Temple of Madness

Chapter 337: Shame Before the Snow

Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Yan Guixing spurted a mouthful of blood from his mouth, he had no strength to resist the monster monk's attack, he closed his eyes tightly, feeling sad in his heart.

I'm sorry, Zhang Yang, I failed to keep Xinhua
But the pain that Yan Guixing expected didn't come from his face, on the contrary, he heard a painful exclamation from the monster monk.


Gu Chengfeng and the others covered their hearts and fell to the ground. When they saw Zhang Yang standing in front of Yan Guixing, they all looked happy and shouted in surprise: "Zhang Yang!"

Yan Guixing slowly opened his eyes, saw Zhang Yang standing in front of him unscathed, and felt that the boulder in his heart had finally fallen.

"Zhang Yang! You, are you okay?"

Zhang Yang looked back at Yan Guixing confidently, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm late, I'll avenge you first!"

Zhang Yang's body was as fast as a bolt of lightning, leaving only an afterimage, and he rushed towards the direction where the demon monk flew.

As soon as the demon monk stabilized his figure, Zhang Yang punched him on the face and sent him flying.

"You! You are not dead!"

The demon monk rolled over in shock, grabbed a rock on the ground with his hands, stabilized his body, looked at Zhang Yang in shock, and couldn't believe his eyes.

"Hehe, don't worry, bald donkey, if you die, I won't even die!"

Zhang Yang walked confidently and slowly approached the demon monk, looking at him with ice-cold eyes, the bald people around heard Zhang Yang's name and saw him strike twice, and then knocked their power away , they all froze in place with surprised faces, completely forgetting what they were going to do now.

The demon monk wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up straight with a sneer, looked Zhang Yang up and down, and said in surprise, "You have actually arrived at Mahayana!"

Zhang Yang moved his wrists, wrapped his true energy around, glanced contemptuously at the bald heads around him, immediately formed fists with both hands, silently recited the Panlong Seal, and punched the ground.

The mountain shook instantly, everyone swayed, and from the place where Zhang Yang's fist landed, it began to crack faintly. In an instant, two cracks appeared on the ground, and the hundreds of people were caught off guard and fell directly into the cracks.

"Ah! Help, help!"

"Wu Fu! Help me!"

There were bursts of wailing sounds all around, and the demon monk's face was very solemn.

"Hehe, I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be alive and get a chance."

Zhang Yang indifferently looked around at the bald heads who didn't fall into the cracks, struggling to hold on to the falling companions, and wanted to help them up, thinking of Yan Guixing's miserable situation, and the protective shields around the Xinhua Kingdom that had appeared With a broken look, there is no trace of sympathy in my heart.

"Aren't you a Buddhist? How did you see that your companions didn't want to save them?"

The demon monk smiled, stared at Zhang Yang for a moment, and said coldly: "I just want to kill you now! If you die, even if all these hundred people are lost here, they will be regarded as worthy of death."

Zhang Yang was taken aback, looking at the demon monk in surprise, he already understood what the old naughty boy said about the Buddhist kingdom being infiltrated by western evil gods.

Such a person is no longer a Buddhist from the land of compassion in their impression.

"You really are a bastard!"

Zhang Yang's face darkened, and with overwhelming anger, he jumped up into the air, fisted with both hands, and once again cast the first layer of the Panlong Seal on the position where the demon monk was.

With a bang, the position where the demon monk was was left with a black hole left by Zhang Yang.

The demon monk also immediately took the initiative to attack, holding the wooden stick tightly in his hand, and slashing at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang dodged to avoid the demon monk, turned sideways, grabbed the demon monk by the collar, and punched him in the heart.

The demon monk spurted out a mouthful of blood in an instant, flew out in pain, and muttered in disbelief: "No, this is impossible! How could you hurt me!"

Zhang Yang punched the demon monk in the face again. Although the demon monk blocked part of the attack with the wooden stick in his hand, the aftermath of true energy still spread, tightening the demon monk's throat, and blood gushed out of his mouth again. squirt.

The demon monk's eyes were so shocked that they were about to fall from their eye sockets to the ground, and he couldn't believe that this was the weak chicken that he chased and beat a few months ago.

But now he has transformed into a person who is being chased and beaten.

The demon monk still couldn't believe this reality, and roared loudly: "How is it possible! You and I are both in the Mahayana realm! And you have only been promoted not long ago, how could you be so strong!"

The demon monk used all his strength to hit out with the wooden stick in his hand, but he had no ability to parry at all. He was waved casually by Zhang Yang again.

Zhang Yang didn't show mercy this time, he condensed the fourth highest layer of the Panlong Seal in his palm, and waved it at the demon monk's heart. His own blood was stained red.

Zhang Yang walked slowly in front of the demon monk, put his foot on his heart, and said with a sneer: "What is the purpose of you coming to my country of Xinhua?"

The blood of the monster monk who was stepped on by Zhang Yang kept gushing out from the corner of his mouth. He looked at him with a painful face, and snorted coldly with disdain: "Stinky boy, even if you beat me now, what can you do? I Let me tell you! If the king of our Buddhist kingdom knows that you killed me, he will definitely let your entire Xinhua kingdom be buried for me! Haha! If you have the ability, you will kill me!"

The demon monk smiled arrogantly, especially with his big mouth open, Zhang Yang could see his back molars, and his face was immediately full of disgust.

"shut up!"

Zhang Yang forcefully pressed his foot on the demon monk's heart, and the blood from the demon monk's mouth sprayed directly on his shoe.

Yan Guixing and the others were covering their hearts, and their bodies were covered with scars. Although they looked embarrassed, in Zhang Yang's one-sided situation, their eyes were full of admiration and pride.

"Zhang Yang! You, you are really amazing! I thought you were seriously injured, and I didn't know where to heal it! I didn't expect you to be promoted!"

Zhang Yang nodded to Yan Guixing with a smile, seeing his concerned eyes, his heart was full of emotion.

It's just that he couldn't ignore what the demon monk said just now. He looked at the demon monk at his feet solemnly, and asked in a deep voice: "Senior Yan, what do you think we should do with this person?"

They had already heard the arrogant shout of the demon monk just now, and they all felt a faint sense of uneasiness.

Gu Chengfeng coughed lightly, and said seriously: "Zhang Yang, I think otherwise, let's do this."

(End of this chapter)

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