Temple of Madness

Chapter 345 Conditions

Chapter 345 Conditions
Chapter 345 Conditions

In the dim room, without a ray of light, Zhang Yang felt a little nervous in his little hand, and couldn't help but tighten his hand.

"It's okay, I'm here, don't be afraid."

"Hmph, who said I'm scared, me, I just think it's a little cold here."

Zhang Yang felt very cute about Jiaoyang's act of being brave, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

At this moment, the room suddenly lit up, and a candle was faintly lit in the hands of the man in black.

"Please sit down."

Zhang Yang frowned, pulled the scorching sun to sit down calmly, looked at the man in black in front of him, and asked coldly: "Since you invited us in, and it doesn't look like you are going to do anything to us, do you mean Negotiate terms with us?"

The man in black didn't speak, but kept staring at them unblinkingly, his exposed eyes gleaming with a strange light.

"Hehe, Zhang Yang, you are really smart, don't worry, your friends are only temporarily trapped in a formation by me, and nothing will happen to them. And to be honest, I have been waiting for you."

"wait for me?"

"Yes, we've actually met before. It's just that you left in a hurry last time, so you probably didn't notice me."

Zhang Yang's face turned dark, and from the sneer, he could clearly hear that he was laughing at himself for running away.

Zhang Yang touched his nose, recalling how he fled back then, it was really ugly.

What made him feel ashamed the most was that he was able to escape under the protection of Ziyi at that time.

Zhang Yang looked at the shadow people, and asked in a deep voice, "How can you let them go?"

The black shadow man sat calmly on the chair, slowly raised his arms, exposed pale fingers from under his robe, tapped the table rhythmically, and said with a smile: "I need you to help me get something , may be a little dangerous."

Zhang Yang took a deep breath, he had already guessed that it was not a simple matter, and continued: "I can help you get that thing, but you must let me see if my friend is safe first."

The man in black thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Of course, but you have a friend in purple who is not in a good condition, that is, the girl who helped you block the danger at that time. She was injured by our city lord. Now Still in a coma."


Zhang Yang slapped the table, stood up with a gloomy face, and glared at the man in black angrily.

The man in black didn't seem to see the fire-breathing emotion in Zhang Yang's eyes. He calmly grabbed the air with both hands, and a delicate jade cup appeared in his hand, and then took off his face scarf.

It was a good-looking face, but it had the dead grayish white that is unique to this world, which added a touch of gloom to this handsome face, making it look a bit depressed.

There was an upward smile on the corner of the man in black's mouth, but that gloomy face made people feel like there was a knife hidden in the smile.

"Zhang Yang, let me introduce myself first. My name is Mingyi, and I am the second prince of another world, and my father is the city lord of this other world. My father has taken a fancy to your friend, and I want him to be my son. It’s just that your friend was very stubborn and started to fight on the spot. That’s why I was injured by my father. In fact, your friend should have died at that time, and my father threw him to the back of the mountain, so that She fends for herself, but I saved her with the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill. So in other words, there is no conflict between us, on the contrary, I am still your friend's savior."

Zhang Yang frowned, seeing Mingyi looking at him calmly, but the doubts in his heart did not fade away, on the contrary, he became more vigilant towards him.

"Did you save my friend just to wait for me? As far as I know, the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill is very precious. Would you be willing to use it to save an irrelevant person?"

A strange light flashed in Mingyi's eyes, and he said slowly: "Our high priest told me that when I was three hundred years old, I would meet a mortal who could change my life. With contact, I can change my mortal fate."

Zhang Yang twitched the corners of his mouth, glanced at the scorching sun beside him, and saw her calmly said: "The high priests of other worlds are the same as prophets, and there will be no mistakes in the hexagrams they calculate."

"It seems that this girl knows a lot."

Mingyi looked at the scorching sun with dim eyes, and a flash of amazement inadvertently made Zhang Yang feel very uncomfortable. He moved his body forward and blocked the scorching sun behind him, so that Mingyi would not look at him unscrupulously again. she.

"Ahem, I don't know what you mean by what you said, but I just want to meet my friends now, and then I can be sure if you are really sincere."

Ming Yi smiled and made a gesture of invitation, asking Zhang Yang and the others to follow her to the back room.

Zhang Yang was a little hesitant, but he got up immediately and held on to the scorching sun tightly, fearing that Mingyi's unpredictable character might make him think of scorching sun instead.

While walking in front, Mingyi said slowly: "I heard something about you, you are very powerful, but if you really want to defeat the Yaozu, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Hehe, it seems that you still don't know that this monster clan has united with the people of the Buddha Kingdom?"


Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, he only knew that people from the Buddha Kingdom had also become his enemies, but he really didn't get any news about the alliance between the Yaozu and the Buddha Kingdom.

It seems that their news is still a little behind!

Mingyi continued: "It's normal that you don't know. Originally, neither you nor the monsters of the Buddha Kingdom have any news network, so you must not know."

"Then how do you know? It seems that people from other worlds can't go to the mortal world at all, right?"

People in the other world are very sensitive to sunlight and cannot appear in the mortal world, and the aura of the mortal world is useless to them, so the people in the other world are very powerful, but they never have the intention to occupy the mortal world.

This point made Zhang Yang a little relieved.

"People from other worlds don't go to the mortal world, and they don't bother with your so-called aura. On the contrary, people from other worlds like the place we live in very much. But you have to know that the existence of our other world is considered to be a demon race." Don’t dare to make mistakes, if they get our help, their ambition to occupy the mortal world can be achieved.”

Zhang Yang was startled, and immediately understood what Mingyi meant, and asked in surprise: "People from the Yaozu have looked for you!"

"To be precise, people from the Buddha Kingdom and the Yaozu came to look for us together."

(End of this chapter)

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