Temple of Madness

Chapter 343 I Oppose

Chapter 343 I Oppose

Chapter 343 I Object
While the whole family was chatting happily because of the addition of a daughter-in-law, suddenly the door was interrupted by a hasty knock on the door.

Zhang Yang was relatively close to the door, so he went straight to open it, and as soon as he opened it, he saw Gu Xiaoya staring at him with red and swollen eyes.

"Um, Xiaoya, what's wrong with you? Did you get bullied by someone? Tell me, I'll avenge you!"

Gu Xiaoya stared at Zhang Yang with red eyes, and glanced at the scorching sun behind Zhang Yang who looked like a family, her face was even more ugly.

"Zhang Yang, I heard from my dad that you got your marriage certificate today?"

Zhang Yang nodded frankly, and looked at Gu Xiaoya curiously, not understanding why her face was so ugly.

"Xiaoya, what's the matter? Do you have something to tell me? Could it be Senior Gu who is looking for me for something?"

Gu Xiaoya burst into tears in an instant, and with a cry, she wailed and said, "I! I don't agree with you being with this woman!"

Zhang Yang frowned, and said with a frown: "Xiaoya, what's wrong with you? You seem a little different from the usual you."

Gu Xiaoya sniffed and opened her mouth, wanting to shout loudly, don't you know that I like you?

But in the end Gu Xiaoya swallowed those words back, tears rolled down, she covered her face and turned around and rushed out.

Zhang Ying looked at Zhang Yang who still didn't know anything, sighed softly, put her hand on his shoulder, and made a gesture to him, motioning him to go out and say something.

"Brother, let's go out and say, this sister-in-law is here, I have something to say, and it's not convenient for me to say it."

Zhang Yang looked at Jiao Yang's curious eyes, thinking that your sister-in-law really doesn't know anything, she is only proficient in those spell formations.

The relationship between men and women, Zhang Yang is still thinking about how to teach Jiao Yang what love is!
In other words, Zhang Yang is racking his brains on how to make Jiao Yang fall in love with him.

Instead of being like now, everything is just because of the rules taught to her by the old naughty boy, just like a task.

Zhang Yang followed Zhang Ying to the yard. After the two were silent for a while, Zhang Ying sighed and put her hand on Zhang Yang's shoulder.

"Brother, although you are a very powerful person now and have important missions and responsibilities, your emotional intelligence really needs to be improved."

"what do you mean?"

"You idiot! Haven't you ever wondered why my cousin and Gu Xiaoya are so angry?"

"I don't know. Is it because I suddenly said that I was going to get married and didn't inform them, so I was angry?"

Zhang Ying rolled her eyes in disgust, held her forehead depressed, and said, "I really admire you. Your EQ is simply a bug. They all like you! Otherwise, ghosts will see that after you get married, So angry!"

Zhang Yang opened his mouth wide in surprise, and looked at Zhang Ying in disbelief.

"No, no!"

With a bang in Zhang Yang's head, he felt that the world had become so mysterious.

Zhang Ying looked at Zhang Yang's bewildered look, shook her head helplessly, and looked at him with a look of caring for mentally handicapped children.

"Brother, I really didn't say that about you. Your responsiveness really makes people worry about you! But I think you still care about this sister-in-law. I also support you. After all, marriage is to find a Only the person you like can live together. It’s just that I’m really curious, why haven’t I heard from you before, do you have a girlfriend?”

Zhang Yang touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Actually, we have only known each other for a short time."

"Ah! Brother, you two are married in a flash!"

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and it seemed that they really had a flash marriage, so he nodded.

Zhang Ying was even more surprised, but she still expressed her support for Zhang Yang and said: "Forget it, brother, you have always been a dick, it is really hard to find such a perfect goddess, and I see sister-in-law's appearance, It seems that the cultivation base is also very high."

Although he heard that he was described as a dick by his own sister, Zhang Yang was still very proud of being able to marry such a peerless beauty like Jiao Yang, and it was almost zero cost.

"Forget it, brother, you'd better work hard. With such a beautiful sister-in-law by your side, I don't think your life will be stable in the future. As for Gu Xiaoya and her cousin's emotions, they should settle down in two days. never mind."

When Zhang Yang was smiling and nodding his head in agreement, his face suddenly darkened, and he said in a low voice, "Not good! Braun has something to do!"

Zhang Yang received the distress signal from Bailing, and was about to rush there immediately when he suddenly thought that there was still a scorching sun.

Now that they are husband and wife, since he is leaving, he has to tell Jiaoyang anyway.

Walking into the living room, Zhang Yang saw that Jiaoyang and his mother were chatting happily, and said solemnly: "Mom and Dad, Jiaoyang, I have something urgent to do now, so I need to leave first."

As Zhang Yang said, he was about to go out, and when he told Yan Guixing and the others, and rushed to another world to save Bailing, Jiaoyang stood up directly and followed him.

"Where are you going? My master said that if we become husband and wife with you, I will follow wherever you go, and I will put you first."

Zhang Yang looked at Jiaoyang's businesslike face and felt a little uncomfortable.

This girl really doesn't know anything about feelings!

Bailing once again used a message to call him, and this time he used his voice.

Bai Ling's anxious voice filled Zhang Yang's mind: "Zhang Yang! Where are you, hurry up and save me and senior sister!"

Zhang Yang didn't have so much time to think about it, so he nodded and agreed that Jiaoyang would follow him.

"Okay, let's go, I don't have time to talk to Senior Yan and the others. Zhang Ying, tell Gu Xiaoya for me, and ask her to tell Senior Gu and them that I have something urgent to go out. As long as there are enemies, I will know the first time, so that they don't have to worry."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang frantically swiped in the air, and a space teleportation array appeared in the air. He grabbed Jiao Yang's soft little hand, and rushed into the aperture.

His vision brightened for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, the surrounding scene had turned into oppressive darkness.

This is the darkness unique to other worlds, with cold yin qi all around.

Zhang Yang immediately surrounded himself with true energy, and then coated the scorching sun with another layer.

Jiao Yang was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Master is really right, if he says that he and I become husband and wife, you will definitely take good care of me."

". Jiaoyang, you and I have become husband and wife, accept me, can you not always follow your master's words and get along with me with your true heart?"

(End of this chapter)

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