Chapter 427

As the golden grudge burst out, the Golden Horned Demon Bull's life was cut off on the spot, so that the roar became louder and louder.However, since its skills were forcibly interrupted by the rapid dash, it was unable to use any skills other than normal attacks.


Just after a roar like 'Go to hell', I was hit by the big fist of the Golden Horned Demon Bull, and my life dropped by as much as 4.

That is to say, in just a little effort, the surface of my Holy Fire Ghost Slash has been coated with a strange poison and taboo love, and it was quickly blasted out with the dead body of the monomer.

At this moment, a thick golden beam of light suddenly hit the head of the Golden Horned Demon Bull, causing it to howl in pain and lose a full 3 lives.

Speaking of it, it is the same regardless of the monster or us players. If the attack hits a vital part, although it is not as exaggerated as a fatal blow, there is still some damage bonus.

Therefore, when all the boats were broken and hit the head of the Golden Horned Demon Bull, it actually gained nearly 8 extra life damage bonuses.

The thought flashed, and I saw that the effect of forbidden love had already taken place, and the Golden Horned Demon Bull was once again unable to move like a statue.So, with the aid of the attack speed potion, I directly launched a series of normal attacks towards the head of the Golden Horned Demon Bull.
24555, -26545, -27144, -26588...

As we all know, compared with skill attacks, the single damage output of the former is less.However, the attack speed is faster than the skill attack.

If it was an ordinary player, I think 90% of them would choose skills as the main attack method. After all, the single damage output caused by a skill attack must be much stronger than a normal attack.

But for me, since the auxiliary effect of the attack speed potion can speed up the attack speed, the normal attack becomes the same as the skill attack, and the final damage caused is not much different.

For example, a player without the aid of potion can perform a normal attack, maybe 3 knives in 5 seconds, but I can at least hit 7 or even 9 knives.In this way, the damage of normal attacks is virtually enhanced.

Just after a wave of swift and violent normal attacks, the effect of Forbidden Love dissipated by itself, and the Golden Horned Demon Bull suddenly 'woke up'.

After looking at it, I frowned, and decisively used the dislocation slide skill, and rushed out to the right.

Just at the moment when the figure was stabilized, the skill of the Golden Horned Demon Bull was deployed with a "boom", and that direction happened to be behind my original position.That is to say, if I did not use the dislocation slide to jump to the right, but instead walked backwards, I would definitely bear the skill attack of the golden horned bull, and then be seconds.

"Damn it, it's so dangerous!" Subconsciously heaved a sigh of relief, I hurriedly smeared forbidden love on the surface of the weapon, and at the same time performed a dislocation slide again to get behind the golden horned bull.

In fact, when the Golden Horned Demon Bull finds that the attack has missed the 'target', it will definitely not be so stupid and attack in the same direction, it will automatically find the target's location.So, if I don't move behind it, I will definitely become its target.

But now, due to the shift in position, the Golden Horn Demon Bull's attack failed again.

At this very moment, the holy flame ghost sword in my hand, which had once again been painted with forbidden love, slashed fiercely on the back of the Golden Horned Demon Bull, causing it to howl miserably on the spot.

As a bloody damage number fluctuated, the Golden Horned Demon Bull was once again troubled by the forbidden love, so that he could not move like a bronze statue.

Seeing such a situation, I naturally didn't have to think too much, and quickly greeted the Holy Fire Ghost Slash in my hand.

It is worth mentioning that since I already knew that the Golden Horned Demon Bull could not move within the effective time of Forbidden Love, I gave up all defenses and turned to attack him with all my strength.

Dragon Soul Storm Slash!
Total Annihilation!



With three rounds of group attacks roaring, the Golden Horn Demon Bull's health dropped considerably, and it seemed that it had about 75% of its HP left.

"Very good, it's time to end." When I got here, the corners of my mouth slightly raised, and I launched the incidental skill of Holy Fire Ghost Slash without hesitation.

Ghost Slash lore!

At this moment, a bloody sharp blade 'flyed' out of my weapon, and directly hit the belly of the Golden Horned Demon Bull.

Pooh!A super terrifying damage figure suddenly flew up! -

Boom!With a muffled sound, the huge body of the Golden Horned Demon Bull fell down on the spot.Bye!
The system prompts: "Congratulations! You killed the 160-level BOSS Golden Horned Demon Bull. Hereby reward you with 66600000000 upgrade experience, +600 gold coins, and +6000 reputation."

The system prompts: "Congratulations! Your waiting memory has been improved, hereby reward 5 points of free attribute, you can add it yourself!"


Seeing this, I am not at all surprised by the death of the Golden Horned Demon Bull.Because, I know the horror of the Ghost Slash lore skill is that after using it, it can ignore the target's existing blood volume and reduce its overall life by 80% at one time.

In addition, there is a 20% chance to produce a fatal blow, achieving the instant kill effect.

Undoubtedly, although I didn't trigger a fatal blow when I performed the Holy Fire Ghost Slash just now, just reducing the overall blood volume by 80% is enough for the Golden Horned Demon Bull to drink a pot, after all, it only has 75% left. ’s blood volume, 5% will be deducted after calculation.

So, with the Golden Horned Demon Bull's life only remaining at 75%, if the Holy Fire Ghost Slash can't kill it in 'seconds', it will really be a ghost.

Grinning, I looked at the 132th level that was promoted, and it seemed that I was one step closer to the first place in the ranking.

After a short pause, I turned on the automatic pick-up function of the War Ring of the Sky, and picked up all the things that the golden-horned demon bull exploded

The system prompts: "Congratulations! You automatically get gold coins +1."

The system prompts: "Congratulations! You automatically get the equipment [Golden Horn Helmet]."

The system prompts: "Congratulations! You automatically get gold coins +1."


With a sound of pleasant prompts, I finally completed the pick-up, and checked the details.

To be honest, when I was picking it up automatically, when I saw the Golden Horn Helmet, I thought it was a piece of golden 'junk' equipment.After all, it has the word 'gold' in its name, which makes it easy for people to think of the gold grade.

However, after I investigated, I was surprised to find that the Golden Horn Helmet is actually a piece of super heaven-level equipment, and its attributes are also very impressive!

【Golden Horn Helmet】

Attack: 13211-16889
Defense: 11211-14553
Constitution: +280
Strength: +100
Additional skills: golden horn rebirth, after death, it can be automatically resurrected with full state, without any loss of level and experience.Cooldown time is 3 days.

Required Level: 130
Grade: super sky

Seeing this, I have to comment on the Golden Horn Helmet several times again: It's awesome!

You should know that even if our players receive the resurrection skills of the holy priest, they will still drop the level, and if the priest's level is poor, it is impossible to fully restore the player after resurrecting the player.Just like the last time I was cleared by Mr. Ximen, all attributes were halved after resurrection.

As for the passive golden horn rebirth skill, not only can the status be kept at full capacity after resurrection, but even the level that should have been dropped will not drop!

Therefore, the Golden Horn Battle Helmet with the Golden Horn Rebirth Skill is a very awesome piece of super heavenly equipment!Or it could be more appropriately called the 'Resurrection Helmet'!
Of course, everything has its two sides. Although the golden horn rebirth skill is very effective, the only disadvantage is that the cooldown time of the skill is too long, which is actually 2 days longer than my angel transformation!
Therefore, compared to the holy priest's resurrection skill that can be used almost continuously within a day, the golden horn rebirth still has certain limitations.

The thought flashed, and I quickly removed the earth-level helmet from Xiangfei's side, and equipped it with a super-heaven-level golden horn battle helmet instead.This time, the offensive and defensive attributes of the whole body have increased a bit, and even the feeling of wearing it on the head is very comfortable.

"Sure enough, the super-heavenly-level equipment is still powerful!" I giggled for a while, and then flipped through the other things that the Golden Horned Demon Bull exploded.

However, it is regrettable that apart from the Golden Horn Helmet, the Golden Horn Demon Bull did not explode any higher-grade items.

After shaking my head, I quickly turned around and looked at the scene of the guild war after packing up.

At first, I thought that Ziyan and the others should clear up the huge amount of monsters. After all, they have more than 30 Misty Rain Elites. Even if the Sixth Legion is not very strong, they can adjust their strategy and add another or even two legions to clean up the monsters. .

However, after I took a look, I saw a scene that made me almost jump and curse.He saw that the front, left and right sides of the entire Misty Rain army were surrounded by large numbers of monsters, and there were 1-2 golden bosses on each side.

There is no doubt that so many monsters that just surround Misty Rain's army must not be refreshed by the master of the system, but a human factor in the world!
The thought flashed, but I suddenly felt that Mr. Ximen seemed to have done what I did last time with a slight change.Just at the time of their guild war between Tianxia and Brothers Alliance last time, I led the monsters refreshed in other positions to the north gate for the nine-star mission, and Tianxia lost a lot of players.

So the situation now is really similar to what it was then!It's just that we, Misty Rain, became the victim, and the monster's position was rather tricky, except for the rear, it basically surrounded Misty Rain's army.

I frowned, and I couldn't help being a little depressed. Although the mobs weren't very threatening, the 6 bosses were different. Almost no Misty Rain player could resist them wherever they went.

It was at this time that the overwhelming sound of shouting and killing spread.I saw that a large number of players from all over the world rushed out from the north gate, east gate and west gate of Blood Fiend City, divided into three directions and attacked the Misty Rain army.

"Damn, they really know how to choose the right time!" Cursing inwardly, I couldn't help but suddenly had a plan.

(End of this chapter)

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