100 steps is 100 points, and 30 steps is basically close to death!

Speaking of which, my theoretical thoughts are a bit crazy. If the ghost of the titan walks up to 30 steps, the day lily is probably moldy!After all, Titan Ghost's life recovery has to be included in it, so 30 steps is the most conservative algorithm, and it may actually take 40 steps or more.

However, this is a method worth trying, otherwise I will only have the choice of sending my death back to the city.It seems that because of my level being cleared, I already hate the taste of 'death' very much!Whether it's being killed by a person or a monster, anyway, I just don't want to be hanged!
So, I would rather fight it for ten days and a half months than die.

Taking a deep breath, I carefully climbed down the iceberg while watching the movement of the titan's ghost, and then ran wildly.This time, I didn't intend to let the titan ghost follow, but to shake it off.

After all, if you want to realize the method I just mentioned, you must find a deep pit and bury many, many Titan ice cones.Moreover, I myself had to stand on top of the pit to attract the aggro of Titan Specter and keep it moving.

The idea flashed, and it took me about 5 minutes to get rid of the titan ghost, and then I searched for the natural deep pit alone.

After some searching, I found that there are many deep pits that can ambush the ghost of the titan, but how to bury those ice cones is a big problem.After all, the ice layer on the ground is very hard, there is really nothing I can do with just my two fleshy palms!
Furthermore, since it is a big pit, a lot of ice picks are definitely needed, so the remaining 150 in my package are far from enough.

(End of this chapter)

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