Temple of Madness

Chapter 362 Satan

Chapter 362 Satan
Chapter 362 Satan

Yan Guixing said with a solemn face: "If this is the case, then our crisis is very serious. With your current Mahayana realm, it is very easy to fight against a monster clan. But if you add people from the Buddha Kingdom, it will be very serious. Yes, I heard that many people in the Buddha Kingdom are in the Mahayana realm, and they also have people who have reached the copper skin realm."

Zhang Yang's face darkened, and he said with a frown: "It's nothing, actually, I have one thing that I haven't told you all this time."

Everyone looked at Zhang Yang and was slightly taken aback, infected by the dignified aura on his body, a little nervous.

"Zhang Yang, don't you want some amazing news again?"

Zhang Yang sighed and said: "I got the news that the people of the Buddha Kingdom are no longer the followers of the Buddha sitting down. They have been corrupted by the evil gods of the West, and their ambitions may be even stronger than those of the Yaozu." Big."

"The evil god of the West?"

Everyone gasped again, and everyone was stunned in shock, looking at Zhang Yang in disbelief, their hearts beating uneasy, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

There was also a trace of solemnity on Mingyi's expressionless face, and she said in a deep voice, "The evil god of the West? Zhang Yang, can you confirm this news?"

"Well, I'm very sure about this news."

Mingyi thought for a while, and everyone looked at him. Seeing him, they seemed to know the threat of the Western evil god.

"Meiyi, do you know anything about the evil gods of the West?"

Mingyi nodded lightly, and said in a deep voice: "The evil gods of the West are originally a branch of the heavens, but they are self-contained. They have been hiding for thousands of years and control the West. What is the state of their spells, and they None of us know what kind of spells we use well. But our other world has taken in a Western cultivator who escaped from the West. He told us something about the Western evil god Satan."


Everyone looked at Mingyi more curiously. Most of what they know now are those myths and stories from the West. No one knows how much is true or false.

So at this moment, Mingyi has become the focus of everyone.

Mingyi didn't make a fool of herself either, and told the story she had heard.

"The reason why the cultivator escaped to our different world was because he wanted to avoid Satan's pursuit, so he entered the passageway of our different world by accident. This Satan is a devil in Western mythology. In the black mist, no one knew what he looked like. But the practitioner told us that among the western gods, almost the symbol of the protoss is that they will grow a pair of wings, and some people will have six wings and eight wings. Wings, the number of wings is a symbol of their strength, this Satan used to be the sitting archangel of their Western God, but fell because of ambition, and finally became the most rebel against God."

Zhang Yang nodded. He also read this story from a book, but when he saw it, he just regarded it as a fabricated story, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"I remember that it was also said in the book that Satan has his own army and is always in opposition to God."

Mingyi nodded, and said: "Yes, Satan is equivalent to the king of hell, but he is not as gentle as our Eastern Hades. He yearns for strength, so he will devour those souls with high cultivation. The name we protect in another world Practitioners are chased and killed by Satan because of their high strength, trying to devour him."

Zhang Yang's eyes sank, he thought for a while, and said, "I just know that the people in the Buddha Kingdom have actually been brainwashed and controlled by the Western evil gods, but we don't know which Western evil god it is."

Gu Chengfeng thought for a while, then sighed softly: "If we can go to the Buddha Kingdom to take a look, maybe we can know what the Buddha Kingdom is like now. They have been living in seclusion in a secret place, not talking to the outside world. Contact, they are a mystery to us."

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and he saw the mark points of the Buddha Kingdom from the Yuan Wu Tianshu, so he said softly: "You don't have to worry about this, I have a way to find the Buddha Kingdom, when the time comes, I will sneak in and see their details .”


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Zhang Yang in surprise.

"What are you doing? Are you not willing to part with me?"

Gu Chengfeng coughed lightly in embarrassment, then put his hand on Zhang Yang's shoulder and patted it.

"Zhang Yang, don't be in such a hurry, you just came back, take another day of rest before leaving."

"What are you guys hiding from me?"

Zhang Yang found that it seemed that since his appearance today, everyone was trying their best not to let him go out, and to hide something from him together.

"Okay, okay, I think it's getting late today, let's let Zhang Yang go back to sleep first, after all, Zhang Yang has a wife now, so we can't let the newlyweds wait."

Yan Guixing flirted with Gu Chengfeng, and then the two pushed Zhang Yang tacitly, and left from the direction of the back door again.

Zhang Yang was held by the shoulders of the two people all the way, and he didn't even have time to look around, so he was sent directly to the door of the house.

"What are you going to do?"

"Hey, Zhang Yang, you'll know tomorrow, hurry up and go back to accompany the sun, having a child earlier will bring some good news to our Xinhua country!"

Gu Chengfeng and Yan Guixing waved to Zhang Yang with smiles on their faces, and then quickly ran over the way they came.

Zhang Yang pursed his lips, feeling a little puzzled, but still walked towards the bedroom.

Back home, the scorching sun had already fallen asleep, that cute look made Zhang Yang smile.

That's right, he is no longer that poor dick, he is also a man with a wife and a family.

And his wife is a big beauty!
Thinking of this, Zhang Yang became even more proud, lying lightly beside Jiao Yang, and then put his hands on her waist.

Scorching sun slept soundly, in a daze, squinting his eyes and seeing Zhang Yang, he lazily turned around, found a comfortable position in his arms, and continued to sleep.

Zhang Yang smiled flattered, and hugged Jiao Yang's small body even tighter.

It feels so good to be at home!
A good night's sleep. When Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang opened their eyes, they both looked at each other and smiled, but the warmth didn't last long. The parents who broke into the door dragged the two of them separately and went to the next door. guest room and study.

"What are you doing!"

(End of this chapter)

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