Temple of Madness

Chapter 317 Strange Demonic Energy

Chapter 317 Strange Demonic Energy

Chapter 317 Strange Demonic Energy

Zhang Yang was in a coma for a long time this time, and then he saw a pair of big bright eyes flickering in front of him.


Gu Xiaoya quickly helped me up, looked at Zhang Yang worriedly, and said softly: "Be careful, your injury this time is not serious."

Zhang Yang just woke up, his brain was heavy and hard to handle, looking at the gauze on his body, he was taken aback for a moment.

With his current strength, this little injury shouldn't be something to fear!

"How many days have I slept?"

"One month."


Zhang Yang's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Gu Xiaoya in disbelief. When he got excited, he felt a sense of stagnation in his heart, stuck in his heart, unable to move up or down. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

"Don't get excited, my dad said that you are in a hurry this time, and you don't know when you were cast a spell on your body, so..."

Zhang Yang's face became more and more gloomy, and he slowly closed his eyes, carefully inspecting the changes in his body, and was suddenly taken aback.

He saw a cloud of black mist that actually blocked his heart, and once the true energy was activated, it would cause him a burst of cramping pain.

This, this is magic energy!

When did someone actually break into his body without a sound?

Zhang Yang's face was gloomy, his brows were furrowed as he thought about the scene of the great battle, while Gu Xiaoya also stood nervously by the side, not daring to interrupt his train of thought.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang didn't even think that during the war, someone would inject this devilish energy into his body. He tried to use the real energy to run, and wanted to investigate the abnormality of this devilish energy.

But he found that the demonic energy seemed to block the flow of true energy except where it had been clogged in the heart vein.

If he uses a lot of true energy, he will feel a heart-piercing pain, and Zhang Yang also found that if he really forcibly resists this evil energy, he will probably die in the face of severed tendons. Fortunately, although It can save your life, but it will definitely be a waste that cannot cultivate in the future.

After making this discovery, Zhang Yang's expression became more gloomy and ugly.

Gu Xiaoya asked worriedly: "What's the matter? My father said that there was an extra breath in your body. He only said that you were sealed by someone. They couldn't find anything specific. They only said that they would wait for you to wake up. Only then can you know. Do you already know what's going on?"

Zhang Yang pursed the corners of his lips, thought for a while, and knew that once Gu and the others didn't say anything clearly, they must have discovered something, so he asked Gu Xiaoya, "Where are my master and Senior Gu?"

Gu Xiaoya's face suddenly became gloomy and sad, and her eyes were reddish as she said, "...in this battle, many people died in our human race, and everyone is preparing to bury these soldiers."

When Zhang Yang thought of the miserable scene during the war, his face was also full of sadness.

".Help me out."

This was Zhang Yang's worst injury, and it made it difficult for him to take every step.

When the demon emperor was fighting with him, he seemed to have used some secret method to make his wounds unable to heal for a long time, so even though it had been a month, those wounds were still like fresh wounds.

With Gu Xiaoya's support, Zhang Yang walked out of the room and walked towards the temporary altar built by Xinhua Kingdom.

The entire Xinhua Kingdom was silent, and everyone looked at Zhang Yang with reverence, but they couldn't hide the sadness in their eyes.

"Zhang Yang, are you awake?"

Li Dongyang was dressed in black with a black cloth on his arm. When he saw Zhang Yang, he strode towards him.

Zhang Yang pursed the corners of his lips and looked at his Xiaobu, feeling even more sad in his heart.

It is estimated that in this battle, some relatives and friends of Li Dongyang must have died.

"Mentor. Sorry, this big battle. I."

Zhang Yang felt so guilty, looking at the white cloths all around him, he blamed himself for all the crimes.

If his strength were stronger, so many people would not have died innocently!
Li Dongyang waved his hand, put his hand on Zhang Yang's shoulder with a sigh, and said in a deep voice: "You have done a good job, there is no need to blame yourself, without you, this world would have already been occupied by the demon clan .”

The corners of Zhang Yang's mouth were bitter, with tears welling up in his eyes, he blamed himself and said: "No, it was because of me, if I hadn't been arrogant and reckless at the time, thinking that I could compete with the Demon Emperor, this war would not have started. "

Zhang Yang is sober now, the more he thinks about it, the more unbearably guilty he feels.

When he became an eighth-level martial artist, he thought he could compete with the Demon Emperor, and he said he would kill a Demon Emperor with one punch. Now it seems that he is really naive!

Let alone beating him to death with a single punch, even if the Demon Emperor's strength had not yet recovered, he did not kill him, but his strength is still too weak!

Bitter in his heart, Li Dongyang didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only stand aside and be sad with him.

Gu Xiaoya looked at Zhang Yang tangled up, and when she looked up, she saw that Gu Zeng was coming, so she hurriedly shouted to him: "Dad! Zhang Yang woke up, don't you have something to say to him?"

Gu Once had already seen Zhang Yang walking slowly, but with Gu Xiaoya's voice, he only quickened his pace.

Gu once walked into Zhang Yang with a gloomy face. After silently sizing him up carefully, he said, "You woke up just in time. We need you to decide on something."

Zhang Yang nodded, and Li Dongyang nodded, and with Gu Xiaoya's support, he walked towards the central meeting hall.

Looking at Zhang Yang's back, Li Dongyang was filled with emotion.

That humble kid back then has now become the pillar in the hearts of all their families.

Zhang Yang didn't know how nervous all the people of the race were at the moment he fainted, as if the sky was about to fall.

During the month when he was in a coma, everyone prayed for Zhang Yang's recovery at home while mourning the death of his loved one
In the meeting hall

After Gu Xiaoya helped Zhang Yang to sit down, she backed out.

In the hall, only all the powerful and central backbones of the human race remained, and everyone looked at Zhang Yang with concern.

Gu Chengfeng asked with concern: "Zhang Yang, how is your body?"

"Fortunately, let's talk about business. During the month when I was in a coma, what happened to the Yaozu?"

As the person in charge, Gu Chengfeng said with a gloomy face: "The Yaozu side is silent and looking for traces, but there are still a small number of Yaozu who are out killing those who have not immigrated to Xinhua, so many people outside have started Request to emigrate to Xinhua Kingdom and seek protection."

Zhang Yang looked at the hesitant faces of Gu Chengfeng and the others, and asked curiously: "Since they are all human races, let them in. Why do you look so ugly?"

Several people looked at each other, very tangled
(End of this chapter)

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