Chapter 461

However, Bao'er pouted and said, "'s very late now, don't listen to Sister Yan's nonsense that it's only 9 o'clock, it's actually almost 11 o'clock!"

"..." A few black lines flashed across my forehead, I couldn't help but glance at Ziyan, and smiled wryly.

In other words, let's go buy it tomorrow when it's late, she doesn't need to arouse Bao'er's desire to go shopping.After all, once Bao'er's face like a little devil is revealed, where can I find clothes for her in the middle of the night!
The thought flashed, and I immediately laughed and said, "It's okay, it's the same when we go shopping tomorrow."

"No!" Bao'er shook his head decisively and said, "Tomorrow has something to do with tomorrow."

"Eh..." I was sweating profusely. I was really afraid of something. It was too late to buy it today, and I thought I had things to do tomorrow when I went to buy it tomorrow.Alas, I really don't know what the hell Bao'er is planning.Or in other words, this is the result of Zi Yan and Bao'er joining forces.

After a pause, I gritted my teeth and asked bluntly: "Then tell me, what exactly do you want to do! If the conditions are not excessive, I should agree to you!"

"Really?" Bao'er's beautiful big eyes twinkled, as dazzling as the stars in the night sky.

"Hehe, of course!" I smiled and nodded, "Brother Pingfan always keeps his word!"

"That's good! Brother Pingfan will accompany me into the game later!" Bao'er's little tail finally showed, and she also pulled Ziyan and said to me, "Remember, sister Yan wants to be together too!"

"Okay!" I patted my chest, "I promise to complete the task!"

However, after I readily agreed, the ice beauty said beautifully and slightly wrinkled: "Bao'er, now that the guild war has finally won, I think your ordinary brother should have a good rest. Have you forgotten, halfway through?" When you went offline to sleep, you all went offline, but Pingfan was still in the game without closing his eyes!"

"Then what should I do?" Bao'er suddenly said helplessly, "Brother Pingfan said just now that he keeps his word. Since he promised to enter the game, how can he go back on his word? In fact, I also miss Brother Pingfan very much now. Just go and rest."

"Uh, it's okay!" I said with a little sweat in my heart, "Enter the game as soon as you enter the game, I can still hold on!"

"But..." Ice Beauty's red lips parted, as if she wanted to persuade her again.

"Hehe, it's settled like this, see you in Yaoyue City later!" Before Ice Beauty's persuasion was out of my mouth, I had already agreed with Bao'er and Zi Yan to leave the place, turned and went back to the room.

In fact, my situation is not like the ice beauty said that I have not closed my eyes all the time.You know, when I was stationed in King Kong City, I fell asleep with her soft chest on my head.Therefore, I can't take the initiative to say this matter, so as not to make the ice beauty angry.

However, from her persuasion just now, I know that Ice Beauty's external attitude is a little warmer than before.That is to say, she gradually walked out of that somewhat closed world.

The thought flashed, I quickly put on the gaming helmet, and entered the game in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Zi Yan and Bao'er were already waiting at the trade union resident in Yaoyue City, and it seemed that they had been prepared.I couldn't help but smiled and joked: "What are you two doing? You asked me to come in to play games in the middle of the night, so you don't want me to be a thief with you?"

"Yes! It's a thief!" Bao'er said seriously after giggling.

"Eh! What are you doing?" I was suddenly confused, and I didn't believe what Bao'er said.

"Didn't I just say it, I'm a thief!" Zi Yan rolled her eyes at me and added again.

Now, I'm confused and don't know what kind of medicine the two of them sell in their gourds.In fact, I just joked about being a thief, but who knew that the two of them really planned to ask me to be a thief together!Alas, is this the so-called coincidence?
With a wry smile on the corner of my mouth, I couldn't help putting away the disbelief in my heart, and asked, "What should be the task, please tell me, if the three of us can't do it, we can call the ice beauty later." several!"

"No need!" Bao'er shook his head and said, "This task is rather strange, and it requires three team members to participate, and the occupation of the team members has been limited to 2 knights and 1 archer. So, the ice beauty and the others are here." It's no use either!"

"Oh! Got it!" I suddenly said in a daze, "No wonder you asked me to play the game alone when I was in Qingyeju just now, while Ice Beauty and the others had a good rest!"

"Well, brother Pingfan is so smart, he guesses right!" Bao'er gave me a big thumbs up.

"Hehe, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and take over the task!"

"Well, let's go, the target Qilin temple!"


As the words fell, the three of us, Ziyan Baoer and I summoned the war horses and ran towards the Qilin Temple together.

In fact, I don't know what kind of place the Qilin Temple is, and I don't know its exact location. I only know that you can't go wrong with Ziyan and Bao'er.

Sure enough, after spending nearly 20 minutes, I received a message from the master of the system.

The system prompts: "You have entered the Qilin Temple, please pay attention to safety!"


"Damn it, is this the place for leveling?" I was stunned for a few seconds, then looked at Ziyan and asked, "How do you know that you can accept missions here?"

"Hehe, it seems that you haven't visited the forum for a long time!" Zi Yan blinked her beautiful eyes and said, "It seems that when we were fighting the guild war with the world, the leveling map of Qilin Temple was opened by the system. Therefore, those masters who are not entangled in guild wars come here one after another to practice. Hehe, about 2 days, there is a rumor on the Kirin Temple map that there is a quest that can be rewarded with fairy artifacts, requiring 2 knights and 1 bow and arrow Team configuration. However, many people don’t know where in the Qilin Temple they can receive this task. There is a lot of discussion on the forums about this matter, and it’s even more intense than a guild war. This can be accepted here. , the one said that it can be picked up there, anyway, there are different opinions!"

"Oh! You just called me into the game in the middle of the night because of a fairy artifact task that has been widely discussed?" I asked with a wry smile.

"Hey, don't believe me!" Ziyan said seriously, "It seems that three people took over this mission, but they were instantly killed just after teleporting into the mission map, and there is a video to prove it! So the credibility of this mission is a little bit higher. There is no need to doubt. What I am most worried about now is how to find the location to accept the mission."

"What about the three players who took over the mission of Immortal Artifact?" I couldn't help asking.

"They said that this task can only be taken over through a task scroll. However, the task scroll is placed next to a holy spring in the Qilin Temple, and the holy spring is guarded by a perverted BOSS! And, the most outrageous thing is, They also say that the fountain moves randomly every 30 seconds!"

"Understood, this is why you said you want to be a thief!" I nodded to myself, "It seems that the boss has the ability to kill in seconds, so you have to steal to get the mission scroll, right?"

"En!" Zi Yan nodded.

"Hehe, just knowing this is not enough!" I quickly shrugged helplessly, "Let's not talk about whether we can steal the mission scroll next to the holy spring, it seems that we don't even know where the holy spring is located." I know, and that thing is still moving randomly! Alas, one word is very difficult!"

"Brother Fanfan must have a solution?" Bao'er's two beautiful eyes scanned me back and forth, as if she had seen through me.

However, I really have nothing to do right now, so I just shook my head.

"Ah!" Bao'er opened her red lips, "What should we do now, didn't we just go to the Qilin Temple for nothing?"

"Not necessarily!" I narrowed my eyes slightly and said, "Isn't there a saying that is good? You need to tie the bell to untie the bell! Hehe, since the holy spring moves randomly in the Qilin temple, the way to find the holy spring must be Hidden in the Qilin temple! The three players who received the fairy artifact mission before, I can only say that they were very lucky and got the mission scroll. However, for other players, I don’t think they will encounter such a thing in their entire life Therefore, you must be able to find the Holy Spring through other methods, otherwise this mission will be useless, who the hell has the ability to find a random moving thing!"

"Well, I think so too!" Zi Yan nodded in agreement, "How about this, let's practice leveling first and see if we can find clues from the monster!"

"Smart!" I smiled at her with a wink, "The only way to find out where the holy spring is through monsters!"

"Hehe, don't talk to me!" Zi Yan said with a smile, "According to the forum news, the monsters in the Qilin Temple are above level 140, the three of us have to be careful, otherwise it's easy to die!"

"Well, let's form a team first!" I created a new team, and then pulled Ziyan and Bao'er into it.After a short pause, the three of us moved forward cautiously, looking for the monster in the Qilin Temple.

To be honest, the Qilin Temple is very big, and the entire terrain is full of temple buildings, so we really didn't see any monsters for a while.After all, the lowest monsters here are all level 140, and those players who enter the Qilin Temple will naturally not go too deep, so they often kill the monsters near the entrance, so that the refresh rate of the monsters cannot keep up with the rhythm.

The thought flashed, and I couldn't help saying hello: "Don't turn left and right here, I think it's better to give up the level 140 monsters, let's go to the refresh zone of level 145 or 150!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Zi Yan had no choice but to agree with my suggestion when she didn't find any monsters.

So, the three of us walked together, completely ignoring the detours in the temple, and went straight to the deeper part.

(End of this chapter)

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