Chapter 75

After returning to the room, I held the game helmet in my hand and didn't rush to put it on.

After touching my pocket, I took out a cigarette, lit it, and smoked it slowly.

To be honest, although I said it in front of Zi Yan as if it was very easy.But there is no doubt that while the part-time pharmacist is number one, he also has to get the number one fighter. This is definitely a very difficult challenge.

After all, the players of "King" are not just me. If I don't have enough strength, I may not even be able to secure the number one position as a pharmacist.

But then again.

Doing anything and any industry is like a pyramid, and there are only a few people who can stand at the top, or even only one person.

Therefore, I am currently the number one pharmacist in "King", and I still have some absolute advantages in potions, which can help me develop my warrior career.

After thinking for a moment, I pressed the cigarette butt in my hand against the ashtray, and then put on the gaming helmet.


As the white light flickered, I went online in the Yaoyue territory.

At this time, the 300 players who were originally arranged by Ziyan to level up in the territory and engaged in auxiliary occupations were still busy in and out of the territory.

When they saw me, although they didn't shout and kill as imagined, their attitude was not very good.

At most, just a nod of greeting.On the contrary, it was far from the enthusiasm I had when I met them earlier.

However, I didn't pay much attention to it, and quickly sorted out the package, and then went to Novice Village No. 1088 through the territory's teleportation array.

As for my plan, I actually want to upgrade Zilong Yaoding first, and then go to the system city to change jobs.

So, as soon as I came to Novice Village, I handed in the level fee of 5 gold coins and went straight to the pharmacist.

Along the way, the words 'ordinary and simple' kept swaying in the eyes of novice players.

It didn't take long for many players to shout.

"Hey! Isn't that the most ordinary and simple medicine master? Why did he come to Xinshou Village?"

"Quack, you don't know this! This guy is the number one scum of our "King", and he is ruthless. We'd better be careful."

"Damn! I'm afraid of a ball! How much waves can he make as a pharmacist? Brothers, don't be afraid of death, let's kill that guy's prestige and see if he dares to mess around in "King" in the future killing people!"

"Yes! I'll go too!"

"Me! And me!"


One by one, novice players quickly followed me in groups.

Seeing this situation, my hatred for the wealthy Yeyu undoubtedly increased.

However, I did not stop moving forward to pay attention to this group of novice players.

However, they thought I was scared, so they shouted and surrounded me.

"Ordinary and simple! Why are you so hateful? Why are you killing people for nothing?"

"Yes! Is it easy for everyone to play a game? Why do you have to be a robber!"

"Fuck! Isn't he very handsome? He seems to be a little worse than that Nicholas Tse. But why, you can get the first place in pharmacist, but I can't get it? Grandma, I am also a herbal picker anyway. Apprentice!"

"Damn! The pharmacist is the first to have a P! I bet, if it's a PK, I'm at level 8, and I'll definitely be able to knock him down."


I frowned, and couldn't help but glance down at the novice cloth on my body, which made everyone burst into laughter.

So, I looked around at this group of murderous novice players, quickly removed the novice commoner clothes, equipped them with black iron-level clothes, and turned on the effects of the whole body equipment.

All of a sudden, a piercing black light strangely dispersed the noise of the crowd.

It made them, with their eyes wide open and their mouths wide open, seem to be able to stuff a football.

However, they just couldn't speak, as if their throats had been choked by a ghost.

Seeing this, I sneered in my heart, flicked the bloody setting sun in my hand, and pointed to the front: "Sorry, please make way."

As a result, those novice players who were blocking the road unconsciously retreated.Presumably, the black iron set of equipment was enough to surprise them for a while.

So, without haste, I left the spot, bought a good bottle of wine at the grocery store, and found the apothecary.

"Haha! After three days of farewell, when you look at me with admiration, it turns out that you have become so powerful! Sure enough, the teacher has not misjudged anyone!"

The pharmacist had a big smile on his face and patted me on the shoulder encouragingly.

My heart warmed up, and I quickly delivered the good wine I bought.

The pharmacist took it, took a deep breath, and his eyes lit up immediately: "Good! It really is good wine!"

I nodded, and quickly handed over the magic ball in the package: "You always help me to see, can the magic ball upgrade my Purple Dragon Medicine Cauldron?"

The pharmacist narrowed his eyes slightly, and the smile on his face grew stronger: "Not bad! Really good! Such a rare thing, you actually got it."

After hearing this, I understand the fact that it can be upgraded.So, he held the Purple Dragon Medicine Cauldron in the palm of his hand: "Hehe, you can take care of me, can you help me upgrade it? If you need other expenses, just ask."

However, beyond my expectation, the pharmacist shook his head: "No, no, how can I charge you for such a trivial matter!"

After finishing speaking, he held my magic ball in his hand and murmured a few unknown spells in a low voice.Immediately, a dazzling white light burst out from his palm, and poured into the Purple Dragon Medicine Cauldron.

At this time, the group of novice players who surrounded me earlier followed up again.

However, when they saw the white light in the pharmacist's hand continuously pouring into the Zilong medicine cauldron, they didn't say anything for a while, they just watched in surprise.

After a few seconds, the pharmacist completed the upgrade of the Zilong medicine cauldron, and became quite tired.

So, he waved to me and walked into the pharmacy instead.

The system prompts: "Congratulations, your Zilong Medicine Cauldron has been successfully upgraded from bronze to silver! The reward is 25000 experience, 2 gold coins, and +150 reputation."

【Purple Dragon Medicine Cauldron】

An essential tool for pharmacists to refine potions

Attribute 80: Reduce the chance of explosion by [-]%
Attribute 20: Reduce the consumption of alchemy by [-]%
Attribute 10: Increase the chance of refining advanced potions by [-]%
Attribute [-]: Upgradable
Requirements: Automatic binding, exclusive to the player 'Ordinary and Simple', not tradable, not dropable, not for sale in the system store

Grade: Silver Grade

After looking at the attributes, I grinned, this time I really didn't waste the magic ball
I remember clearly that the original reduction in burst rate was 50%, but now it has become 80%.

As for reducing the consumption of refining medicine, it was originally 10%, but now it has become 20%.

Of course, although the fourth 'upgradeable' attribute has not changed, the change in the third undoubtedly makes me the happiest.

Originally, the refining rate of high-level potions was increased by 5%, but it was doubled to 10%.

Hehe, I think that the trigger rate of the third attribute has increased, which will definitely allow me to refine more potions with special attributes in the future refining process.

In this way, my harvest will naturally be much richer.

Taking a deep breath, I was about to turn around and go to the teleportation array in Novice Village, but found that the group of novice players hadn't dispersed yet.

I saw that their eyes were so hot that they stared at me a little hairy.It felt like meeting a pack of wolves.

So, with the mentality that no one will offend me, and I will not offend others, I walked towards the teleportation array.

However, I really underestimate this group of novice players.

Damn, they... actually partnered to lift me up and ran out of the novice village.

Just after the system prompted to leave the safe area, they surrounded me again with a murderous look.

Looking at this posture, it really can't be good.So, I turned on the recording function.

I saw a 15th-level fighter named 'Black Humor', wearing a black armor, and stood up very sturdyly: "Ordinary and simple! You have nowhere to escape, right? Sensible, hurry up and take the clothes you just got." Hand over your things. Otherwise, don't blame us all for being merciless!"

The corner of my mouth sneered: "It looks like I've met a robber!"

"Hmph! You are a robber!"

"Yes! And it's still a murderer!"



The crowd refuted one after another, making it clear that they were attacking local tyrants and landlords.

However, I still didn't bother with them, I just said blindly: "Please make way."

It's good to say this, but after the words came out, this group of novice players actually narrowed the encirclement circle even more.At a glance, there are at least 150 people.

Of course, the number of players present at this time is far more than this number.It's just that most of them are holding the posture of joining in the fun, standing in the novice safe area, watching the fire from the other side.

Seeing such a situation, I couldn't help raising the bloody setting sun in my hand, and was about to say something on the scene.

But who knows, this group of players are really fucking crazy, and under the leadership of black humor, they all attacked me very quickly.

The system prompts: "You were maliciously attacked by the player 'Black Humor' and lost 15 points of life."

The system prompts: "You were maliciously attacked by the player 'Underpants have inner pockets', and you lost 8 points of life."

The system prompts: "You were maliciously attacked by the player 'I Love Nun' and lost 2 points of life."


I frowned, and I couldn't help feeling angry.

Damn, you actually think that just because there are so many novices, you can kill me and blow up my high-level equipment?
I really don't cry without seeing the coffin.

As novices, most of their levels did not exceed level 10, whether it was attack, defense, or health, they were pitifully small.

To be honest, even if I exclude the high-level potions on my body, just relying on the current level of 25 and a set of black iron equipment, it is enough to be a super boss in Novice Village.

Therefore, when many people attacked me, there were hints of MISS.However, they still insisted on refusing to retreat.

Taking a deep breath, I suddenly thought of a sentence: Kill one as an example to others!

After all, if I don't do this, there are bound to be more novices who will treat me like a soft persimmon, which can be pinched and stepped on at will.

So, I narrowed my eyes slightly, tightened the bloody setting sun in my hand, and started killing suddenly.


With the sword in hand, as long as the players touched by the bloody setting sun, I killed them on the spot one after another, and quickly turned into white light and resurrected.

As for the level 15 black humor, it's not bad, it survived my 3 attacks before being killed.

The system prompts: "You have succeeded in counterattack! You have killed your opponent—the underwear has inner pockets!"

The system prompts: "You succeeded in counterattack! Killed your opponent——I love nun!"

The system prompts: "You counterattacked successfully! Killed your opponent - black humor!"


The system prompts: "You maliciously killed the player 'Nine Nine Returns to One', and the PK value will increase by 10 points. If the PK value exceeds 10000, you will automatically get the title of 'Great Demon', and all attributes will decrease by 5%."

The system prompts: "You maliciously kill the player 'Looking Forward', and the PK value will increase by 10 points. If the PK value exceeds 10000, you will automatically get the title of 'Great Demon', and all attributes will decrease by 5%."


To be honest, there are more than 150 novice players, because there is no relationship with the team, it is impossible for all of them to actively attack me.

Therefore, many novices were instantly killed by my active attack without even touching my hair.

As a result, my PK value gradually increased, and the name on the top of my head became red and purple in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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