Temple of Madness

Chapter 417 Robbery

Chapter 417 Robbery
Chapter 417 Robbery

This Wang Mingtong was one of the first batch of aborigines when the Xinhua Kingdom was established, so he is rather cunning and knows how to protect himself wisely.

It's just that Zhang Yang hasn't come back to Xinhua Kingdom for a long time, and he doesn't know much about the situation in the country. If he wants to know where Wang Mingtong lives, he can only contact Yan Guixing first.

Yan Guixing hurriedly told Zhang Yang an address and continued to get busy.

Zhang Yang glanced at the address in his hand and couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that Wang Mingtong would really choose, and he chose the most quiet and comfortable place.

Zhang Yang's mind moved, and his body instantly appeared at the gate of Wang Mingtong's yard.

At this moment, Wang Mingtong was lazily sitting on the bench in the yard, stretched comfortably, and looked at Zhang Yang with squinted eyes.

"I just said why my eyelids have been twitching all the time today. It turned out to be you. It looks like I'm going to bleed heavily again today."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately showed a smile on his face. Like a friend he hadn't seen for many years, he walked to Wang Mingtong's side, sat down on the chair next to him, crossed his legs, and leaned back leisurely.

The sun was very warm on his body, and he seemed to have not enjoyed this feeling for a long time.

Zhang Yang was so comfortable that he began to doze off again while relying on the leaning, completely forgetting about the business.

Wang Mingtong watched Zhang Yang doze off and shook his head helplessly.

"Hey! I said, can you have some professional ethics? Don't forget that you are here to rob, and you just sit in my yard so calmly, making me panic all the time, and it is easy to cause great trauma to my heart , you still have something to say quickly."

Zhang Yuan slowly opened his eyes, looked at Wang Mingtong's lamb waiting to be slaughtered dumbfoundedly, and waved his hands with a smile.

"Can you stop what I said being so cruel? What is robbery? I'm just here to take care of your business and see if you have any good things so I can buy them. Besides, brother is not short of money now."

As Zhang Yang said, he patted his chest triumphantly, and raised his chin arrogantly, as if he was pretending to be a wealthy upstart.

It's just that the words behind made Wang Mingtong's face darken in an instant, and the corners of his mouth twitched, wishing he could rush forward and fight Zhang Yang to the death.

"It's just that, as you know, although I'm not short of money, it also depends on the price. If some things are too expensive, I don't mind using violence."

Wang Mingtong gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Yang, and squeezed out a sentence between his teeth: "...you are ruthless."

Wang Mingtong is now depressed and heartbroken, and when he thinks of those good treasures in his collection, it is very likely that they will all be scoured by Zhang Yang, and his heart throbs even more.

"Don't worry, I won't make any excessive demands. Besides, I still have character. I just want to ask if you have something like a communication symbol that will never be damaged?"

Wang Mingtong was already prepared to be ransacked. He was taken aback when he heard Zhang Yang's words, and asked in disbelief, "What did you say? You only need a communication symbol? You're not lying to me, are you?"

"Why am I lying to you? Tell me quickly, is there any? Can you stop looking at me like a robber. Anyway, I can be regarded as the leader of a country now. Give me some face."

Wang Mingtong looked at Zhang Yang with a smile on his face, took out the fan from the side, and walked slowly towards his room while fanning it.

Seeing that Zhang Yang didn't keep up, he turned his head and said to him, "Aren't you in a hurry to get the communication symbol? Then come in with me and get it. I can still get this kind of thing, so I will give it to you."

Zhang Yang was overjoyed immediately, and quickly followed Wang Mingtong to the room.

It was only after entering Wang Mingtong's room that Zhang Yang truly understood what life as a petty bourgeoisie is.

Even now, Xinhua is in the low pressure of the imminent war, Wang Mingtong is still drinking coffee every day, basking in the sun, and the decoration in the room is very luxurious, which is completely different from the simple courtyard outside.

"I said that you are living a good life, why don't you feel the danger of the coming war?"

Wang Mingtong walked towards the wooden cabinet in the corner with a smile, and while searching for the communication symbol inside, he said to Zhang Yang: "Of course I am also nervous, but what's the use of being nervous? Although my strength can barely be seen In the past, I was not good at fighting, but I was good at running. Besides, no one in Xinhua Kingdom now knows that as long as you are Zhang Yang, our human race will have a peaceful life one day."

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, touched his nose, and said with some embarrassment: "Is this the person you're talking about? No matter what I listen to, it feels like you're talking about someone else."

"Of course I'm talking about you. Now everyone in Xinhua Kingdom worships you very much and regards you as a god in their hearts. As long as you are here, the human race will have hope, but..."

Wang Mingtong, who had always been relaxed, suddenly darkened, and took a serious look. Zhang Yang put the two pieces of exquisite jade in his hands.

"It's just that I really want to know, how sure are you about this war?"

Zhang Yang took the jade in his hand, looked at Wang Mingtong's serious face, and suddenly felt that he didn't know the person in front of him.

Zhang Yang also put away his smile, frowned and thought about the current situation. He didn't hide anything from Wang Mingtong, and said in a deep voice: "I only have half the chance of winning. This time our enemies are not only the monster race, but also In the Buddhist kingdom that has been hidden for many years, their strength is stronger than that of the monster race, and many masters have already reached the realm of Mahayana or higher."

In fact, these things should not be told to the ordinary residents of Xinhua Kingdom, it is a secret that only high-level practitioners can know.

But Wang Mingtong can be regarded as a practitioner, and Zhang Yang has always felt that he is an outsider. Even if his strength is not enough, there is definitely a big tree behind him.

Wang Mingtong looked at Zhang Yang thoughtfully, and finally he couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, and restored his cynical smile.

"Zhang Yang, these things shouldn't be told to ordinary people like us. If you tell me directly like this, aren't you afraid that I will defect in battle, or run away and abandon the country when the war comes?"

Zhang Yang also smiled faintly, looked at Wang Mingtong with a firm face, and said seriously: "I know you won't."

"Are you so confident in me? The relationship between the two of us doesn't seem to be that familiar yet."

"I believe in you. I have a pretty good eye for people. I believe that you will fight side by side with us all the time."

(End of this chapter)

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