Temple of Madness

Chapter 322 Rescue Emei

Chapter 322 Rescue Emei
Chapter 322 Rescue Emei

Thinking about it, Zhang Yang quickly dodges into the house, and silently recites the Mantra of Purifying Heart in his heart to activate all his spiritual power, which can temporarily avoid the effect of Lihun incense.

This can be regarded as Zhang Yang's only life-saving trump card now. The magic energy can hinder his true energy, but it cannot control his spiritual power.

That's why he dared to come to Emei to attend this Hongmen banquet so grandiosely.

Zhang Yang carefully opened the curtain in front of him, and saw the head of Emei lying on the bed, with his eyes closed, lying quietly on the bed.

Needless to say, this must have been hit by the Lihun incense.

Zhang Yang pursed the corners of his lips, first searched for the scent, found the burning incense burner in the corner of the bedroom, extinguished the Lihun incense inside, then walked to the head of Emei's bed, and pressed the head's hand firmly with his hands. In the middle of the human body, there are several acupuncture points on the arm.

But there was no change in waking up, and Zhang Yang's face darkened.

This Lihunxiang is really overbearing.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang suddenly thought of a more insidious method. Since external force cannot wake up the leader of Emei, he can only rely on stimulation.

He couldn't beat the head with a whip. It is estimated that even if the head wakes up, the whole Emei Mountain will treat him as a gangster and beat him out directly.

Zhang Yang thought about it, and when he really didn't know what to do, he had an idea, and took out the small bottle that Yan Guixing had used before from his pocket.

Needless to say, what's inside is that terrifying liquid that can make writing appear on letter paper.

Now when he saw this bottle, Zhang Yang could still reflexively feel his eyes tingle and his nose feel uncomfortable.

Zhang Yang covered his nose, opened the lid of the bottle, closed his eyes, opened the mouth of the head of Emei, and poured all the cloudy liquid in the bottle into it.

In an instant, the head who had been silent on the bed suddenly sat up, his eyes widened, staring straight at Zhang Yang's exposed face.

"you you."

The voice of the head of Emei was very hoarse, as if the sound of fingernails scratching on the blackboard, it was very unpleasant. After talking for a long time, without saying anything, he stood up suddenly and rushed to the table. He picked up the kettle above and poured it all in one go.

"Water! Water!"

Zhang Yang looked at the head of Emei looking for water everywhere with some guilt, and quickly pointed to the bathtub next to him, which was filled with clean water.

"That, Master, there is water there."

There was a thud and the headmaster jumped in.

Zhang Yang hurriedly withdrew quietly, touched his restless heart, and said silently: "I'm sorry, I'm also here to save people, Patriarch Emei, if you have a spirit in heaven, don't blame me!"

After a long time, Zhang Yang who was outside didn't hear any movement inside, so he asked softly, "That, head? Are you feeling better?"

Zhang Yang was listening intently to the movement inside, but the curtain in front of him was suddenly thrown aside by the head of the door, and he stared at him sullenly, his eyes were red with anger, as if they were about to burst into flames at any moment.

Zhang Yang smiled awkwardly, and said apologetically to the head of Emei: "Master, I'm really sorry, you have been hit by the fragrance of Lihun, and you can only rely on external stimulation, so I will."

The head of Emei looked at Zhang Yang with a gloomy and uncertain face, took a deep breath, and seemed to suppress his anger forcibly, and asked in a deep voice: "What's the situation outside now? Why are you here?"

Zhang Yang twitched the corners of his lips, cut a long story short, and said directly: "I saw the distress message in your letter, so I brought people to Emei. As soon as we arrived, we found out that the current leader is a fake, so we decided to count on it." , I will save you first."


The head of Emei thought for a while, and then said: "The letter should be given to you by Nangong Ying. I was suddenly attacked by someone, and only Nangong Ying was there. I don't know what happened next. I guess Nangong Ying should It was because of the safety of Emei that that person held hostage that Nangong Ying imitated my handwriting and sent you the letter. It’s just that only people in the Central Plains know this secret method of transmitting messages. People in the Buddhist Kingdom have never been in touch with the Central Plains. You definitely don't know the secret."

Zhang Yang saw that the head of Emei didn't seem to be in any discomfort, and Yan Guixing had gone for a long time, worried about the danger, so he said in a deep voice: "Master, let's hurry up and find out the pretender, otherwise we don't know if he is still alive." How to confuse everyone in Emei."

The head of Emei also immediately frowned, nodded in agreement, and walked ahead first, opened the door, looked around the yard carefully, and said coldly: "Hmph, thanks to their Buddha Kingdom, they still say that they are on the same level with me, Emei." Tongzhi, how dare you treat us like this!"

After finishing speaking, the head of Emei held the floating dust in her hand, made a cumbersome seal movement in her hand, and then pushed it towards the yard, only to see a golden light spread from her palm.

In an instant, the entire yard was shrouded in a golden light. Zhang Yang took a closer look and found that there was a small wooden Buddha statue in the center of the yard.

"This is?"

The head of Emei said with a sneer: "This is a secret technique of the Buddhist kingdom. It is a defensive formation. Once someone approaches, the formation will be activated. Not only will the people who set up the formation be notified of someone breaking in, but it will be hidden. The Buddha statues will also be activated, and those who break in will be strangled."

The head of Emei glanced at the invisible cloak on Zhang Yang, and said: "Fortunately, Master Zhang, you are smart and prepared in advance, otherwise if this formation is activated, even if I wake up, with your current power plus me , we are both losers."

Zhang Yang was not surprised that the head of Emei could see that his injury hadn't healed at a glance, but what shocked him was that she said this formation was so terrifying.

"Is this Buddha statue so powerful?"

The head of Emei looked at the Buddha statue in his hand with a serious face. The carved eyebrows were kind and kind, but there was an evil spirit, which made her very uncomfortable. She sacrificed the spiritual fire in her hand and directly burned the wooden Buddha statue to ashes.

"This Buddha statue is weird, with a devilish aura, and there are too many mysteries in the Buddha Kingdom, which are much stronger than we imagined. If it weren't for the fact that this room is a formation, I have no way to crack it .”

Zhang Yang looked curiously at the head of Emei, and asked, "Master, you seem to know a lot about the affairs of the Buddha Kingdom."

".I don't know much. It's what the patriarch told me before he died. The method of breaking the formation just now was taught to me by the patriarch before he passed away. He said that I will use it sooner or later."

The head of Emei looked in the direction of the Emei Hall, his face changed, and he walked forward quickly.

"Something happened to Emei! Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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