Chapter 388
Chapter 388

Seeing the glaring look of the head of Emei, Zhang Yang frowned, greeted the corners of his lips, shook his head and said: "Sorry, I don't know about this matter, all arrangements are made by Yan Guixing and senior Gu Chengfeng. Yes, as for who is allowed to enter and who is not allowed to enter, I don’t know.”

The head of Emei sneered, and said: "Hehe, what Zhang Zhenren said was really easy, did you sweep me out of Emei with a single sentence? It seems that Zhang Zhenren is not really friendly to our Emei's stator. .”

Zhang Yang frowned and looked at the head of Emei, and found that her current aura had completely changed, and she had lost all the kindness and kindness she had just now, as if she was about to fight him at any time.

"It seems that the master has a lot of complaints about me."

"Hehe, I don't dare. Zhang Zhen is now, but the leader of the Xinghua country's human race has accepted the people of the Buddha country, and the population is prosperous. How can I, a little head of Emei, dare to challenge him?"

Zhang Yang's face gradually became gloomy, looking at the attitude of the head outside who seemed to be looking for trouble with him, he said coldly: "I see you now, head, it seems that you really don't want to talk to me, on the contrary, you want to come Looking for trouble. But I want to advise you, people have to bow their heads under the eaves."

The head of Emei was slightly taken aback, and looked at Zhang Yang in surprise, not expecting him to talk to him like this.

I saw that the head of Emei immediately stood up dissatisfied, and when he was about to raise his hand to pat the table, he suddenly paused, and finally put his hand down slowly, and his tone became softer, polite Said: "Master Zhang, what are you talking about? We are all on the same boat now, and we will naturally be of one mind. Since you have not arranged for my Emei disciples to enter the Penglai Wonderland, then I wonder if you can let my Emei disciples, How about entering your magic circle to practice?"

Zhang Yang's long and slender fingers tapped rhythmically on the table, making a thud-thump sound from time to time. His calm and prestige made the head of Emei stunned and surprised.

When I met Zhang Yang before, he was very polite to him, but now, he is completely like a king, and the contempt in his eyes makes the head of Emei very dissatisfied.

For a moment, the room fell into an embarrassing silence, and no one spoke. Just like that, Zhang Yang and the head of Emei were deadlocked.

"Since Zhang Zhenren doesn't want to let Emei disciples enter the magic circle to practice, what kind of cooperation alliance will we talk about in the future? It seems that we can't stay in this secret place of Xinhua Kingdom. In this case, I might as well take Emei disciples away. Anyway, the monster The people of the clan are dealing with you, not me, Emei."

Zhang Yang snorted coldly, put away the coldness in his eyes, and smiled faintly.

"Why is the head so angry? I didn't say I wouldn't let you go, I was just wondering how many people there are in Emei? I can arrange the seats so that there will be too many practitioners and everyone will be too crowded in a magic circle .”

Seeing that Zhang Yang finally let go, the head of Emei's face softened a little, and said in a deep voice: "I have a total of 300 Emei disciples. I have seen your magic circle, and there is no need to arrange a special place for us. Now most of the people in Xinhua Kingdom All the practitioners have been transferred to Penglai Wonderland, and I think there are more than enough places anyway, if Master Zhang agrees, I will go back and arrange my address now, and enter the magic circle to practice."

Zhang Yang smiled and nodded, without saying much, he watched the head of Emei walk away with windy strides at his feet.

At the moment when the head of Emei left, Ming Yi, who had been silent all the time, slowly said: "There is something wrong with this head of Emei. I just wanted to check her heart, but I found that she seemed to have a strange power in her body. Prevent others from prying into her heart."

"Mysterious power? What do you mean?"

Mingyi thought for a while, then shook her head lightly and said: "I'm not sure about this, but I can be sure that the power in him does not belong to him, it belongs to another person, and this person's The strength is very high, it should be in the realm of Anjin."

Zhang Yang's face sank, and he frowned, thinking that none of the people the head of Emei had contacted seemed to have reached Ming Jin's strength.

What made him most curious was that Yan Guixing and Gu Chengfeng were always hospitable, so why did they refuse Emei disciples to enter Penglai Wonderland?
The more Zhang Yang thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he said to Jiaoyang and Mingyi with a solemn face: "It's a bit weird to be the head, I'm going to ask Senior Yan why they are wary of people from Emei."

"Well, you go, I just let Mingyi absorb the remaining spiritual fire from the body."

When Zhang Yang heard this, he immediately grabbed Mingyi and said to Jiaoyang: "No need, I will do the rest. I happen to be in the Penglai Wonderland so I can absorb the spiritual fire for him. By the way, let him have a look, Penglai." What does fairyland look like?"

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he didn't give Jiaoyang a chance to speak. With a wave of his hands, he opened the secret door of Penglai Wonderland, dragged Ming Yi who was not ready, and jumped in.

The eyes of the two of them lit up, and the surroundings were filled with a tangy fragrance, and Ming Yi couldn't move his eyes away from the picturesque beauty in front of him.

"So this is Penglai Wonderland. I once heard those practitioners say that Penglai Wonderland is the most beautiful place in the world. It seems that it is true."

Zhang Yang looked at Mingyi, did not speak, but slowly closed his eyes, sensing the aura around him.

Now this Penglai fairyland belongs to him, and it can be said that it has been connected with his spirit. As long as he explores a little, he can know who is in every corner and what happened.

After a while, his spiritual power found the figures of Yan Guixing and the others, and without saying much, he dragged Mingyi to the cave.

Walking into this cave, the two of them were enveloped in thick flames. Mingyi, as a person in the world, couldn't stand the high temperature, and his forehead was covered with sweat in an instant.

Zhang Yang looked at him, as if he was going to be unable to hold on, and said to him: "If you can't stand the high temperature here, just wait for me at the entrance of the cave."

"it is good."

Mingyi immediately walked out of the cave, and breathed a sigh of relief at the entrance of the cave as if relieved.

Zhang Yang strode into the cave, felt the strong fire spirits around him, and the volcanic lava all over the ground, and nodded lightly. This is indeed very consistent with Yan Guixing's aura. It will greatly increase his strength.

Before he had gone far, Zhang Yang saw Yan Guixing who had already settled down in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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