Temple of Madness

Chapter 403 Subject Country

Chapter 403 Subject Country

Chapter 403 Subject Country
The elder of the Yaozu walked two steps forward slowly, bowed to the Buddhist people in the air, and said with a very respectful attitude: "Our Yaozu has assembled a brigade, waiting for the Buddha to give orders."

The Buddhist man who was the leader slowly landed in the air and stood in front of the Yaozu elders.

"Let people like you from the Monster Race follow us."


The way the Yaozu elder nodded and bowed to the people from the Buddha Kingdom made Zhang Yang stunned.

What's happening here?
Isn't the Yaozu and the people of the Buddhist kingdom not an alliance, but a relationship of dependence?

Just when Zhang Yang was curious about the relationship between the monster clan and the people of the Buddha country, he saw the people of the Buddha country suddenly waved his hand at the army of the monster clan.

The elders of the Yaozu were also taken aback for a moment, thinking that the people from the Buddha Kingdom were going to attack their own people, so they immediately panicked and shouted: "What are you doing? Aren't we allies?"

Just when everyone in the Yaozu thought that the people from the Buddha Kingdom were going to attack them, they suddenly found a faint golden light floating on their bodies, and they felt any danger to you.

The people from the Buddha Kingdom glanced at the Yaozu elders with disdain, and said in a cold voice: "Don't worry, since we are allies, I will definitely not hurt you. This is the Buddha's light, and I will attach it to you, so that your body The armor will increase by 10 times."

The elder of the Yaozu was overjoyed when he heard this, and said to the people of the Buddha Kingdom: "Thank you so much. If there is an improvement in armor, coupled with our own defense of the Yaozu, it must be that the publicity Even if you have the best hands and eyes, you will definitely be defeated, and by then, the entire land of China will be ours."

"Hehe, don't forget the deal we said before. We helped you win the land of China, but you have to capture that Zhang Yang alive. And when you came, the doctor also said that you should take the man next to Zhang Yang. The woman, who seems to be called Jiaoyang, was also captured alive and presented to the Buddha."

Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang were slightly taken aback, looked at each other in amazement, and finally showed a contemptuous smile helplessly.

Are they thinking too weakly of themselves?
Anyway, he and Jiao Yang, one is in the realm of iron bones, the other is in the realm of bright strength. Facing these monsters below Mahayana, it is not enough to slap a large number of them to death.

Just when Zhang Yang was contemptuous of the people from the Buddha Kingdom, he was too overwhelmed, a cold voice suddenly came from the castle, and he looked at it with a solemn expression.

This voice is the demon king!

"Can't I give that kid Zhang Yang to you? I'm going to kill him with my own hands to relieve my hatred!"

The man from the Buddha Kingdom sneered, and said disdainfully: "Hehe, are you not going to listen to the Great Buddha? Or do you want to fight against the Great Buddha?"

There was silence in the castle, and there was no more voice from the Demon King, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

The people in the Buddhist Kingdom had no patience, waved at the trembling monsters, and ordered: "You all come with me."

The elders of the monster tribe looked at the people from the Buddha kingdom with mixed feelings, and the demon king in the castle didn't say anything, just let the people of the Buddha kingdom lead the soldiers of the monster tribe to walk slowly into the distance , until they disappeared, the elders of the Yaozu sighed softly.

"Demon King, is it right for us to cooperate with the people of the Buddha Kingdom? I always have a hunch that the people of the Buddha Kingdom are not so friendly."

"...I heard that Zhang Yang has reached the realm of iron bones. If we don't cooperate with people from the Buddha Kingdom, then our family has no chance of winning."

The elders of the tribe shook their heads helplessly, and walked slowly towards the castle.

Even more curious, he looked at the direction where the Yaozu elders disappeared, and was about to open his mouth to talk to the scorching sun, but suddenly thought that if they were discovered by the demon king here, their previous efforts would be wasted, so he slowly approached the scorching sun with his spiritual power.

Zhang Yang's voice instantly came to Jiao Yang's mind: "Jiao Yang, do you feel that the relationship between the Demon King and the Buddha Kingdom is very delicate?"

"...Well, I also feel it. It seems that they are not allies, but have become our country's vassal state. The most important thing is that I just heard the voice of the demon king, and I feel something is wrong."

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback, carefully recalling the voice of the demon king just now, there was nothing strange about it, facing the scorching sun, he asked, "What's strange about it? I don't seem to have noticed anything."

"...I can't say it, I just feel that her aura is a bit confused. When he was talking, I obviously felt that the four weeks of spiritual energy fluctuations were abnormal. And don't you think it's strange? The army of the monster clan has already set off, and As the king of the monster clan, he has not shown up for a long time, why? Could it be that his injury has not recovered yet?"

Hearing the scorching sun's doubts, Zhang Yang immediately frowned, and suddenly realized something, got up immediately, and said in a deep voice: "There is no one in this demon clan, only the demon king and his elder, let's go in and have a look, If it really doesn't work, the two of us will do it directly. I don't believe in capturing the thief first, and I think that after those two old things are slaughtered, people from the Yaozu would dare to attack my Xinhua Kingdom."

Jiao Yang thought for a while and said hesitantly: "You should send a message to Senior Yan first, tell him that the people from the Yaozu and the Buddha Kingdom have already set off, and let him get ready."

Zhang Yang nodded, and quickly took out the communication symbol with Yan Guixing.

"Zhang Yang, what's the matter?"

"I'm in the Yaozu now. The people from the Buddha Kingdom have just brought the Yaozu people to attack the Xinhua Kingdom, but I'm not sure if they can find our location. I'll change the direction of the secret realm first, you It will also gather all the monks in the Xinhua Kingdom to prepare for the big battle."

Yan Guixing said in a heavy voice: "Okay, I understand, you all be careful."

After breaking contact with Yan Guixing, Zhang Yang swayed the magic circle on the spot, recited the mantra silently in his heart, and changed the direction of the secret realm of Xinhua Kingdom. them.

After doing everything, Zhang Yang and Zhang Yang simply took off the invisibility cloak from their bodies.

"Anyway, there are only the demon king and his dog leg here. The strength of the two of them may not reach the realm of copper skin. The two of us can easily deal with it."

"Well, don't forget the purpose of our visit this time. If we can kill them directly, we will kill them both. If not, we must get Aunt Mei's life card."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

(End of this chapter)

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