Chapter 302

Chapter 302

So since then, Zhang Yang has never been to his aunt's house again, and it is even more impossible for them to come to Zhang Yang's house. It is not all about money, because the relationship between Li Hui and Li Ping was not very good when they were young, and maybe the children are just children. It's a small fight, but how can they understand a woman's heart?

Li Hui is two years older, and her family disagreed when she married Zhang Heng, because Zhang Heng had no other advantages other than honesty, but Li Hui still insisted on her choice and resolutely chose Zhang Heng. Heng, and then accompanied him through almost half of his life.

Li Ping also chose to marry shortly after Li Hui got married, but she chose a boss who sold building materials, who was ten years older than her. Relatives all chose to get close, which gave her a great sense of accomplishment.

But the good times didn't last long. When Zhang Yang was in high school, he heard that their company had gone bankrupt, and his family still owed a lot of money. It was said that it took several years and patchwork to pay back.

Feng Shui took turns, and now it was Zhang Yang's turn to become rich, while Li Ping's family became poor. At first, she was shocked when she heard that Zhang Yang was a monk, and her face was full of disbelief. In fact, she came here this time to inquire about the news.

When she got out of the car and saw the luxurious clothes Li Hui was wearing, she was still very jealous. She thought she would be humiliated, but she didn't expect that Li Hui seemed to have forgotten all the previous grievances and didn't mention a word.

Now let them live with her, of course she can't miss such an opportunity, this villa is more luxurious and bigger than the one she lived in back then.

The past goes with the wind, since his parents didn't care about it, Zhang Yang certainly didn't mention it anymore, he looked at the two sisters who kept chattering, and smiled slightly, it is really rare and rare for relatives to get along in harmony.

Speaking of which, this was the first time that Zhang Yang had relatives come here, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. After all, everyone knew that this was created by him alone. Without him, he might just be a small company employee in his life.

"The food is ready!" Zhang Heng brought up the cooked food. He pinched his earlobe, but it was too hot.

"Dinner is ready, let's go eat." Li Hui greeted.

Zhang Yang nodded and walked to the dining table. Speaking of which, he hadn't had dinner with his family for a long time, and now there is an extra Li Ping. These three women are in one drama, and the two women are not far behind. , twittering, talking non-stop.

During the meal break, Li Ping changed the subject to Zhang Yang: "Hey, I heard that Zhang Yang doesn't have a girlfriend yet, right?"

Zhang Yang almost choked, he hurriedly took a sip of water, and swallowed the food in his throat with difficulty.

"Isn't that right? I'm worried about this. Look at Zhang Yang, he's grown up now, and he doesn't know how to give birth to a fat grandson." Li Hui gave Zhang Yang a white look.

In fact, Li Hui had some thoughts in her heart. She always regarded Bai Ling as her daughter-in-law, but she kept quiet in front of Li Ping. She had her own little girl in her heart.

"Hey, what do you think of my girl? Let me tell you, my girl is very beautiful now, and a lot of people are chasing her. I'll show you the photos. Later, I'll find out for you." Li Ping took out her mobile phone, found a photo of his daughter, and handed it to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang looked at the photos on the screen that had undergone a hundred levels of beautification, and nodded lightly. After reading countless women, he can naturally distinguish those that have undergone beautification and those that have not. hide away.

I have to say that although it is a photo, but from the outline of the face, it can be seen that she is quite beautiful, a bit like the cousin in memory.

"Wait!" Zhang Yang suddenly came to his senses, yes, that is his cousin, how could he marry his cousin?Is this relationship messed up?

"Auntie, this is my cousin, are you right?" Zhang Yang said in astonishment.

"That's right, what's wrong with my cousin, our family relationship is only two generations, so far away." Li Ping waved her hand and said.

"No, the difference is not far away. Look, my mother is my grandfather's daughter, I am my grandfather's grandson, you are my grandfather's daughter, and my cousin is my grandfather's granddaughter. This is only two generations away. This is not acceptable. .” Zhang Yang shook his head hastily.

"Zhang Yang, do you look down on my daughter? Let me tell you, my daughter is extremely beautiful. In terms of getting along, my daughter may not necessarily like you." Li Ping started her chattering mode, spitting all over the place. , Zhang Yang suddenly couldn't bear the idea of ​​eating.

Look down on me?Zhang Yang wanted to laugh a little bit, he had a higher status than an emperor in another world, any maid beside him could be called a peerless beauty in modern times, and her figure was extremely explosive, if Zhang Yang wanted it, Gogoushou would have it Numerous women threw themselves into their arms.

"Yes, auntie, how could my cousin like me? Let me tell you, my cousin and I are not suitable at all. You see, we haven't been in touch for so long. We are like strangers. When strangers are together, It takes a certain amount of time to get used to it, and I don't have time, I still want to save the earth." Zhang Yang said.

"Needless to say so much, my daughter will come tomorrow, and you will see me then, so it's settled." Li Ping waved her hand to stop Zhang Yang from continuing, and then the two women started chattering again.

Zhang Yang wants to cry but has no tears, he doesn't want to get along, and he is not in the mood at all now, and he is only 21 years old, why did he start a blind date?That's not enough.

After eating, Zhang Yang wanted to leave, but was held back by Li Hui, who winked at Zhang Yang, implying something.

"What's the matter, Mom? Just say what you have to say, don't play charades." Zhang Yang said speechlessly.

"You stay here for one night first, and then leave tomorrow." Li Hui said exactly what she wanted, and after leaving the order, she went to the kitchen and started washing the dishes.

Zhang Yang cast his eyes on Zhang Heng, wanting to ask him for help, but unexpectedly, his father shrugged his shoulders and said that he had no choice. This made Zhang Yang lose the last straw...

Ever since, Zhang Yang decided to stay for a day, since he had nothing to do anyway, unlike Yan Guixing who had to be busy every day, and his orders were fulfilled, so he just had to wait for their news.

This time can still be squeezed out, after all, if you leave the secret realm, you don't know when you will come back next time.

Nothing in the night

The next day, Zhang Yang was pulled up by Zhang Heng when he was still asleep. He was so confused that he washed up like an ordinary person, and then followed Zhang Heng around the house and started running in the morning.

"What's the matter, Dad? Are you so free now?" Zhang Yang asked with interest while running.

(End of this chapter)

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