Temple of Madness

Chapter 383 Vanguard

Chapter 383 Vanguard
Chapter 383 Pioneer

Seeing Zhang Yang, Yan Guixing said wearily, "You're finally back. We all thought something happened to you. We were just thinking about how to find the secret realm of the Buddha Kingdom and rush over to save you."

Zhang Yang frowned and waved his hands, and said in a deep voice: "I'm coming back this time to tell you a sad news. I got the latest news from the Buddha Kingdom. Their Buddha is dressed up as a fallen angel among the evil gods of the West. And they He also summoned Maitreya Buddha's physical body in the mortal world and became their puppet, and his strength has reached the peak of transformation."

As Zhang Yang's words fell, everyone gasped and looked at him in shock.

"Oh my god, Huajin! Then wouldn't he be able to shatter our secret realm with one palm?"

Zhang Yang looked at everyone with a frown, and sighed. If he told the news later, I'm afraid everyone would panic even more.

Jiaoyang seemed to see his doubts, so he spoke first, and said to everyone: "Not only is Maitreya's physical body in the realm of Huajin, but even the strength of that fallen angel has reached Mingjin. And they have already fought with the Yaozu." People have reached an alliance, and the current strength of the Demon King is probably above Mahayana."

The entire meeting hall fell into a dignified atmosphere, no one said a word, not even gasping, everyone clenched their fists tightly, feeling a little worried in their hearts.

Yan Guixing asked Zhang Yang in a dignified voice: "Then have you figured out a countermeasure? Have you figured out what we should do next?"

Zhang Yang looked around at all the elders in the conference hall, and suddenly found that Ming Yi was not here, so he asked them: "Where is Ming Yi? Why isn't he here?"

Gu Chengfeng said: "Yesterday he said that he has something urgent to go back to another world, and he will be back soon."

Zhang Yang nodded slightly, and said to everyone: "The people in the Buddha Kingdom have the monster clan, and we have people from the art world. People in the whole world are very powerful. The only shortcoming is that they are afraid of the sun. I am afraid that when the time comes, we will In the case of a big war, once it’s daytime, the people of the whole world can’t help us, so we must speed up, so that the practitioners who can practice in the entire Xinhua Kingdom can improve their cultivation as soon as possible, so as to strengthen our own strength.”

Everyone knows that improving their current cultivation level as soon as possible is the most important thing right now, but it is not so simple and easy to improve their cultivation level.

"Zhang Yang, all of us are practicing very hard, and all the practitioners are also practicing almost day and night, but the improvement of strength is very slow, unless we can obtain more resources and more spiritual energy. "

"That's right, Xinhua Kingdom's aura is basically not enough for practitioners to use. If we want to improve our cultivation as soon as possible, we must find a new source of aura."

"It's easy to say, now the entire land of Huaxia is devastated by the Yaozu people, and many resources have been robbed by them. Where can we find new sources of spiritual energy?"

Yan Guixing saw several people discussing fiercely, frowned, and sighed softly: "It would be great if I could find the Penglai Wonderland. I got the comprehension in the Penglai Wonderland at that time, and it was only then that I jumped to the present place." realm."

When Zhang Yang heard Yan Guixing's words, his eyes lit up instantly, and he patted his head and said, "I'm really stupid, how could I forget about Penglai Wonderland."

Yan Guixing looked at Zhang Yang, and asked curiously: "Chaoyang, do you know the location of Penglai Wonderland?"

Zhang Yang showed a mysterious smile, and slowly raised his hands, only to see a miniature version of Penglai Wonderland appeared in his palm, and the appearance surrounded by fairy spirit shocked everyone, his eyes widened, and his jaw almost dropped fell to the ground.

After seeing what was in Zhang Yang's hands, Yan Guixing said with a trembling voice, "My God, you actually got the Penglai Wonderland. When did this happen? I don't know."

Zhang Yang smiled triumphantly, then looked at the scorching sun who had been calm all the time, and said arrogantly: "My wife is the eldest disciple of Penglai Wonderland, so I will naturally have Penglai Wonderland. Since we already have a place to practice Then we don't delay any longer, Senior Yan, you hurry up and organize all the talented practitioners in the Xinhua Kingdom, and arrange for them to enter the Penglai Wonderland to practice. However, this fairyland is only for those who are destined to see it. If you can see the corresponding cave, you can enter to practice, if you can't see it, it means that he has no fate with Penglai Wonderland, and can only stay in Xinhua Kingdom to practice."

Yan Guixing nodded immediately, then turned around with big strides and went out to make arrangements.

The rest of the people looked at it in amazement. The Penglai fairyland in Zhang Yangshou's heart, the curious observers couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation: "I didn't expect to see the Penglai fairyland in my lifetime. It's like a dream."

Gu Chengfeng looked at the scorching sun thoughtfully, and clasped his hands together and asked him, "Are you the old naughty boy's disciple?"

Jiao Yang was slightly taken aback, not thinking that the name of the old naughty boy was known by anyone in this mortal world, so she nodded lightly and looked at Gu Chengfeng curiously.

Zhang Yang also looked at Gu Chengfeng curiously, and asked suspiciously: "Senior Gu, do you know Old Urchin too?"

Gu Chengfeng nodded with a smile on his face, and said: "It should be said that he is not only an acquaintance, but also my mentor. When I was practicing, if I hadn't been taught by the old naughty senior, I would have I will never be able to improve my strength. It’s just that the old naughty boy’s whereabouts are erratic. I’ve searched for many years, but I haven’t found any news about him. I didn’t expect to find out about him today. I don’t know where the old naughty senior is now. meet him?"

Jiao Yang pursed his lips and looked at Gu Chengfeng's sincere face, and said with a sigh: "I'm afraid you won't see him now, he's in the Yaozu."

"Yaozu! How did senior naughty boy come to Yaozu? What's going on here?"

Gu Chengfeng turned pale with shock, and looked at the arrogant body in astonishment. I don't know much about it. I also contacted him not long ago, and knew that he was taken away by the Yaozu. He is not in any danger for the time being. You also know that he is very capable. Ordinary people can't do anything to him. The people of the Yaozu must have used some trick to deceive him and seal his cultivation base. "

Gu Chengfeng frowned, and said worriedly: "The Yaozu people have too many thoughts, I'm afraid they will be bad for senior urchins."

(End of this chapter)

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