Temple of Madness

Chapter 314 Assemble

Chapter 314 Assemble
Chapter 314 Assembly

Another point is that the reason why Zhang Yang has always been passively beaten and never fought back is because he is also using the Demon Emperor to hone his strength after breakthrough.

Just breaking through, Zhang Yang's control of strength has not yet reached the point of proficiency, but the ending is very impressive, from the beginning of being directly blown away by the demon emperor's aura, to now being able to stand calmly, it can be said that this is the demon emperor's demonstration, But Zhang Yang has also been tempered a lot, hasn't he?
That's why he will do whatever he wants, without any means of resistance.

"Do you think you're sure to win?" The Demon Emperor narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice, with a terrifying power on his body, as if he was going to fight if he disagreed.

"Hehe, I don't want to die yet, I don't even have a girlfriend, and I still want to leave a queen for my Zhang family." Zhang Yang teased.

"I value your guts and courage very much, and what I value more is your strength. As long as you submit to my demon clan, I can give you the number one general of the demon clan, and all the big monsters can listen to your orders. This I sit on the same level as me, there is no distinction between ranks, what do you think?" The Demon Emperor had a confident smile on his face, and he thought that no one could resist such a temptation, even Zhang Yang.

A person who knows the current affairs is a hero. Zhang Yang is certainly strong, but he is the only one in the human race now. Fish and shrimp, he can easily solve it.

"Oh? Do you want me to be your monster clan's henchman and kill my own compatriots? How about this? I happen to be short of a guard dog in my house. I think you are quite suitable. As long as you want, you don't have to give me a ride." Just take care of the nursing home." Zhang Yang smiled disdainfully.

This kind of condition looks very attractive, it can be said that one person is under one person and over ten thousand people, but Zhang Yang doesn't want to just be someone else's prisoner, and this kind of thing is absolutely impossible, if he really agrees to his request, then it is the same as What is the difference between betrayal?

Not only betraying the country, but also belonging to others, and helping the same kind of people who have been harmed by others. If it is any one, it is impossible to agree, right?

"It's not that I haven't given you a chance, you have to think about it carefully." The demon emperor's expression was extremely ferocious, his face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water, and his anger was already beyond words.

"I've thought it through very clearly. If I want to fight, I will fight. Although Zhang Yang used to be timid, I'm not afraid of anything now!" Zhang Yang held the dragon stick beside him with one hand, unafraid and also burst out with strong power, Now that he has fully mastered the strength of his body, if he really wants to fight, he can't be afraid.

The Demon Emperor looked at Zhang Yang with a startled face. He didn't feel this way when he first felt it, but now Zhang Yang's power gave him the feeling that it was no less than it was in its heyday!
Is he still a normal human being?

Couldn't that be the reincarnation of Da Luo Jinxian?

Such a terrifying idea came to mind, it is not impossible, because he had already noticed him when he was born on the top of Shenglong, from entering another world, to Zhang Yang's castration all the way up, all under his control and monitoring.

Originally, Zhang Yang was just a little boy, and there was nothing extraordinary about him, but as time went by, the control gradually slipped out of his hands. By the time he wanted to make a move, it was already too late, and Zhang Yang had grown to the point where He was so afraid.

That's why he was so nervous. When Zhang Yang suddenly appeared on the top of the rising dragon, he felt a strong aura. He couldn't help but investigate and accidentally exposed his movements.

Originally, he didn't reveal any aura, but he didn't know how Zhang Yang found it, but he didn't hide, but wanted to win Zhang Yang over.

It's a pity that if Zhang Yang is still ignorant, he might really agree. Now, for such a big pie, any fool would know how to look around before eating it.

"You really want to fight me?" The Demon Emperor asked in a deep voice.

"Stop talking nonsense, you and I have racial hatred, blood hatred, I know what you are thinking, if you choose to run today, no matter where the world is, I will catch up with you." The golden light on Zhang Yang's body It has covered up the pitch-black demonic aura on the Demon Emperor's body.

The two were about the same height, and they looked at each other three feet apart. Zhang Yang looked at him without fear, and the dragon stick in his hand shot out an extremely strong light, covering all the surrounding scenery, which was the posture of a god emperor.

"Since you want to fight with me, why not? But I hope you don't regret it." There was a threat in the Demon Emperor's words.

"Regret? I Zhang Yang will not do anything to regret it." Zhang Yang smiled coldly.

"This is not suitable for fighting, follow me!" The demon emperor came out of thin air, penetrated the entire cave, and flew into the sky.

"Hehe." Zhang Yang smiled coldly and followed closely behind.

Coming to the sky, Zhang Yang looked at the Demon Emperor in front of him with a calm expression. A strong power erupted from him, and billowing black smoke enveloped the entire sky, including Zhang Yang.

All the people in Shenzhou are staring at this sky. They are the few people who are still here, as if it is a sign of the doomsday, and there is deep fear in their hearts, so they start to regret, regret Why didn't I follow the instructions of the powerful people of the human race and enter the secret realm.

The ignorant are fearless. These people think it is alarmist and do not listen to advice, and they also cherish their property.But when the disaster really comes, we will know the mistake, so what's the use?
Yan Guixing received a sound transmission of spiritual power on the building, and he immediately went downstairs with a serious face, and told Gu Chengfeng the news.

"Is it really powerful? Is it the Demon Emperor?" Gu Chengfeng asked seriously.

"According to the information that the paralyzed man came, it should be the Demon Emperor, and the person fighting him seems to be Daoist Zhang." Yan Guixing said.

"It's not too late, let's go." After hearing this, Gu Chengfeng immediately led the people to fly out of the secret realm.

After coming outside, the sky was so far away that there was a black mist in the sky, and at the extremely far end, a bright golden light was shining, and the two collided continuously in the sky, bursting the space, creating countless void cracks Appearing on it, it seems to be the end of the world.

"It's indeed Zhang Yang, let's get closer." Gu Chengfeng said in shock. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang actually found the Demon Emperor and started the battle.

"The demon kings may come out to make trouble at this time, we can help a little." Shi Changsheng nodded slightly.

"That's right, fellow daoists! Our human race is now at a critical moment of life and death, and we need your help now. Now Daoist Zhang already has the capital to confront the demon emperor. If the demon clan tricks us at this time, then we will lose our last chance." It's a good opportunity, so I hope you can lend a helping hand to help Zhenren Zhang." Gu Chengfeng said loudly, motivating everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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