Temple of Madness

Chapter 411 Crisis

Chapter 411 Crisis
Chapter 411 Crisis

After seeing off Aunt Mei, Zhang Yang and Jiao Yang sighed.

"It seems that our current opponent is no longer a member of the Yaozu, but the Satan of the West."

Zhang Yang nodded, recalling all the records he had read about Satan in the book, but found that they were all full of mythology, none of them were true, and the label on him was only evil.

"Forget it, let's not think about it for now. The people from the Buddha Kingdom have already taken the Yaozu people to the Xinhua Kingdom. I don't know if they have found the address of the secret place of the Xinhua Kingdom."

"Well, I suggest you change the orientation of the secret realm of Xinhua Kingdom again."

Zhang Yang nodded, clasped his hands together, recited the incantation silently, and shifted the direction of the bond between his heart and the secret realm of Xinhua Kingdom.

And at this moment, the communication symbol with Yan Guixing in Zhang Yang's pocket suddenly made a beeping sound.

Zhang Yang frowned, feeling that Yan Guixing suddenly contacted him at this time, it must be something important happened to Xinhua, so he quickly picked up the communication talisman.

"Senior Yan, did something happen to Xinhua Kingdom?"

"Zhang Yang, when you were just shifting the location of the secret realm, we were suddenly hit by an impact, as if someone had launched an attack on us in the gap in space."


Zhang Yang was startled immediately, and sat up from the ground suddenly.

Yan Guixing said in a low voice: "Zhang Yang, don't worry, the impact just now was just one blow, and I am now preparing to take a few practitioners outside the secret realm to find out the news."

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and was afraid that Xinhua would be in danger abroad, so he said to Yan Guixing, "Senior Yan, you should not act yet. Jiao Yang and I will rush back to Xinhua immediately. Let us investigate the situation."

Yan Guixing was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "That's fine, the highest level of all the cultivators in Xinhua Kingdom is only level 8 fighters, if they go out rashly, they may all be lost. You and Jiaoyang It's different, the strength is more profound, and you have the ability to protect yourself, everything depends on you."

"Well, you should rectify at Xinhua International Travel Service first, and everything will be discussed after I go back."

After breaking contact with Yan Guixing, Zhang Yang looked at the scorching sun with his brows furrowed.

"Let's go, the secret place of Xinhua Kingdom has probably been discovered by them, we must leave immediately."

Jiao Yang nodded immediately, suddenly thought of something, and said to Zhang Yang: "Don't you think it's strange? How could the location of Xinhua Kingdom be discovered so easily, and it has changed locations twice in a row."

Zhang Yang's eyes sank, and a cold smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, needless to say, I must have that room in my heart, and the traitors there are those people from Mount Emei."

"...Maybe you're right. Didn't you say that? The head of Emei seems to have been transferred. If this is the case, he is probably a spy sent by the Buddha Kingdom."

Zhang Yang nodded, turned around without further ado and tore a space tunnel in the air behind him. When he was about to walk in with Jiao Yang, Zhang Yang slapped his head and thought of something?
"Oh, the scorching sun almost forgot our most important thing this time."

"What is it?"

Jiao Yang looked at Zhang Yang suspiciously, and tilted his head, that very playful look made Zhang Yang immediately happy, and the depression in his heart was relieved by half.

Zhang Yang hugged Jiaoyang lightly, and said: "Jiaoyang, have you forgotten? The main purpose of our visit to Yaozu this time is to rescue those hostages. After so many things just now, we have forgotten these people." .”

Jiao Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that they came this time to rescue the old naughty boy and Bai Ling.

Now the life and death of the old naughty boy is uncertain, and he was taken away by Aunt Mei, while Bai Ling was still watching the battle in the demon clan's dungeon.

"Do you want me to save Bailing?"

Zhang Yang nodded, and said in a deep voice: "You don't know the location of Xinhua Kingdom, so I can only go, and saving Bailing is also very important. Her strength is indispensable in Xinhua Kingdom."

All practitioners are the mainstay of the human race, and Bailing is stronger than other ordinary practitioners. He plays a pivotal role in the war, so they must rescue Bailing out of reason.

Zhang Yang nodded, and looked at Zhang Yang worriedly.

"Then you must be careful when you go alone. If it is really a member of the demon clan and the Buddha country, and the soldiers are already approaching the city, the matter may be very serious. Although you have reached the realm of iron bones, the people of the Buddha country are unfathomable. It is very likely that there are many people who are stronger than you. When you are investigating the news, if you encounter any danger, you don’t have to fight them head-on, and try to escape first. Didn’t Aunt Mei say it when she left? She will go to the gods to tell Yuanshi Tianzun, let them send the great power of the Protoss to help us, so we just need to stall for time."

Seeing that Jiaoyang's eyes were full of worry, Zhang Yang was only planning for himself, hugged her contentedly, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not a fool, if I can't beat me, I won't fight recklessly."

"Okay, then I'll go save Bailing first."

Seeing that Jiaoyang was about to leave, Zhang Yang quickly grabbed her, took out a piece of yellow paper from his pocket, imprinted his spiritual imprint on it, and handed it to her.

"You take this, as long as you rescue Bai Ling, you use this yellow paper to contact me, and I will teach you to bring it into the Xinhua Secret Realm."

"it is good."

Scorching Sun took the yellow paper, put it into his arms, then dodged and flew towards the direction he came from.

Zhang Yang looked at the direction where the scorching sun disappeared with dim eyes, and couldn't help sighing softly.

Although Aunt Mei said that she would go to the Protoss to find the great powers of the Protoss to help them, but this day is a year in the mortal world, who can be sure how long it will take Aunt Mei?
Zhang Yang made the worst plan, maybe it would take several years for Aunt Mei to go back and forth, and they might not be able to wait for that time, so Zhang Yang had to make two preparations.

One is that they resisted desperately, and waited until Aunt Mei came down to the mortal world with the power of the gods to help them.

One is to rely on themselves, Zhang Yang must improve his strength as soon as possible, but now time is running out, Zhang Yang is not sure what level he can improve to.

And even if Zhang Yang's strength is advancing by leaps and bounds alone, the practitioners of the human race generally stay at level 8 warriors, which is far from those practitioners who have reached the level of Mahayana and above.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang became even more anxious, and approached with frowning, in the space tunnel.

The space tunnel slowly closed, and Four Weeks fell into tranquility again.

(End of this chapter)

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