Chapter 353
Chapter 353 Strange Baby
Jiao Yang watched Zhang Yang twist his body, and when he was about to let him use his true energy to protect himself, he remembered that he had just said that all his true energy had been absorbed by this weird vine.

Zhang Yang at this moment can be said to be a mortal, as soon as Jiao Yang thought of this, he immediately stopped.

However, the flames had already been shot out, and Zhang Yang was still affected a little.

But those vines were already withdrawn from Zhang Yang's body immediately, allowing him to finally be free, and at the same time he fell heavily to the ground.


Seeing Zhang Yang fell to the ground, the scorching sun instinctively stepped forward to help him, but Zhu Jiuyin on the top of his head had completely broken through the sealing spell, his whole body rushed down, and sprayed a black flame towards the scorching sun.

Scorching Yang's face was shocked, and he quickly shouted to Zhang Yang: "Get out of here quickly! This flame is the fire of hell, but it burns everything!"

When Zhang Yang heard it, he immediately rolled over, avoiding some flames that splashed over.

At this moment, Zhang Yang seemed to hear the cry of a baby, which was very faint, but he was sure that the sound definitely existed, right in the depths of the vines that were frightened by the flames and curled up in a group.

Zhang Yang moved his wrist, feeling that the zhenqi that had been sucked away from his body was recovering little by little. Seeing the vines in front of him temporarily not daring to step forward because of the flames scurrying everywhere outside, Zhang Yang sat on the ground and turned around. The red and blue gossip Yuan Dan in his body began to frantically absorb the aura around him.

While dodging Zhu Jiuyin's attack, the scorching sun glanced at Zhang Yang's back in the cave from the corner of his eye. Seeing that he was absorbing the spiritual energy around him, he began to deal with the huge Zhu Jiuyin in front of him with peace of mind.

"Damn it, you can't use your real strength, you can only be chased and beaten."

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and shouted to Zhang Yang in the cave: "I'll lead this Zhu Jiuyin away first, you go in and search to see what Mingyi wants us to take!"

"Okay! You must be careful yourself!"

Zhang Yang was concerned about the situation on the side of the sun, and the speed of running Yuan Dan was even faster.

I saw the red and blue Yuandan twirling wildly in his body, and a large amount of spiritual energy from all around poured into Zhang Yang's body. After a while, he felt that more than half of his true energy had recovered.

He breathed a sigh of relief, surprised that the reorganized Yuan Dan was so miraculous, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy was more than ten times faster than before. This is simply an invincible cheat.

In other words, no matter what kind of war, as long as he is given a few minutes, he can quickly recover his true energy.

Zhang Yang felt that he had returned to the peak period just now, so he slowly opened his eyes. Only then did he realize that his whole body was covered with blue and red aura, and those vines seemed to be retreating back even more frightened.

Zhang Yang is overjoyed, it seems that his current Yuandan seems to be more sensitive to the fire spirit, and the fire elements around him have become the nemesis of these vines, so there is no need for him to condense any fireball skills, and the vines have already started to dodge on their own in horror .

After verifying his own thoughts, Zhang Yang rushed directly into the group of vines even more recklessly, wanting to see why there was a baby crying inside.

Those vines seemed to have their own intelligence, on the one hand they wanted to prevent Zhang Yang from approaching, but as soon as the protruding vines approached Zhang Yang, they were directly repulsed by the fire spirits around him, and immediately shrank back.

Zhang Yang saw that the vines were tightly wrapped into a ball, and there seemed to be something inside, so he said to the vines in a deep voice: "If you are wise, get out of the way! Otherwise, I will burn you all!"

As Zhang Yang's voice fell, the vines began to twitch in panic, but they still didn't dare to withdraw.

In the end, in order to scare them away, Zhang Yang still condensed a dense ball of fire from his palm, as if he was about to throw it into the ball of vines.

These vines really had their own wisdom, and the moment Zhang Yang's fireball hadn't approached, they immediately spread out, revealing the things they wrapped in the middle.

At this moment, Zhang Yang finally saw what was inside.

It turned out to be a cocoon-like thing, almost exactly the same as the cocoon shells of the great gods he had seen in the secret realm before, except that the cocoon in front of him was smaller, and the thing inside seemed to be a living thing.

As soon as Zhang Yang thought of this, he took a few steps forward more curiously, slowly put his hand on the cocoon shell, lay on the outside of the cocoon shell, and looked inside carefully.

With just this one glance, Zhang Yang almost fell to the ground in fright.

Because what he saw just now was a pair of dark eyes, who were also lying inside, looking at him quietly!
Zhang Yang was frightened into a cold sweat, are those a pair of human eyes?

It was so pitch black that there were no whites of the eyes, and the pupils were all black, and there was no trace of vitality, as if the pupils of the eyes were loose after death.

Is there a dead person inside?
As soon as Zhang Yang had this thought, he immediately shook his head. There couldn't be a dead person inside, because he clearly saw a pair of little hands lying on the cocoon shell that were moving.

And those small hands are clearly a pair of babies!

Could it be that the baby who just cried is the one inside?

Zhang Yang stabilized his beating heart, took a deep breath, and approached the cocoon shell again.

Suddenly there was a loud bang outside, as if the scorching sun and Zhu Jiuyin outside had fallen into a stalemate battle.

Zhang Yang knew that the scorching sun could not exert its full strength now, and dealing with Zhu Jiuyin at the level of Mahayana would be like hitting a stone with an egg, so he was extremely anxious.

"Forget it, death is death! You are the only thing here, and this is probably what Mingyi asked him to find."

Zhang Yang thought about it, and before he had time to think about it, he was so upset that he directly formed fists with both hands, and punched hard at the cocoon shell in front of him.

With a click, a crack appeared in the cocoon shell in an instant, and it cracked directly.

"Cluck, cluck."

A baby's laughter came from inside, and it looked particularly eerie in this silent space.

Zhang Yang looked at the shattered cocoon shell in front of him. There was a small baby on the ground crawling towards him, but the baby was not as cute as he imagined. On the contrary, his body was a dead gray and pale. A pair of dark eyes without whites stared straight at him, making him even more weird.

"You! Who are you!"

Zhang Yang looked nervously at the baby who had already reached his feet. The moment his little hand touched his ankle, his whole body felt as if someone had put a holding spell on him, and he couldn't move at all.

(End of this chapter)

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