Chapter 304
Chapter 304
Zhang Yang jumped in directly, jumped into the spiritual eye, and fell for about 1 minute. Zhang Yang stepped on the ground. , he sensed a channel.

"Really?" Zhang Yang's heart moved, and he walked towards the passage.

Passing through the Lingli Waterfall, Zhang Yang came to a stone room. As expected, there was an old man sealed inside. Zhang Yang didn't know his identity, but he could feel that he was the same as the Monkey King. similar strength.

"Sure enough, there are strong people sealed here." Zhang Yang frowned slightly. It seemed that every spiritual eye was sealed with great power, and their spiritual power fluctuations were very strong, but they had no spiritual consciousness and were just empty shells of physical bodies.

After scanning around for a while, Zhang Yang walked up to the crystal ball, and he gently reached out to touch it, and touched the entity, instead of directly reaching in as before.

After Zhang Yang looked at it for a while, he didn't take the method of directly breaking the crystal ball to forcibly rescue the grainy person. He took a deep look and then backed away.

After returning to the outside, Zhang Yang said to the two of them: "I went inside to see it, and it is indeed sealed with power."

Gu Chengfeng and Shi Changsheng looked at each other with surprise in their eyes. They stared at the scene where the spiritual eyes erupted. Gu Chengfeng said: "I have a guess, do you think it was caused by a serious injury 300 years ago? relation?"

"I observed their situation, and there is one characteristic, that is, they are just empty shells with no soul." Zhang Yang said.

"Oh? Since they are all from the fairy world, does it mean that they need a carrier to come to this world, and this body is the carrier for them to come here?" Shi Changsheng guessed.

A realization suddenly came to Zhang Yang's mind. What Shi Changsheng said was very reasonable. If he really told him, he would still have a chance to summon him.

It suddenly occurred to him that there was a spell in the magic tome, called the Soul Summoning Secret Technique, if it could be successful, it didn't need the passage to be intact, it could directly summon them from the fairy world.

"But the eruption time of the spiritual eye is limited, it is not completely erupted, and the spiritual eye cannot be opened by force, so we need to think about this method in the long run."

"Can the body inside be taken out temporarily?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

"No, placing them in the spiritual eyes is to use this huge spiritual energy to store their bodies. If they are taken out by force, they will probably be wiped out." Zhang Yang shook his head slowly.

The two nodded, but this can be regarded as good news. Since it is stored in the spiritual eye, it means that there is still the possibility of summoning. If this is the case, the hope of the human race will increase again.

"Is there no movement from the Yaozu?" Zhang Yang asked.

"No, they all seem to have disappeared, and there is no trace of them on the land of Shenzhou." Shi Changsheng has been patrolling for a while, and basically checked all the areas. Not only that, but Zhang Yang's order , He also sent a lot of monks to arrange people in every corner of China.

The purpose of doing this is to gain insight into the movements of the monster race at the first time, and must not be passive.

From being frightened at the beginning to now dominating the entire battlefield, it can be said that Zhang Yang has always played a driving role. His contributions can be said to be remembered by everyone and recorded in history.

This was Zhang Yang's idea at the beginning. He didn't expect to be able to put it into action today. The big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. As long as there is a solution, the human race will never be defeated.

"Okay, let's hurry up and practice now, the enemy won't move, I won't move, I still have some things to deal with, you guys go back first." Zhang Yang said.

The two flew back towards the secret realm, Zhang Yang looked at their leaving figures, thoughtful...

I came back to Mount Emei and revisited the old place, but the bustle of the past has long since disappeared, and it has become very desolate, that is, in half a year, weeds are overgrown, and there is a dilapidated scene everywhere.

Zhang Yang's blue eyes appeared, and with a slight wave, a portal appeared in front of him, he stepped in and returned to this place.

Walking up the steps step by step, Zhang Yang has his purpose in coming this time.

Arriving at the Jieyin Hall, there are still many people practicing here, Zhang Yang didn't bother him, but just stood there and watched.

After a while, the head of the Emei School appeared in front of Zhang Yang like a ghost, and she was slightly taken aback by the aura coming from Zhang Yang.

"I don't know what's the matter that Master Zhang came to my Mount Emei this time?"

"I do have something to inquire about when I come here this time, but it's not suitable for negotiation, right?" Zhang Yang smiled slightly.

The master nodded, and led Zhang Yang to the reception hall.

Sitting on the stool, Zhang Yang took a sip of the Emei tea, the fragrance remained on his lips and teeth, it was a good product, but his mind was not on it.

"I came here just to ask, do you know the entrance to the Buddha Kingdom?" Zhang Yang asked.

The head of the Emei School froze, but she passed by without a trace, and just like Zhang Yang, he took a sip of tea.

After capturing this movement, Zhang Yang knew in his heart that she must know the entrance.

"Why did Master Zhang ask me about the entrance to the Buddha Kingdom?" asked the leader.

"300 years ago, the demon clan and the people of the Buddhist kingdom colluded together and harmed many powerful people in our human race. I believe the leader should be very clear about this, right? Your patriarch seems to be on the list of being harmed back then." Zhang Yang took it easy. Said slowly.

"Naturally, we know that the people from the Buddhist kingdom colluded with the monster race and almost destroyed our human race. If it weren't for the help of the heavenly court, we would not be able to overcome the difficulties." The head leader nodded.

"So I hope you can tell me the passages of the Buddha Kingdom. All the passages of the Three Realms are destroyed, but I know that there are no Buddha Kingdoms. I am worried that what happened 300 years ago will happen again, so I specifically ask you."

"Oh? How sure is Zhang Zhenren that I know?" The head slapped a haha, but did not directly inform.

"Everyone in the world knows that your Emei faction is an upright sect. It has been passed down for countless years. From the ancestors to the present, people under your sect often do righteous things. People from the Buddhist kingdom tried to draw your Emei faction into the ranks of rebellion, but You didn't accept it, and everyone knows the wolf's ambition, so when they promised you benefits, they must have mentioned the passage of the Buddha Kingdom." Zhang Yang laughed.

"Renren Zhang is indeed the current Zhuge. It seems that what the patriarch said is right, you are a bright light in the dark environment of that human race." The headmaster glanced at Zhang Yang in admiration, and said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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