Chapter 396
Chapter 396

Standing outside the entrance of the cave, Zhang Yang and Mingyi listened to the crying sound from inside, and couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

Think about it, these people are also pitiful, they have no choice but to have their souls taken away arbitrarily, leaving only a body, and they have to become puppets.

Zhang Yang only hopes to resolve the disputes in the Chinese mainland as soon as possible, drive the monster race back completely, or seal them so that they will never appear, and restore the stability of the human race.

Those souls who died innocently were reincarnated again, and they also had a peaceful home.

While Zhang Yang was thinking about it with emotion, the scorching sun came out of the cave slowly, glanced at the sun rising high above his head, and stretched lazily.

"Sure enough, things like dark spirits are too uncomfortable for normal mortal bodies like us, and it's most comfortable to bask in the sun."

Zhang Yang nodded lightly, and said with a long sigh of relief: "We have solved a difficult problem. Without the team of living dead, we have an extra chance of winning. Next, we will continue to the Yaozu. Rescue your master and Bai Ling, I always have a hunch that there may be more people arrested by the Yaozu this time."

Jiao Yang nodded, and when he was about to leave with Zhang Yang, Ming Yi did not move.

"... Sorry Zhang Yang, I want to go back to another world."

"...Okay, it's fine."

Zhang Yang tore open the space tunnel again casually, and waved to Mingyi.

"Then I will act separately here. By the way, you take this communication talisman. This communication talisman can be used many times. We will keep in touch at any time."

"Okay, the two of you must be careful when you go to the Yaozu."

Mingyi condensed a dense black hole in front of her, and when she was about to lift her foot into it, she suddenly thought of something, turned around and said to Jiaoyang: "Jiaoyang, I almost forgot, this time when I came back, Pluto Let me give you something, saying it will be of great use to you."

Mingyi took out a small jade pendant from her bosom, and threw it into the scorching sun.

Jiao Yang stretched out his hand to grab it, but before he saw what was in his hand, he suddenly felt a warm current coming from the palm of his hand, flowing through his whole body like an electric current.

Zhang Yang saw that the face of the sun changed, and asked her strangely: "What's the matter with you? What did Pluto give you?"

Scorching Yang exhaled a long breath, his eyes were full of excitement, and excitedly said to Zhang Yang: "Haha! Me! I don't have to suppress my strength anymore!"

"What do you mean? Didn't you suffer some kind of curse? Once you use the strength beyond the Mahayana realm, will it cause thunder disaster?"

Jiaoyang looked at Mingyi excitedly, only to see him nodding faintly, turning around and walking into the black hole he had transformed into, before disappearing in front of them in an instant.

"Pluto gave me this thing to resolve the curse. My master said that we Suzaku were expelled from China, so there is a curse on us. Even if our strength exceeds the Mahayana realm, as long as we If you use the strength above the Mahayana realm, you will be robbed by lightning, and even seriously destroyed."

"Being expelled from the Chinese mainland, why is this? Haven't you been the patron saint of China when you go out?"

"I don't know, Shenwu, White Tiger, Qinglong, and Suzaku are indeed divine beasts that protect the Chinese mainland. But hundreds of years ago, we were rejected by the district masters of the Chinese mainland, and even the Qinglong clan was never allowed to step in."

Zhang Yang looked at the scorching sun in surprise, and suddenly felt that China still had a lot of secrets. How could the four great beasts that were once sought after by everyone be so disgusting?There must be some misunderstanding here.

Jiao Yang looked at Zhang Yang, and was already stunned in surprise, so he pushed him. .

"Okay, this is all in the past. It has been so many years. Why were we expelled from the Chinese mainland by the four great beasts? We don't know. If you want to know the truth, you may only see me." Parents may know. Didn’t my master say it? As long as I follow you, I will be able to see my parents one day, and maybe by then the questions in our hearts will be answered.”

Zhang Yang nodded with his brows furrowed, held Jiao Yang's little hand tightly, and said firmly, "Jiao Yang, I will definitely not let you suffer any grievances."

"I'm happy with your words. Let's think about how to rescue my master and the others now. Maybe my master also knows something about that year."


The two walked into the teleportation formation holding hands, their eyes suddenly darkened, and they returned to the deep cracks in the Daxing'an Mountains again, and the four weeks were full of cold air.

"...How can we find out where the old urchins are locked up?"

Zhang Yang looked at the darkness all around, and occasionally there were a few hisses of wild animals from a distance, but he found nothing, which made him feel a little frustrated.

Jiao Yang suddenly slapped his forehead, and said with a smile: "I know how to contact my master, I'm such a fool, I forgot about this thing."

As Jiao Yang said, he took out the communication jade pendant with the old naughty boy from his pocket.

Zhang Yang glanced around, and walked to a dark gap next to him.

"Since we want to contact the old naughty boy, we must be careful not to be discovered by the Yaozu people. I will set up an isolation barrier here."

Jiao Yang nodded, seeing that Zhang Yang was not good at isolating the formations, to ensure that they would not be discovered by the Yaozu people, and then contacted the old naughty boy.

Scorching Yang recited the mantra silently, tapped the jade pendant a few times, and saw the jade pendant glistening, and after a while, the voice of the old urchin sounded from inside.

"Hey, apprentice, what do you want to do with the master? Did you miss me? Or did that bastard Zhang Yang bully you?"

Originally thought that the old naughty boy must be very uncomfortable being imprisoned by the Yaozu people, but when he heard his relaxed and calm voice, Zhang Yang's face suddenly became gloomy, and he said dissatisfiedly: "Can you hope that our husband and wife will be well?" ? Where have I ever bullied Jiaoyang, and it was too late for me to love her."

"Oh? It turns out that Zhang Yang is also at the side. How is it? When are you two going to make a human?"

Zhang Yang's face became more gloomy, he clenched his fists tightly, took a deep breath, and tried to keep calm and said: "Senior old naughty boy, can we talk about business? Didn't you get captured by the Yaozu people? We are now Yaozu, ready to save you."

"Ah? You are in the Yaozu, so tell me where you are, and I'll go find you, just as I'm also missing the scorching sun."

"You, aren't you locked up?"

(End of this chapter)

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