Temple of Madness

Chapter 335 The Mysterious Jade Terrace

Chapter 335 The Mysterious Jade Terrace
Chapter 335 The Mysterious Jade Terrace

Zhang Yang didn't understand what the time was referring to, but felt that he had been given a very serious mission, which made him a little nervous.

What was said later was relatively short, or in other words, there was only one sentence, which was to let him quickly improve his strength and go to the heaven.

It seems that after arriving in this Penglai fairyland, whether it is Yuanshi Tianzun, the mysterious helper, or this weird letter, there is only one central idea, and that is to let him go to the heaven as soon as possible.

What is there in this heaven?
Zhang Yang took a deep breath, and wanted to continue reading the rest of the letter, but found that the content had come to an abrupt end.

He wanted to read it later, but the last page was suddenly ignited and burned directly from the Yuan Wu Tianshu.

Zhang Yang was shocked, and a heavy sigh echoed in his mind.

"Hey, young man, the future dreams are all on your body."

"Wait! Senior, what do you mean by that?"

Zhang Yang exclaimed, but the voice had disappeared.

With a ding, Zhang Yang was immediately withdrawn from his consciousness by the power that burned the letter behind him.

The surrounding scenes are in a mess, and the cave is already dilapidated and out of shape.

"Is this all brought about by my promotion?"

Zhang Yang rubbed his nose and looked around with some embarrassment. If the old man in Penglai saw that he had destroyed this place like this, he would definitely be unhappy.

When Zhang Yang was thinking about how to get out, suddenly the scene in front of him flickered and turned into a lush green grass.

The sober scent of fragrant herbs refreshed Zhang Yang's heart and made him feel very comfortable.

A pair of strong hands were gently placed on Zhang Yang's shoulders, and the hearty laughter of the old man came from behind him.

"Haha, I knew you could do it! I really didn't misunderstand the person! Jiao Yang, did you see that he succeeded? Do you know what you should do in the future?"

Standing aside, the scorching sun looked at Zhang Yang with mixed feelings, and his face was also colorful. He seemed to have a lot to say, but in the end he could only hum softly: "En, I see."

The old man nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Zhang Yang carefully. When he stretched out his hands, a blue gown appeared on his palms. It seemed that it was still the ancient style.

Zhang Yang scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said depressedly: "That old man, can you give me a modern sportswear?"

The old man looked at the clothes in his hands, and then at the tattered sportswear on Zhang Yang's body. He suddenly realized that he smiled and waved his hand, and the clothes in his hands instantly changed into a set of modern Adidas sportswear.

Zhang Yang took the clothes, looked at the shapeless clothes on his body, pointed to the cave beside him and said, "Old man, I'll go in and change first."

"Well, go, go, you can do whatever you want."

Seeing Zhang Yang's back disappearing from sight, the old man said lightly, "Anyway, you will be the master here from now on."

After a few minutes, Zhang Yang changed his clothes, and his whole body became more refreshed. He cupped his fists and said to the old man, "Old man, I still don't know what your name is?"

"You can just call me old urchin."

"Old urchin? This name is really familiar, but I also heard it from novels."

Zhang Yang thought of a classic character in martial arts novels, who was also a master of the world, and taught a terrific apprentice.

The more Zhang Yang thought about it, the more he felt that the old urchin in front of him was really exactly the same as the character in the novel.

But seeing the smug smile in the eyes of the old urchin, and the twitching of the crescent-like eyebrows flauntingly, Zhang Yang instantly asked with black lines: "You, you can't really be the old urchin in the novel, right?"

The old urchin stroked his white beard and nodded lightly. Zhang Yang twitched the corners of his lips in surprise, and said with difficulty: "Is it difficult, are you really a character in that novel? But, but that, that is not A novel?"

The old urchin smiled mysteriously: "Young man, you have to know that this novel is all based on life."

Zhang Yang held his forehead, the shock was even more illusory than when he started practicing.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect this novel to be true!"

The old naughty boy beckoned to Zhang Yang, beckoning him to come with him, and said as he walked, "Little guy, you have to know that some novels come from life, but real stories can't really be written in."

Zhang Yang nodded half-understood, followed the old naughty boy to the depths of the back mountain, scorching sun sized him up with probing eyes, which made Zhang Yang feel very uncomfortable.

"Ahem, that beauty, can you stop staring at me all the time, you will make me misunderstand that you like me."

Jiao Yang immediately rolled his eyes in disgust, and said arrogantly: "Hmph, can I like you? I'm not blind."

Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly, smiled and looked at the scorching sun, feeling that this is not bad, this girl's angry look is really cute.

There was a rustling sound of cutting the grass, and after the old urchin peeled off the last layer of thick grass, they saw a white jade platform appearing in front of them.

"This is?"

Zhang Yang looked at the jade platform curiously, and found that the jade platform turned out to be a simulation version similar to a mini map. The mountains and flowing water on it were very realistic. See the tiny little birds the size of ants flying in the air.

Zhang Yang was startled suddenly, pointed to a place on the jade platform in shock, and said to the old naughty boy with a somewhat excited voice: "This, this is Xinhua Kingdom!"

The old urchin nodded with a smile, and said: "This is the biggest secret of Penglai, and it is also why Penglai has been hiding from the world for thousands of years. This is the micro-controller of the entire mainland of China. You can see all the secrets here. Scenes within China."

Zhang Yang pondered for a while and asked, "Where is the Buddha Kingdom? Why can't I see the Buddha Kingdom?"

The old urchin pursed his lips, and said with a gloomy face: "This Buddhist country is actually a country that cultivates Buddhism, but now it is eaten by those evil gods in the west, and the Buddha in the sky has long since stopped caring about world affairs. This Buddhist country can be said to be completely It became a vassal state of the Western evil gods in China. They used the secret techniques of the Western gods to hide their location, and even I couldn't detect them."

"The evil god of the West?"

Zhang Yang froze in place, this was a new vocabulary he heard, and he didn't understand what the old naughty boy said at all.

(End of this chapter)

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