Temple of Madness

Chapter 308 Want?

Chapter 308 Want?

Chapter 308 Want?
"Grandpa, are you climbing a mountain?" Zhang Yang asked in astonishment. If it was just an ordinary person, it would be quite difficult for them to climb such a high mountain. As an ordinary person, it is definitely very difficult to climb the Taibai Mountain, which requires a lot of equipment, and maybe people need to come to the rescue if they get lost.

"Hey? There's another young man! Hehe, you didn't go to Xinhua Kingdom with the big guy?" The old man looked at Zhang Yang sitting under the big tree in surprise.

Xinhua Kingdom is a secret realm, but it is just for a better name. If they speak out of the secret realm, I am afraid they will be very uncomfortable.

"Hehe, grandpa, you are mistaken, I am a warrior." Zhang Yang smiled slightly.

The old man walked to Zhang Yang's side and sat down slowly. His body smelled like essential oils, probably because he had been bitten by mosquitoes. Looking at his aged face, Zhang Yang couldn't help feeling a strange feeling.

"Warriors are good, defending the country is just like the soldiers back then. The world is not peaceful now. There are so many monsters, and you are all working hard. But the most important thing is to ensure your own safety. Only then can I have a chance to protect other people." The old man took out a bottle of mineral water from his backpack, took a big sip, and then raised his head and let out a long sigh.

Zhang Yang nodded slowly and said, "I don't know why the old man didn't go to Xinhua Kingdom?"

"When people get old, they won't last long. Isn't it the same ending if you live one year longer? I've seen this world all over, and the future generations are promising. Basically, there's nothing I can worry about, but ah , I don’t want them to worry about me, when and why I live, isn’t it the same ending?” The old man looked at Zhang Yang and smiled.

"But if something unexpected happens to you here, wouldn't you be more worried if they don't see you when they come back here?" Zhang Yang frowned.

"No, no, the ancients said that after death, some people are lighter than a feather, and some are heavier than Mount Tai. Young man, you are still young, so you don't know what this sentence means. If you are my age, you will understand Now, there are some things that cannot be forced, and there are some things that you can’t do if you want to.” The old man answered irrelevant questions, what he said made Zhang Yang confused, and he didn’t know what he was talking about.

After contemplating for a while, Zhang Yang saw that the old man was looking around, as if he was looking for something, and then his eyes suddenly lit up and said: "Climbing a little further ahead is the peak of Taibai Mountain, right? I, when I was young, I had A dream, I want to climb to the top of this mountain, but when I was young, I was struggling, and I had to eat for my family all day long. You see, when you are old, your family doesn’t allow it. Haha, it’s really good luck , I was given such a chance because of the crisis in Huaguo, don't you think it's ridiculous?" The old man smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Grandpa, why do you want to climb this mountain?" Zhang Yang asked doubtfully.

"Life is actually constantly climbing. Think about it, when you encounter difficulties, isn't it like a mountain standing in front of you? If you want to overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties, all you have to do is climb over this mountain. Mountain, but not everyone can do it, I just want to see if this Taibai Mountain is as beautiful as others have said, and there is a beautiful scene on the top of the mountain." The old man chuckled and put the backpack on the ground Pick it up and carry it behind your back.

Zhang Yang didn't continue to speak, he felt that the old man seemed to be teaching him the principles of life. Although every sentence was very ordinary, it seemed to be guiding something.

"Young man, although you are a warrior, you have to think about what you want at all times. It's not so easy to bear the responsibility." After the old man said, he took small steps, one step at a time. One step has to go forward...

"What do you want?" Zhang Yang muttered to himself, the old man's words hit his mind like thunder, and he didn't seem to have thought about what he wanted, but just said what he could To be able to improve his strength all the time is to save the common people.

In the past, Zhang Yang was very cowardly. He was so cowardly that he was scared to death when he jumped on the grave and heard the slightest movement. He was also so cowardly that his calves trembled when he faced a fierce beast for the first time, and he was so cowardly that he was scared to death by Xiao Hei when he entered a different world. ...

Counseling is actually not a bad thing, at least Zhang Yang has not suffered too much because of this "characteristic", but with the passage of time, Zhang Yang's strength has gradually improved, and he knows that this is what the art of humanity gave him. He has the luck and strength, and understands that all of this is the blessing of the goddess of fate.

But from the beginning to the end, he never thought about what he really wanted, was it to protect his family?

No, that was just his wish, he didn't want his family to be threatened.

Is it to protect the common people in the world?

No, it's just that he doesn't want to see people burn to death.

Is it gaining status?

No, that's just a product obtained after strength improvement.

what is that?

Zhang Yang kept thinking, he seemed to be stupefied, sitting under the tree blankly, unable to feel the passage of time, let alone the changes in the world.

That's right, he once again entered the state of epiphany. The first time Zhang Yang entered this rare state was when he obtained the heart of the formation.

All cultivators or warriors may not have it once in their lifetime, but Zhang Yang accidentally got it twice.

His consciousness seemed to have entered another world, and the "Shenhuang Sutra" on his body was running inadvertently, and the speed slowly became faster...

One Sunday, two Sundays, ten Sundays, 36 Sundays, 72 Sundays...

The speed is getting faster and faster, almost surpassing any speed of Zhang Yang's previous exercises, but he can't feel all this, because he has been thinking about a problem.

"What exactly do I want?"

Time passed by in a hurry, it was originally summer, but it turned into autumn, and the weather didn't seem to change because of Zhang Yang's suspension of action. The first snowflakes slowly fell from the sky, which just happened to land on Zhang Yang's shoulders. After a while, the snow fell more and more heavily, covering Zhang Yang's whole body.

Looking from a distance, Zhang Yang looked like a snowman, without even a pair of eyes outside, but he didn't know that his eyes were still open, just still wandering.

I don't know when, it suddenly stopped snowing, and the snow on Zhang Yang's body also slowly melted under the twilight sun's light, his clothes were soaked by the water turned from the snow, and slowly turned into water droplets Flying to the sky, so much so.


(End of this chapter)

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